Whew, I caught you just in time! Venus, the goddess of love, will be leaving her home sign Libra early Tuesday morning, November 7, and wont be back here again for an entire year! Use these last few hours while Venus is still in her sweet spot to promote a little extra good karma for your relationships. Contact friends and loved ones to share some good vibrations. Venus at the last degrees of Libra can pull you through the worst situations and still end with smiles all around.
Next stop - Scorpio!
On the other hand, Venus in Scorpio portends power struggles and secret affairs. This is because Scorpio rules other people's possessions and those things we can only have access to because someone else agreed to share. To get someone to share their money (or their partner!) many folks resort to bullying or even theft or in the case of a romance, a secret liaison. During the next month while Venus is here we may all find ourselves in situations where we're tempted to use charm rather than facts to accomplish what needs to get done. Sure, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down but beware of becoming down right deceptive! Be aware that you may also be targeted for manipulation yourself. Department stores will be urging us with syrupy advertisements to spend our money on Christmas gifts and decorations and all the Venus stuff that is supposed to mean "love" - but really means debt.
Other planetary aspect to watch for this week:
The Sun will sextile Pluto early Thursday morning November 9, a powerful opportunity for regeneration and growth. This applies to all sorts of situations from healing relationships to finding just what you're looking for at the local thrift store (Pluto rules things that need to be repaired or reactivated).
On Saturday November 11 Saturn will trine Uranus. As Saturn rules physical reality and Uranus rules electronics, this combination could mean what used to be wild ideas and imaginings are solidifying into brilliant new inventions.
Think outside the box this week and see what New Age wonders appear!
Rosada 410-750-0077
Rosada, EXT 2340
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