Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mars Opposition Pluto: Security Alert!

I had intended to write about the blessings and abundance foretold by the continuing Mars-Neptune trine in effect this week, but when I began to research the current line up of planets I realized this mildly inspirational aspect is being overshadowed by some heavy duty Mercury and Pluto shenanigans that need to be addressed first. Mars and Neptune are still inspiring hopes and visions for the future but we mustn't ignore the harsh realities taking center stage over the next seven days:

Tuesday, June 27, trickster Mercury squares expansive Jupiter and then trines  imaginative Neptune. Some possibly wonderful opportunities could manifest but remember the old saying, "If something appears too good to be true, it probably is." I recommend you use this aspect to indulge in short term pleasantries such as listening to good music, visiting an art gallery or an antique shop and possibly discovering some delightful treasure - but if you're being asked to make a major investment decision wait another week when the planets will offer more than pipe dreams.

Wednesday, June 28, Mercury will conjunct Mars. Mercury is communication and Mars rules fast fire energy. This could simply mean everyone is thinking quickly but the pugnacious nature of Mars makes the possibility of angry words more likely. The Moon also opposes deceitful Neptune on this day so liars and con artists could promise more than they intend to deliver.

Thursday June 29, offers a mixed bag. In the morning we have the Moon making a very friendly trine to lovable Venus but by nightfall all bets are off when Mercury opposes Pluto. Schedule important meetings for the a.m. and try to get signatures on paper before people start changing their minds later in the day.

Friday, Saturday and next Sunday, June 30 - July 1, are all under the threat of the Mars opposition Pluto stand off. Tension builds and something's got to give. I'm trying to avoid focusing on the current political dramas but this week's line up of planets makes me think the false promises and secrecy we've recently seen around our government's moves and manipulations are going to explode with force over the next ten days. For each of us personally I think now's the time we're going to have to face situations and difficulties we may have been trying to ignore. Put your attention on areas where strong physical activity will pay off - like weeding the front lawn or exercising - and avoid notorious trouble spots.

Okay, you've been warned. Now let's talk about something more upbeat. Many times callers ask about romance and the tarot cards certainly have plenty to say about that! If you are wanting to create more joy and love in your life one of the most powerful and easiest things you can do to manifest this, is to surround yourself with images of joy and love. If you have a deck of tarot cards - or even just a regular deck of playing cards - pull out these ones whose symbols are meant to activate your inner cupid:

The Ten of Hearts. Many hearts means many loves. Put this card out where you'll see it - like on your bathroom mirror - and before long you'll find yourself thinking about all the loving connections you have in your life. As you remember family and old friends you then miraculously find yourself connecting with new friends in your current life. You start to recognize the role of The Loving Mother once played by your birth mother is now being channeled by a neighbor or someone else in your present environment and once you see this you can build on it. Remembering past boyfriends can facilitate recognizing similar possibilities here and now.

The Queen of Clubs. You might have thought the Queen of Hearts would be a stronger symbol for attracting romance but the Queen of Hearts is actually known for being a bit of a bitch. ("Off with their heads!" is her famous line from Alice Through the Looking Glass) The Queen of Clubs however, is a strong kind woman who attracts the best people. Strengthen your inner Queen of Clubs!

The Ace of Spades. This image attracts a fresh start. It programs your unconscious to allow in totally unexpected new love and adventure. Powerful!

Finally, I get results with burning candles. Red candles are for making you more aware of the love in your world. Light one and let it burn for several hours. If it's going to do anything for you, you should see results right away - like within a few days or a week.

I hope you'll try these suggestions and let me know what happens!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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