Whether you voted for the new commander in chief or are adamantly clear Mr. Trump is not your president, one thing is sure: we ALL want America to be great. With this thought in mind I'm looking at what the planets foretell for us and our country and the world for 2017...
Uranus, the planet of individual freedom, in Aries dominates the skies for the next twelve months. We are at a time when our main focus and all our spiritual lessons are about finding our true selves. We want to reconcile the duality between what we see on the outside with what we know to be true on the inside. This should bring great opportunities for self knowledge, but they could include some trying times if we resist recognizing our own responsibility in creating our reality.
For the next thirty days particularly we will all be facing situations where we must sharpen our instincts. We've been lulled to sleep believing that our government, our employers, our mommies and daddies were going to somehow always be there taking care of us. This caused us to ignore blatant signs of decay, from global warming in the world to our own personal bad habits. Somehow we let ourselves be schmoozed into thinking Someone Else would set things right. Well Elsie has left the building, folks, and now it's all on us. We can no longer believe the "alternative facts" being fed us by every news source we turn to. We have to start listening to our inner voice.
Jupiter - the planet of abundance - is opposing Uranus through all this meaning "abundance" is not our friend this year. Be very careful not to bite off more than you can chew. This applies not just to being wary of salesmen and politicians trying to sell you a bill of goods, but also we must be careful not to try to change everything in our lives all at once. Thus while we may know we can't trust the admen and "officials" to have our best interests at heart, we must also not try to stop all our dependencies cold turkey. One stepping stone at a time crosses the swamp.
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