Saturday, May 28, 2016

New Moon in Gemini: Something to Talk About

The new Moon is happening June 4 in the sign Gemini, the sign famous for flirtations and communications.

To fully understand what this means lets back track a moment and consider where this energy is coming from:

The Moon will be in Aries Monday, all about getting things started. It's a feeling of tremendous get up and go. Nothing stops an Aries because they single mindedly pursue their goals. Moreover, they don't get stalled by unnecessary considerations. For example, although known for being fiercely competitive a true Aries will never carry a grudge because to do so would weigh them down. Furthermore, if they do come to feel a goal is unattainable they will abandon it, pick a new and never look back.

The Moon enters Taurus Wednesday night June 1. Stable, stuck and unchanging are the key words for describing Taurus energy - quite the opposite of Aries.. Together they embody the classic case of the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object and  when they do - wham! - somethings got to give.

What gives is demonstrated by Gemini - the sign depicting energy scattering in a million different directions. If energy is blocked in one place it will bounce about and find a path some place else. Likewise, planets in Gemini don't maintain a steady pattern for long. They will only manifest in brief outbursts. Thus when we have Mercury, the planet ruling communication, in Gemini our attention span seems shorter and we can absorb only quick ideas. Venus here wants romances that are filled with Gemini qualities, that is, words, love notes and wit. The affairs may not endure but they can be delightful. Mars in Gemini comes on with angry outbursts or an enthusiasm for talking. The point is, with planets in Gemini the experience may not last long, but it will be very typical of the planet's core pattern.

The Moon is all about the feelings and  emotions. We can expect when the Moon is in Gemini our emotional response to events will be - in typical Gemini fashion - quick superficial and scattered. As the New Moon sets the tone for the entire month we can anticipate that this month we will be particularly aware of opportunities of a Gemini nature - you may feel more like talking, reading, writing and working with words and you may have opportunities quick trips and new experiences. Because Gemini is known for being changeable our emotions may tend to be fickle. The important thing to remember is your responses will be changeable for the next 28 days. What delights you one day may bore you the next. Beware of over commitment at this time.

Other planetary happenings to be aware of this week include:

Mercury, the planet of information and communication will be making a powerful trine to Pluto, the powerful god ruling secrets and the underworld. How fitting that the whole uproar about Bill Cosby and also  Hilary Clinton's secret emails is front and center in the news these days. The fact that the Moon will be in Aries squaring Pluto and conjuncting disruptive Uranus now through Wednesday June 1st could make this feel like more of a crisis is brewing. Indeed, by Thursday June 2 the stories will be ready to come out in the open when there will be a grand trine between the Moon Jupiter and Pluto.  This sounds like a full on call for justice. Furthermore as the Sun opposes Saturn this day and as Saturn represents rules and limits that even jolly old sol can't brush aside. we could hear of some important court rulings this week.

All in all the pattern points to stories and drama the first part of the week but a lessening of tension with the New Moon on Saturday. We should each of us have some exciting adventure stories to tell around the campfire then.

Take notes!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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