Last week President Trump gave the order to bomb an airstrip in Syria. The location had been used to launch poison gas attacks on the citizens of Syria. By bombing the airstrip the President intended to prevent further attacks.
The results were mixed.
As I understand it, the runways were not totally destroyed and they were quickly restored. So the action seems not to have crippled the airport's operation but perhaps decimation was not the goal. Perhaps Trump did what he did to draw attention to a situation that had to be dealt with, but he did it in such a way so as not to make matters worse. By bombing and not destroying Trump sent a stern warning of what we can and will do but he did it in such a way that did not kill hundreds of people and launch an all out war.
Now some people, and I feel particularly reporters, have spun this story to make Trump look bad. This is short sighted. By continually accentuating the negativity of this man's actions liberals are becoming as stubborn and bigoted as they accuse the conservatives as being. Consider what the headlines read and then take into consideration some alternative facts, particularly the big deal that has been made about how the Russians were given advance warning of the impending airstrike and so the target zone was nearly deserted and thus there were a minimal number of deaths. Some how people regard this as a failure - but isn't it really an incredible blessing? If a large number of people had been killed Russia would have been practically forced to attack us. If a warning was indeed intentionally leaked ahead of time - and thus a great number of fatalities prevented - shouldn't we be cheering "Bravo, Mr President"?The results were mixed.
As I understand it, the runways were not totally destroyed and they were quickly restored. So the action seems not to have crippled the airport's operation but perhaps decimation was not the goal. Perhaps Trump did what he did to draw attention to a situation that had to be dealt with, but he did it in such a way so as not to make matters worse. By bombing and not destroying Trump sent a stern warning of what we can and will do but he did it in such a way that did not kill hundreds of people and launch an all out war.
Now don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying I approve of Trump or that I think he consciously knew what he was doing. No, I talking about how those of us who consider ourselves light-workers and who understand the law of attraction should start recognizing that our prayers are being answered. We've prayed for peace and the end of war. We may have thought this could only happen in a certain way, like only if Bernie Sanders were elected or only if certain laws were repealed. This didn't happen and that's shaken a lot of people's faith in the power of intention. Not to worry! Our visions of world ascension to higher levels of consciousness will manifest and are manifesting. This recent airstrike "failure" is an example that the angels are looking out for us. Let us be grateful.
The astrological aspects continue to be challenging this week as Mercury, Venus and Saturn are now all retrograde meaning it's time for a pullback and everything goes into slow motion. This may help a lot on the international scene as it can put the breaks on a rush to war but individually we may encounter frustration as things don't come together as quickly as we'd like them to. Make a vow not to use force and you may see how delays are actually to your advantage.
May we all be surrounded with love and light,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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