Sunday, October 8, 2017

Time for a Change

Four difficult aspects and two planets changing signs coming up this week. Get in sync with the flow by being ready to make changes yourself. The Bach flower essence Walnut is for helping us adjust more easily. You can get it at major health food stores or order it on line.

The challenges begin Monday October 9 when both Mercury and the Sun in Libra move to make a harsh square to Pluto. Now Libra is the sign of peaceful negotiation but that confrontation to all or nothing Pluto could manifest in some dramatic power struggles. Keep clear about what's really important to you or something trivial - hamburgers or pizza for lunch? - could turn into something big and ruin a friendship.

The next day, Tuesday, October 10, Jupiter makes it's annual sign change and leaves Libra to enter Scorpio. This is a biggie. In Libra Jupiter was all about enhancing fairness and equal partnership but issues left unresolved now must next be tackled underground as Jupiter - the planet ruling justice - slips into secretive Scorpio.
Scorpio is the sign ruling death, taxes and sex so we'll no doubt be having more heated debate about our countries tax codes and of course the transgender issues aren't about to go away. Unfortunately Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in the death sign Scorpio could also put more mass shootings in the headlines unless Jupiter here means we finally have some justice about gun control.

If you are a Scorpio or have the Moon or Ascendant in this sign Jupiter here could bring you some good fortune. As Jupiter rules Scorpio's money house, Scorpios are encouraged to spend money on themselves this year!

Allow plenty of time for delays on Wednesday October 11. Mars will square Saturn so energy is going to bump up against obstacles. Slow but sure wins the race.

Something nice possible Thursday night, October 12. Mercury sextiles Saturn and the Moon sextiles Venus. Issues you wisely avoided earlier in the week can be tackled now with success.

Friday and Saturday October 13 and 14 will be feeling the effects of Venus leaving Virgo and popping up in Libra. Try to get details handled while Virgo is still in the work and service sign because once she enters Libra all we'll wanna do is have some fun.

Sunday October 15 could be stressful when Mercury opposes Uranus. Those who insist their way is the only way will find plenty to disagree with, but those who are open to new ideas should get some useful insights.

All in all it appears there will be plenty of political drama to suck us in if we choose to spend our time that way, but those who decide to turn off the news and focus on their own world will find the change is liberating.

Set yourself free!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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