Sunday, July 23, 2017

New Moon in Leo - Time for Some Fun!

We've got a heavy duty eclipse coming up in about a month, the likes of which we haven't seen since 1963, the year Kennedy was shot. It will be making some harsh connections with Donald Trump's birth chart as well as with the birth chart for the United States so it's got a lot of astrologers thinking the current dramas playing out on our national stage will be coming to some sort of major denouncement then. What does it mean? How will it manifest? Revolution? Heart attacks? Well, it wont be long and we'll know. Meanwhile we have some delightful planetary aspects coming up for us this week so let's just not worry about what may lie a head and focus on what the fun loving flamboyant new Moon in Leo has ready for us right now :

The Moon is in Leo today Sunday, July 23 and on through out Monday, July 24 enhancing our desires to do something creative and flamboyant. We'll most likely start the week feeling a bit uncertain what to focus on however, as Venus in Gemini will be obstructed by stick in the mud Saturn. Before proceeding with your plans, be sure your purpose is good and that you have a valid clearly defined goal.

Tuesday, July 25. The Moon will enter Virgo giving us a much better shot at establishing objectives that can be reached step by step. Encourage the people you work with by staying close at hand to answer questions and participate in the projects.

Wednesday, July 26 could bring some disorder and confusion as the Sun joins with Mars making everyone feel like a king and no one wanting to play peasant. Maintain control by assigning acceptable roles and responsibilities to each person on your team. Vow to be patient and accommodating.

Thursday, July 27. The Moon goes into Libra, another sign good for causing us to feel creative and charming. However, unlike Leo, Libra works more effectively as a partner rather than as a leader and while there are some strong encouraging aspects to the Sun and Mars today, this is not the time to push yourself beyond your limits. Remember to stop, relax and recharge your batteries as needed. Seek support from friends or professional helpers.

Friday, July 28. The Moon will square Death/Rebirth Pluto this evening. It's time for decisive action in an intentional and carefully planned manner. Use your wisdom and years of experience to lead the way to transforming your situation.

Saturday, July 29. Hurray for the weekend! The morning starts out with a happy Moon trine Venus and the good times keep rolling as the Moon moves on to oppose Uranus in the afternoon. Now ordinarily an opposition to Uranus brings upset and upheaval but this week the meet up portends celebration and a sharing of rewards. Create something that will have an unexpected positive impact on the folks around you.

All in all it's a terrific line up of planets this week for trying new approaches and teaming up with like-minded friends.
For a closer look at your personal chart, give me a call.

Let the good times roll!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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