Jupiter has just gone into Scorpio which means wealth and abundance for those who know how to tap into this vibration:
1. Attitude of Gratitude.
Like old King Cole, Jupiter is a merry old soul and to align with his happy spirit cultivate your own good nature. Count your blessings and when you must pay a bill, don't begrudge it, think of yourself as being a patron who is honored to be called upon to support a worthy cause.
2. Candles and rituals.
Jupiter loves religions rituals and ceremonies. Light a candle and ask that the flame activate and manifest your heart's desire. White is fine but green is specifically for money. If this is going to do anything for you, you should see results within a week. I recently burned a green candle because I was wanting to purchase a new couch. I then headed out the door but I didn't even have to get to the store. Two blocks away a neighbor was in the middle of loading a moving van. As I walked by she half jokingly asked if I would like their nearly new couch as she didn't have space for it in the truck! The couch was the exact color I had in mind and it is now sitting happily in my sun room!
3. Giving to Get.
Jupiter is nothing if not generous. If you're looking to align with him, give generously yourself. Tithing - that is, giving away one tenth of your income - is a practice many of the super-rich credit with having helped create their success. Besides, giving is fun! I've tried to practice tithing for several years now and I feel The Universe has sent me money many times because Jupiter knew I'd direct it to those in need. Indeed, this week I've been invited to a fund raiser luncheon for lost dogs who've become homeless since the fires we've had out here in California. I accepted the invitation but was feeling uneasy as to what I could afford to give. That afternoon the mailman brought me a letter with a check from a woman who'd owed it to me for over a year. I had been pretty annoyed that she'd never gotten around to paying but I immediately recognized the divine timing of the money coming when it did. I'm delighted to be able to contribute it to the animals - with enough left over to pay for my lunch!
4. Say "Thank you!"
This is kinda the same as having an attitude of gratitude, but it's taking things a step further. When we say thank you we're not just being polite - we're actually alerting our unconscious to find something for us to be thankful for. Do you know studies have shown that people who pay a higher price for a service often feel they got more value for their money than the ones who paid less and got a "bargain"? So always say "thank you" every chance you get - Jupiter will bless you for it!
Useful date coming up this week:
Venus will be opposing Uranus on Saturday November 4th, the day of the Full Moon. This could bring some shake up to relationships. Eat healthy and allow yourself plenty of time and wiggle room.
Thank you for reading - Really! Thank you!!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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