Sunday, March 5, 2017

Mars in Taurus: Roadblocks and Delays

This week Mars leaves it's happy spot, Aries, where he's been free to run like blazes, and now goes into slow motion in Taurus, the slowest sign of the whole zodiac. You may feel frustrated and even angry as roadblocks and delays spring up every way you turn. Perhaps it would help to know that Mars' job in Taurus is to slow everything down so we can think through various projects we've set in motion recently. We're SUPPOSED to stop and reconsider. So don't be wondering if you banged your head against the brick walls just a little bit harder maybe some secret door would open so you could slip around these current obstacles. There are no secret doors and there are no shortcuts. Whatever you are attempting to achieve, the best attitude at this time is to simply recognize you can't push the river. You must be prepared to take a few steps back. Continue with your life as usual, and get prepared to confront these problems when the appropriate time comes.

Perhaps it would be helpful to understand the path Mars takes, and what you can expect to see, as it travels through Taurus:
1) When Mars is in Aries our energy seems to be more abundant, we shake off colds, chores are easily handled and we feel there's nothing we can't have if we simply go after it. Eventually this attitude leads us into situations where lo and behold, it turns out we don't know all the answers after all. Very frustrating, but don't panic. Hit the pause button and see what can be done.

2) Take small actions that are reasonable and appropriate. Mars in Aries wants things NOW but in Taurus Mars gets in situations that require patience and waiting. A friend found her dream house when Mars was in Aries and wanted to sign on the dotted line that very day. Papers had to be drawn up of course and inspections and all the things that go with such a major purchase. By the time these things were in place Mars had moved into Taurus making the wait seem all the more unbearable, but she took the reasonable appropriate actions and the purchase did move ahead.

3) Do not take action that is risky. Restrain yourself and restore your composure. Mars in Taurus says, "Wait calmly." I mention this because sometimes when Mars is in Taurus we think we can do something to speed things up. We can't. I had another friend who was hoping to reunite with a boyfriend. Although he had promised to call her when he was no longer angry she couldn't bare the separation and took a chance and called him. Big mistake. He told her she was stalking him and that was the end! Mars in Taurus can be very stubborn.

4) When we face obstacles it is often a clue that we should be reaching out and teaming up with others. What is an obstacle to you may not be any problem at all for someone else. Aries works alone, but Mars in Taurus encourages you to pool your talents and resources. With friends you can often get the job done.

5) Of course, do not let the difficulties stop you from pursuing your goal! Mars in Taurus is slow but steadfast!
6) Finally, stay involved. Even though it may seem there isn't a lot you can do about the roadblocks right now, don't just let someone else handle the situation or you will need help again when a similar problem inevitably reappears.

And of course the good news is that in six weeks Mars will be moving on into Gemini where he'll have us buzzing all over the place. So for now, just chill and take things one day at a time. It really can be rather pleasant.

Pace yourself,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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