Sunday, June 4, 2017

Jupiter Turning Direct - Ask and It Shall Be Given Unto You!

Blessings and lollipops this week folks! Turn up the volume and hear the good news!

Venus is moving in to her home sign of Taurus on Tuesday, June 6, and a couple of hours later Mercury is entering his home sign, Gemini. Time to talk, to enrich one another and learn from each other as we combine for mutual benefit. Great and good things happen when people freely share ideas! This good fortune combination doesn't mean everyone necessarily agrees. It's more like people realize it doesn't matter if everyone agrees. The important thing is people feel they can share their view points this week even when others don't agree at all.

The daily planets go like this:

Monday June 5. The week gets off to a slow start. You may be tempted to drift without focus so take this heads up. Things are going to get very busy very soon and you must use your time to get organized. Be prepared!

Tuesday June 6. The excitement begins. It's time to put your talent and wisdom and resources to work for the greater whole. If you're not directly involved in the political state of the world just now, don't waste your time obsessing about Trump. Real opportunities are opening up and you don't want to miss out!

Wednesday June 7 The Moon enters Sagittarius in the mid-afternoon and Jupiter turns direct. Think big even if you can only give small. Sincere gestures are appreciated.

Thursday June 8. The Moon in makes a positive connection with Jupiter and Neptune today. A wonderful sign line up for blessing and spiritual insight.

Friday June 9 The Moon first meets limiting Saturn but then breaks free with a wake up call from Uranus. Get work and chores completed early and then enjoy an exciting, unexpected rest of the afternoon.

Saturday June 10. The Moon trines Venus -  a promise - a guarantee! - of good fortune for those who refuse to get side tracked. 

 The planets for this week are all encouraging so let's accentuate the positive!

Thanks for reading,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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