Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sun Opposition Pluto - Challenges into Opportunities

We start the week with a Sun opposition Pluto, the planet of change and transformation. This puts our focus on turning challenges into opportunities for the next seven days at which time, Sunday, July 16, the Moon will meet up with Uranus, the planet responsible for helping us break free from old ruts. Basically this means the week a head is full of surprises so keep an open mind - it could lead to open doors.

Saturn will be prominent too and as Saturn rules guides it shouldn't be hard to find wise old souls willing to help you when you face these situations where you feel you lack experience. This can manifest as something as simple as clear instructions on a soup can or as sophisticated as a doctor finally giving you an accurate diagnosis. The point is don't be afraid to seek help and ask questions this week.

A Day-by-Day guide for how the energies are flowing:

Monday, July 10. The Moon trines Venus but opposes Mercury. Strive for creative responses to negative events in your life. You probably wont do everything right but you'll know better next time.

Tuesday, July 11. The Moon sextiles Uranus in Aries while making an inconjunct aspect to Mars. Planets in Aries mean young people and inconjuncts show where adjustments must be made. Be patient, gracious and kind to someone who has made a mistake or is just learning - it could be you! Show some compassion and remain outwardly calm.

Wednesday, July12. Moon enters Pisces. Be aware of who or what you give your attention to and don't become discouraged or made jealous by those who seem to have their act together better than you. We're all learning from our own paths.

Thursday, July 13. The Moon and Mercury are both being influenced by Neptune. Confusion reigns and you may feel there are obstacles blocking you. Accept reality, it is what it is. Don't be embarrassed to reach out and listen to others. Keep a positive attitude.

Friday, July 14. The Moon trines action oriented Mars and Mercury sextiles the planet of wisdom, Jupiter. Boldly ask for much needed advice or assistance. You may find yourself leaping over tall buildings with a single bound!

Saturday, July 15. The Moon trines Mercury and then makes a very useful trine to Saturn before meeting Uranus for that brake out move to freedom I mentioned earlier. It's a very useful line up for reviewing the past week, making a few necessary adjustments and then out the door to something totally new!

Thanks for reading and remember you can always get a more personal detailed reading by calling me at 410-750-0077.

Lemons into lemonade,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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