Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017 - Your Best Year Ever!

Here are ten suggestions I believe will help you make 2017 the happiest most successful year of your whole life:

Number One - Have a bright, cheerful, and optimistic outlook.
Positive thinking surrounds you with an atmosphere which tends to draw good to you in unexpected ways. Successful people do not indulge themselves in whining about the past or trying to solve every problem that might come up in the future. This includes not watching t.v. shows and movies that feature crime and misery. If you don't want it in your life, don't let it in your fantasies.

Number Two - Learn to Stop Worrying.
Worry is an acquired habit. We didn't worry as children. We started worrying when our minds developed enough to think beyond our current situation, beyond the now. If you are worried it is a sign you are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist! Practice directing your mind to pass all unresolved puzzles on to your higher power. Consider all you know about a situation as if you were writing down facts and numbers. That is, review the circumstances calmly and thoroughly then say aloud, "I now release this situation to my Higher Self. I let God take care of it." Expect and watch for your answer.

Number Three - Overcome all feelings of inferiority!!!
There are always going to be people who are more talented, more attractive, more enlightened and just plain "more" than anything we might feel ourselves to be. For years I was stymied because I came from a family of amazing achievers. My father really could do anything, my mother was the kindest, most beautiful woman you could ever hope to meet, and I can't tell you how tired I got of people asking me, "Are you as smart as your sister?" I asked a friend, "What should I to do in this household of super stars where I will never be The Best?" Her answer was perfect, "Hire them!"  LOL! Well, I did or at least  instead of being in awe of them I started asking for their advice which helped a lot. It wasn't long before I realized that feeling inferior is a wake up call to get help - !

Number Four - Give attention to creating who you want to be.
How much of our time and money is squandered on things we don't want! Last week I wasted two hours at a coloring book workshop because my neighbor thought I would enjoy it. I didn't, but I didn't want to disappoint her. Still I lavishly thanked her for the lovely time  - and she invited me to do it again next week! Auugghh! We really have to know what we want and how we want to spend our time if we're going to be able to keep from letting others nibble our lives away!

Number Five - "Easy Does It"
Make your work easy. We often here the advice from supposedly successful types, "Make a list of chores and tackle the toughest one first!" Ha. Doesn't work. You end up not doing any of them. In fact, you wont even make up the list. Try doing it the opposite way. Choose the easiest job first and what's more break down all the other jobs into easy baby steps too. Reward yourself stars and happy faces! Life is meant to be joyous.

Number Six - Count your blessings
I probably should have made this number one. Counting your blessings will train your mind to see the blessings in everything you do.

Number Seven - Forgive, forgive, and forgive.
Did you ever look at that word and think about what it really means? For give = to give before, as in, I know this is all going to work out eventually so I'm going to just give love before I understand why. By "'for giving" or "giving before" we are allowing ourselves to live a life of peace and harmony secure in the knowledge that eventually we will see how all things work together for good.

Number Eight - Get along with others.
This is another one that should be at the top of the list. So many unhappy, unsuccessful people are unhappy because they aren't good at creating relationships. Knowing how to get along isn't rocket science. It can be learned. There are books. If you've been claiming you're "just not a people-person," fine, but recognize that it's because you are choosing to be that way.

Number Nine - USE prayer.
Most all of us can site a situation where we were in desperate straits, we sent up a prayer and - wowza! - we got a miracle. Whether it resulted in healing cancer or finding our lost car keys, we all know - we have all experienced! - that prayer works and yet... we don't work it. Why not, I wonder? We probably just never established the habit. Just for fun, PRAY every day for 2017 to be your best year ever. In fact, take it a step further, next write down the good things, the miracles, as they happen. Powerful!

Number Ten - Join a Group
Whether it's a book club, an exercise class, or a Sunday morning worship group, being a part of a like-minded association of friends is going to boost your life experience over the top. Maybe even start a group to make "2017 - Simply The Best"!

Have a good one,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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