This is the week we finally gain freedom from all the frustrating obstructions that have blocked our progress and given us all the tension and depression this past season. Saturn is trining Uranus on Thursday, May 18, bringing deliverance from a long-time cycle of anxiety, failure, and misunderstandings and bringing us new hope and peace of mind. It's an opportunity to take back our faith that we can create our own lives and not be manipulated by fear.
Progress will come naturally now if you fully disengage from negative influences and stop talking about the bad stuff. Change your attitude and let the past be over and done with.
Each day this week the planets support our awakening:
Monday May 15. The Moon joins up with the Death Star, Pluto. Release the past, build up your strength and decide what to do next.
Tuesday, May 16. Moon enters Aquarius, the sign of Other People and makes a difficult square to the mind planet, Mercury. The new positive patterns are just beginning to form while old habits die hard. Especially the habit of being hampered by the cunning and hostility of others or your own self defeating attitudes. To free yourself from this and achieve your aims, you must make a special effort be honest, open, and correct in everything you say and do today.
Wednesday, May 17. The Moon makes a fortunate sextile to Venus in Aries and then on to a happy trine with Jupiter. Caution recommended however as over confidence might lead some to become arrogant, show off, or attempt things for which they do not have the skills. A strong Saturn influence helps you be true to yourself and recognize your limitations.
Thursday, May 18. The Moon continues in Aquarius and squares the Sun in stubborn Taurus. Let go of relationships with selfish people who are doing you no good. This will make room in your life for the Saturn/Uranus types now coming in - that is, the more reliable people who could become friends and be of great help as you move forward.
Friday, May 19. Now Mars makes a tricky connection to Pluto and the Moon teams up with idealistic Neptune. To change your world for the better, you need to completely break away from harmful relationships, situations, and attitudes that are causing you danger or pulling you down. Once you have freed yourself from these inferior involvements and influences, you will succeed if you believe in yourself and your vision and commit to see through to completion what you have started.
Saturday, May 20. We end the week with the Moon making a final harsh square to task master Saturn. In order to make further progress, you must take decisive action now to let go of the remaining opposing person or situation that holds you back or threatens your happiness or peace of mind. Removing this final obstacle will begin a new cycle of time, release from the old, and you may now succeed in everything you set out to do.
This is the week to be true to yourself and to take care of yourself. Listen to your own inner wisdom and seek out supportive friends who are equally dedicated to positive progress.
There's plenty of good news out there - Enjoy!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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