Sharpen your pencils, Psychic Playmates - Major information download coming in this week as Mercury's presence in Pisces means communication happening without restriction, through the feelings.
Indeed, this last month there's been a huge gathering of the planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Neptune) in Pisces, the sign that stores all things that don't fit in any of the other signs - and thus there has been a spotlight particularly on those people who don't seem to fit into society. Whether you've been more conscious of homeless people on the streets or been on the verge of homelessness yourself, most likely this month you felt in someway more aware, more connected to the plight of those in need.
Now that we feel their/our pain, now that we know, what should be done? Mercury having absorbed the FEELINGS of what's going on, will leave Pisces and bring us Aries INTELLIGENCE late Monday afternoon. What are we likely to hear? First beware of vague Piscean rumors now presented as truth. Mercury in Aries wants to be first with the story and doesn't always check the details so there are likely to be some pretty wild fantasies being reported. However, on Wednesday, March 23 Mercury catches up with the illuminating Sun and I think this alignment is going to hit like a megawatt spotlight. Look for major revelations in the news. The truth behind the Flint Michigan water cover-up, Donald Trump's business dealings, Hilary Clinton's emails and Bill Cosby's escapades - they could all be calling for our attention this week. Indeed, there's a real potential we'll be feeling smothered with Way Too Much Information. The thing to ask yourself then is, "What information is useful for me?" and refused to have your time and attention hijacked by the 24Hour News machine.
Even though there will be more than a truck load of misinformation flying about over the next five days, there will also be some nuggets of worthwhile truths - but just because a fact is true doesn't mean it should be shared. Mercury in Aries can create a desire to get things off one's chest - to confess! - and this is not always the wisest route. Please, this week more than ever, think before you speak! Don't over commit because....
Jupiter will be squaring Saturn on Wednesday. Over-exuberant plans could bump up against harsh reality today. The limits of the bank account may be felt as bills from impulsive spending come due or if we've been acting as if calories don't count this could be the day our jeans don't fit. Today is the day we hit the wall. Then with Saturn turning retrograde Friday this all suggests this will be the week of restructuring boundaries and re-negotiating agreements.
Wednesday night we have the full moon lunar eclipse in Libra, the sign of partnership which means this is NOT a good day for making agreements as many considerations could be hidden or ignored.
The good news is a very positive line up of planets is coming together Saturday night March 26. Venus will have sextiled Pluto early in the day paving a road for rejuvenation. Then the Moon will come along and trine Neptune, filling us all with renewed faith in the endless possibilities. Finally the Moon will sextile Jupiter and Pluto, giving even stronger evidence of good potential being positively used.
It will be interesting to watch what results from Obama's visit to Cuba. The planets in Pisces could represent the spotlight is on a nation of people condemned to live outside world society, the positive aspects could point to some real information being exchanged but the eclipse tells me we aren't going to be getting the "full story". Still, with such excellent aspects at the end of the week I am optimistic this visit is leading to change we can believe in.
Rosada, EXT 2340
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