Monday, March 13, 2017

Mercury in Aries: Get to The Point!

Mercury, the planet ruling communication, leaves shape-shifting Pisces this week and moves into Aries, the sign demanding we say what we mean. On the political front we will probably see the media cracking down on Donald Trump's "alternative facts" and in our personal lives we may find we're done with wishful thinking and eager to make solid plans to put ideas into action. Mars, however, continues in Taurus so do not rush.

We are also coming up against a Sun square Saturn on Friday March 17 meaning our current activities may have been characterized with many difficulties which, unfortunately, are not yet over. Still Mercury in Aries awakens our vision to new developments and new opportunities. Together these planets are telling us that providing we don't ignore Saturn's requirements that people behave and play by the rules, we can find ourselves recognizing we're actually in a very good position to move forward without mistakes. Just remember Saturn says give matters serious thought before making those first moves and remember ANY PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED! Whether the issue that confronts us concerns our health, money or relationships with others, there is a solution. This life we are living is a soap opera we've created and when we may think we've gotten ourselves trapped in an impossible maze we need only acknowledge that we have the ability to write a surprise ending and Lo! within days or even hours we will see new plot lines opening up.

Opportunities for new plot twists will be particularly abundant from now until the end of March. Four of the ten planets we look at are all going to be in Aries. (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus) which means don't look for partners to initiate activities. This line up rewards you for taking the initiative. 

Don't be an extra in somebody else's movie! 

Don't wait for an invitation to get the party started!

Be bold, confident and inspired!

Have a super St. Patrick's Day.

Rosada, EXT 2340

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