Monday, June 6, 2016

Can This Marriage be Saved? Venus Gives The Clues.

This week starts off happily enough with the Goddess of Love - Venus - meeting up with her soulmate, Apollo the Sun-God on Monday June 6. Lots of reasons to be happy now but there are some clouds coming up on the horizon on Thursday, June 9, when Mercury - the messenger - opposes angry Mars. News wise we're hearing that Hilary sewed up the Democratic nomination today so plenty of people are feeling happy about that. I wonder if this Mercury /Mars opposition will stir up some controversy about it though or perhaps Bernie will not drop out but will continue to put up a fight. Or we may see some particularly nasty tweets from the Trump camp as Mercury in Taurus stubbornly holds onto opinions - facts be damned! - and  Mars in Scorpio is known for sarcasm. As for your relationship, if you've been keeping secrets they could come out now so better have your story straight.

On Sunday Mercury moves into Gemini, his home sign where he's more willing to exchange ideas and information so we may at last begin to get some real discussions going. Partnership-wise this new development is very encouraging for being able to finally start to understand the other person's language. Know this brighter day is coming as you navigate the week and particularly put off trying to win any arguments on Thursday.

Very interesting line up of planets coming up later on this month that could be good to know about now -
There was a full Moon at the FIRST degree of Sagittarius on May 21 last month and there will be a full Moon at the LAST degree of Sagittarius on June 20 this month. The Full Moon is the time when things come out in the open. Sagittarius is the sign of travel, foreigners, higher education and the law. (You can see the connections if you consider that travel causes us to have a much broader understanding of the world and to come in contact with foreigners and thus the need to have laws.) It's the sign ruling Truth and Philosophy. Together this means opportunities for wider understanding - miracles even. Interesting that one of the stories all over the news at this time is about Trump's legal difficulties - the law - with his now defunct Trump University - higher education - and the judge who is of Mexican heritage - foreigners. The full Moon at the first degree of Sag put the spot-light on foreign ideas, and now the full Moon at the last degree suggests we'll be seeing some sort of results at that time. For you personally you may be drawn to consider foreign ideas - like alternative medicine for example - or to rethink your philosophy and discover what you really stand for.

 As Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is known for creating miracles we really could see some wonderful breakthroughs in all sorts of situations. If you have been wrestling with some seemingly insurmountable problems lately, take heart. Spend the next two weeks practicing your faith and watch for God and the angels to bless the results..

It's a good thing!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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