Sunday, July 16, 2017

Healing Past Life Trauma

Tired of being the Nice Guy? Mars is too. Now at the last degrees of the home sign Cancer, the planet that rules energy but also anger is fed up with playing happy family. You may find that this is the week you decide to speak up or move on cause you've had it with biting your tongue to keep the peace. Particularly avoid difficult relatives on Monday when Mars squares Uranus. Give yourself plenty of time to keep appointments on this day too, as it's an aspect also known for causing accidents and upset. If you can keep your cool till Thursday you may be able to come up with some workable solutions when Mars enters Leo, the sign of love and creativity.

On Tuesday, July 18 Venus squares Neptune which has been making us feel vulnerable and mental Mercury moves to connect with Saturn, the planet ruling karma. It becomes obvious to all of us how our past actions have led to our current situations. Healing wont happen overnight but today would be a great day to initiate positive change. The Neptune aspect allows us to dissolve harsh ultimatums and the Saturn aspect encourages seeing things realistically. Further, there is also a strong Jupiter presence  encouraging a feeling of safety and abundance. You may not be ready to try the new approach until Mars enters Leo on Thursday but these aspects make this day a great time for at least considering alternative possibilities.

Wednesday, July 19 has the Moon entering Gemini and while it first squares deceptive Neptune it will then trine loving Venus and end with a surprisingly positive sextile to Uranus. It's an encouragement to "fake it till you make it." The power of the past is waning and the possibilities of a better future are coming into view!

Thursday July 20 begins with an expansive Moon trine Jupiter and a delightful Moon conjunct Venus. Accentuate the positive and see the new you emerge. One note of caution: The Sun will square Uranus today so while this brings a fantastic opportunity to break out of old ruts, it also warns  changes could be too much for some folks to handle. Do what you gotta do but no need to cause a scene.

Friday July 21 brings the joyful Sun into contact with healing Chiron. If you've been paying attention to the shifts happening, you may be feeling really good about yourself and your future right about now.

The week ends with a confrontational opposition between the Moon and Pluto on Saturday, July 22 followed by a harsh square to Uranus. Probably best to get your fast action by chilling at home watching a film tonight - Wonder Woman, perhaps? 
No need to experience the crazy first hand!

Over all we're going to be having opportunities this week to see what's wrong and maybe even what's been holding us back for some time - but if we can handle the truth without adding to the crisis we will emerge feeling freed up and invigorated!

Vow to be part of the solution!
Rosada, EXT 2340

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