Mercury, the planet ruling ideas and communication, has been having temper tantrums in emotional Cancer these last two weeks as evidenced by the non-stop turmoil created by President Trump and his early morning tweets. On Tuesday July 4, Mercury's final aspect before leaving the sign will be a harsh square to Uranus, the planet known for causing upset - so we haven't heard the last of these tirades yet. In fact, this line-up may portend such an outlandish storm of words that we'll all be crying, "Enough!" Fortunately things may calm down quite a bit after this as there are some positive signs in the sky coming up too...
Monday, July 3. The Moon will be in Scorpio making a trine to the Sun and to Neptune. Simplicity and caution in your behavior win the day.
Tuesday. July 4. Here we have the explosive Mercury square Pluto but also a loving Venus will be entering Gemini which could bring some words of comfort. Vow to calmly continue on your course so as to avoid entanglements.
Wednesday, July 5. We may be feeling the aftermath of yesterdays difficult aspects. Plus there is a boastful square from the Sun to Jupiter. Remember that being too sure of yourself and moving ahead without caring about consequences exposes your shortcomings and invites problems. (President Trump, do you read me?)
Thursday, July 6. The Moon in Sagittarius now joins Saturn the Disciplinarian. Use your common sense to consciously plan ahead. Gather what information you need and then move forward in a gentle way using extreme caution.
Friday July 7. The Moon trines Uranus. What you purpose to do today may be risky. Consider if you need a new strategy. Keep your eyes open for potential danger, continue slowly and you will succeed.
Saturday, July 8 Full Moon in Capricorn tonight. You should be feeling close to your goals. An excellent time to review what went well and what did not. Learn from your experiences and continue to be cautious as you move ahead.
The over all message from the stars this week is that to deal with your current difficult problems, you must stay calm and avoid confrontation by finding win-win solutions. Patiently look for ways to create common meaning and to share benefits. Accept what is happening as a chance to learn and not as a serious problem. Put in perspective, most problems are not so bad, and, like dark clouds, they eventually dissolve or move on.
It's all good,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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