Saturday, May 27, 2017

Mars Opposition Saturn and Push Comes to Shove

The planets this week are all about helping us repair and renew.

 Certainly we could use some good vibrations. It seems like every day the newspapers have scrambled to come up with yet another nasty story about our President humiliating himself (and our country). Last week's viral video featured Trump shoving his way to the center of a group of world leaders, literally pushing other heads of state aside as he rushed to be the at the front of the line. This happened just as the planet Mars, ruler of the individual ego and the desire to be first, was approaching an opposition to the planet Saturn, ruler of tradition, respect and established authority. It seemed to me to be a perfect example of the planetary energies creating standoffs and fortunately no major international outrage ensued. It might have - Mars / Saturn contacts  are known for being prominent in charts of warfare! - but fortunately a protective Sun-Jupiter trine is also hovering overhead so people seemed to take the President's foolishness in stride. Now that this particularly angry and disruptive combination of planets has moved on, perhaps the fortuitous aspects coming up this week will help to repair and rebuild diplomatic ties between nations and of course we can use the energies to improve our personal lives:

Monday May 29 the Moon inters creative Leo and makes a lively sextile to the Sun. Spring is in the air and long-established rigid patterns can be easily recognized and replaced with new attitudes leading to success and renewed growth.

Tuesday May 30 is jumping with lively energy activated by a Mars sextile Uranus yet softened by a Moon trine Venus. There's a desire to rectify past blunders but a need to be gentle and to pay attention to the feelings of others.

Wednesday May 31 starts with Mercury trining transformer Pluto like a shot out of a cannon. Using too much force to correct mistakes may give people the impression you are thoughtless and uncaring. Nevertheless there is an abundance of things that could get accomplished if you use the energy and stay focused.

Thursday June 1 could find you sidetracked with indecision and even laziness when the Moon opposes foggy Neptune. Venus is trining Saturn at the same time so a little bit of creativity and persistence could get you back on track.

Friday June 2 the Moon in perfectionist Virgo squares Saturn making frustrations impossible to ignore. The Moon's final aspect is a square to energetic Mars so if you take charge of straightening things out, those around you will assist you.

Saturday June 3 brings divine opportunities for spiritual insights when both the Sun and the Moon aspect Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces and Unseen Realms. Deliberately let go of day - to - day affairs and seek a bit of solitude. Be ready to receive and act on intuitive promptings and synchronistic experiences.

The planets have been creating tough challenges in our lives for some months now. Much of it has been caused by the internet promoting stories designed to turn us into crisis junkies, Like heroin addicts searching for our next fix we've tuned our antennae to find the next outrageous happening and our next adrenaline rush. Although this week there's a lot in the stars to offer help for healing, perhaps the biggest help comes when we simply refuse to get caught up in the dramas. It's all about mind over matter - if we don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Let's talk soon,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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