Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mercury Turns Direct in Aries - I Do Believe It's Getting Better

 Progress is being made folks and we're really going to start to see it this week after Mercury turns direct May 3. If you've been feeling overwhelmed by the political news or by frustrations in your personal life or just by the lousy weather, fear not! Brighter days are coming. Here's how:

First, Saturn has been retrograde for several weeks now so we're all finally getting the message that things are not going to get fixed over night, so we can stop stressing, relax and pace ourselves. There will never be enough time to do or achieve everything we'd like so why beat ourselves up about it? Saturn wont turn direct until September so we've got lots of time to get our lives in order. If we'll just do a little something every day we WILL see gradual improvement.

For the best way to use the energies this week...
Monday, May 1 finds the Moon opposing Pluto and squaring Mercury and Uranus. Start the week slowly, ignore negative words and proceed cautiously.

Tuesday, May 2 promises to be much better. The Moon sextiles Jupiter giving us a chance to relax. Prepare for the work ahead by replenishing your reserves. You should see reasons tonight to be confident you can make it!

Wednesday,  May, 3. Mercury turns direct so we should start thinking straight again. A Moon trine Uranus could urge us to push things ahead too fast however, but a follow up trine to Saturn shows how to find our own tempo and keep moving.

Thursday, May, 4. The Moon moves into cautious Virgo and makes a harsh square to Mars. We will probably become aware of obstructions that must be dealt with. Remain flexible, gather strength and let the Moon Virgo/Mars combo help you find safe ways to move forward.

Friday, May 5. Cinco de Mayo gets off to a great start with the Moon trining rejuvenating Pluto but this can also mean feelings of envy and isolation are floating about so again, remain calm, gather strength and know that any misunderstandings will sort themselves out by morning.

Saturday, May 6. The Moon enters peace making Libra and opposes Venus today. If you've used this week to stay focused on your goals and worked towards gradual, persistent progress this pairing of the planets will bring you a fine reward.

To sum up the energies of the week ahead, just remember that although Mercury is turning direct opening opportunities for progress, Saturn, the task master is still prominent right now meaning we mustn't try to leap over tall buildings with a single bound. To overcome obstacles - including the negative energy of others - we'll have to calm down and stockpile resources. These can be both material resources and our own inner resources, our core values and particularly our sense of humor!

To tame negative energy, stick firmly to what feels right. If others test your inner strength, use this as an opportunity to practice what you've learned - when they go low, we go high!. And of course you can always call me for a personal consultation.

Congratulations! We survived the first hundred days - 1360 more to go!
Love to all,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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