Sunday, June 19, 2016

Crisis of Character, UFO Sightings and The Full Moon in Sagittarius

There's a new book about the Clintons coming out and from the previews it looks like it's going to be pretty disturbing. Crisis of Character by ex-Secret Service agent Gary Byrnes is a tell all expose concerning sexual shenanigans going on in the oval office during President Clinton's time and it also includes some scathing observations about then First Lady, Hilary Clinton.

The timing for these revelations could not be more astrologically appropriate as we are experiencing a Sagittarian Full Moon Monday at the very last degree of the sign. Sagittarius has to do with publishing and the last degree signifies EVERYTHING coming out. So what will be the  revelations and more importantly, the ramifications?

First I think it will be particularly interesting to observe the reactions of the general public to what is obviously a grave breech of trust by a member of the Secret Service. He had, after all, sworn to protect the President. It strikes me as a curious culmination to the uproar these last few years around the revelations of government snooping into private lives. We could say this drama dates back to when government agent Edward Snowdon exposed the secret emails proving the U.S. government spies on it's own citizens. While we were shocked  to learn the truth about how our government operates, there was more outrage that Mr.Snowdon would tell what he knew. Now the scales have tipped.  Acceptance for government spying has become common place to the point where a Secret Service officer feels comfortable not only spying on the President, but selling a book telling about it! Will the public recognize this hypocrisy? Shouldn't these stories trigger a similar sense of outrage as when Snowdon outed the government? Or if this breech of trust is tolerated shouldn't Snowdon then likewise be forgiven? If Gary Byrnes is seen as a "whistle blower", a citizens doing their public duty, rather than as a squelor betraying the President for money, well then, it's only fair to pardon Snowdon.

Perhaps the public good does demand that these hidden happenings come to light. What I think is troubling however, is the harsh judgements Mr. Byrne makes about Hilary. He claims she had an angry temper and a fascination with guns. He gives as an example a story of her being greeted by a Secret Service agent at the White House, "Good Morning Mrs. First Lady," to which she responded, "F-k you!" Wowza! Admittedly that certainly doesn't sound like we're dealing with an emotionally stable personality here, but then perhaps there was more to the story. After all, she knew the entire White House Secret Service staff was in cahoots to protect her husband's frat boy lifestyle. It's possible she felt no need to pretend she thought these agents were her friends. Rather than smile and act dumb she called them on their b.s. If that was the case then I say "Good, that's just the kind of chutzpah we need in a leader!" Further, what's the big deal with Hilary knowing how to fire a weapon? Seems to me what this Full Moon in Sagittarius is bringing out in the open is yet another  example of women being shamed for claiming their power and refusing to be bullied.

Sagittarius is also the sign ruling Foreigners and Distant Travel so this Full Moon seems to be triggering some amazing stories in that department too. Have you googled UFO activity for this past month? Some fascinating videos of unidentifiable space craft hovering over Brazil and Saudi Arabia.

Other planetary activites worthy of note this week include a beautiful trine between the Sun and Venus in Cancer and the Moon in Pisces next Saturday, June 25, followed by a rare trine between Jupiter and Pluto = a strong opportunity for wishes coming true and renewed faith in the future.

Maybe some good secrets coming out then too!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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