Wednesday, June 29, is the high spot of this week because that's when Mars turns direct in Scorpio and marks the end of its ten-week retrograde cycle. There's been a lot of frustration and delay in peoples' lives these last three months as plans seemed to be continually stalled almost as if there were some secret force out to block us. If there has been some divine method to the madness I believe the benefit with Mar's retro in secretive Scorpio has been to cause a lot of problems people had been in denial about to be exacerbated to the point where something had to give. No more Mr Nice Guy as the issues got so intense they had to be brought out into the open.
The Brexit vote is a prime example of the effects of Mars' turning direct and leaving oppressive Scorpio for freedom seeking Sagittarius. Unable to continue to stomach what they felt were oppressive government policies and unwilling to pretend everything was alright any longer, the majority of citizens in England voted to exit the European Union. Whether this will prove to be a wise move is yet to be determined but its a perfect manifestation of the astrological energies around us with Mars in Scorpio moving into Sag saying "Give me liberty or give me death!"
Likewise, in our individual lives we're going to be finding it's no longer productive to stifle our true feelings in order to keep the peace. Just as I am writing this I've gotten a call from a woman asking for a reading about this very issue. She had finally had it with a alcoholic neighbor who had been threatening her off an on since the beginning of the year. Today she called the police. They came, but when they arrived they explained they could do nothing as they had not themselves witnessed the abuse. But Mars turning direct in Scorpio brought the hidden drama out into the open for her: At the exact moment the police were saying they needed to see the neighbor threatening her for themselves, he appeared and threw a beer can into her yard! Right in front of the cops! So they hauled him away... She was calling me concerned that he might come back and cause more mischief but I felt confident in reassuring her that the stars this week are on the side of protesting - the angels want this nonsense stopped! She was also wondering what was happening to her. Calling the police on someone was totally not her style. This again is Mars turning direct in Scorpio - we've looked deep within and we know our limits.
Another example: Earlier I had a call from a woman who's grown son gives her a lot of unsolicited advice. He had been doing this a lot lately and she was calling because she found herself suddenly feeling uncharacteristically numb to his bully tactics. She said she still loved him but the truth for her was that frankly, she no longer could give a damn. This too is an example of Mars turning direct and leaving Scorpio. We're tired of drama and we just want out.
If you are recognizing some similar shifts going on in your own world, that is, if you have been recognizing there are areas in your life where you are supposed to care but suddenly, finally you realize you simply don't, take heart! Mars turning direct will not only give you the energy to pull yourself out of stuck patterns, but in a few weeks it will enter Sagittarius making you aware of new opportunities and possibilities. You may have to realize some old fantasies are never going to happen but the new ones coming in are going to be oh so much more fun!The Brexit vote is a prime example of the effects of Mars' turning direct and leaving oppressive Scorpio for freedom seeking Sagittarius. Unable to continue to stomach what they felt were oppressive government policies and unwilling to pretend everything was alright any longer, the majority of citizens in England voted to exit the European Union. Whether this will prove to be a wise move is yet to be determined but its a perfect manifestation of the astrological energies around us with Mars in Scorpio moving into Sag saying "Give me liberty or give me death!"
Likewise, in our individual lives we're going to be finding it's no longer productive to stifle our true feelings in order to keep the peace. Just as I am writing this I've gotten a call from a woman asking for a reading about this very issue. She had finally had it with a alcoholic neighbor who had been threatening her off an on since the beginning of the year. Today she called the police. They came, but when they arrived they explained they could do nothing as they had not themselves witnessed the abuse. But Mars turning direct in Scorpio brought the hidden drama out into the open for her: At the exact moment the police were saying they needed to see the neighbor threatening her for themselves, he appeared and threw a beer can into her yard! Right in front of the cops! So they hauled him away... She was calling me concerned that he might come back and cause more mischief but I felt confident in reassuring her that the stars this week are on the side of protesting - the angels want this nonsense stopped! She was also wondering what was happening to her. Calling the police on someone was totally not her style. This again is Mars turning direct in Scorpio - we've looked deep within and we know our limits.
Another example: Earlier I had a call from a woman who's grown son gives her a lot of unsolicited advice. He had been doing this a lot lately and she was calling because she found herself suddenly feeling uncharacteristically numb to his bully tactics. She said she still loved him but the truth for her was that frankly, she no longer could give a damn. This too is an example of Mars turning direct and leaving Scorpio. We're tired of drama and we just want out.
Bring it on!
Rosada, EXT 2340