Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sri Yantra - Shortcut to Enlightenment

"Sri Yantra" is the name of a geometric pattern made up of overlapping triangles. The shapes are arranged so that some of the triangles point upwards and others point downwards. Although often displayed on a banner in tandem with Buddhist and Hindu artifacts, the Sri Yantra can benefit anyone, not just those of a certain religious persuasion. Approach it as an eye exercise that strengthens the connections between the various centers in the brain. By looking at the figure while outwardly allowing the eyes to track from one triangle point to another, the mind begins to make internal connections too. After only one or two sessions of meditating on the Sri Yantra, people report significant improvements in their daily lives. Particularly one's timing seems to improve resulting in many happy coincidences like bumping into friends while shopping and finding perfect parking places. After a bit more practice one experiences thoughts and ideas quickly and easily manifesting into solid things. This is particularly encouraging for those of us who have tried visualization techniques without success.

To make the Sri Yantra work for you, have a clear image in your mind of what you would like to create, stare at the Sri Yantra for about ten minutes, and then..
Be amazed at how quickly your heart's desires come into being!

Also, for those interested in self improvement and spiritual work the Sri Yantra offers the possibility of completely releasing those old unconscious impulses that may have sabotaged conscious intentions - they simply lose the power to interfere.

If you are interested in learning more about the powers of the Sri Yantra, and even buying one of your own, google it and several informative sites will come up. However, although they are not expensive, you can easily draw one for yourself! As to what it "means", you can't really know that until you experience it.

The line up of planets this week are mostly upbeat giving several opportunities but also some important warnings.

We had a very harsh Mars square Pluto mash up this morning, Sunday, November 19. This no doubt triggered some feelings of being unable to continue old unproductive patterns. Whether you announced, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore," or simply quietly decided to make changes, this aspect will be continuing to cause reverberations in the days ahead - so don't try to sweep stirred up awareness under the rug! It becomes obvious now that something's got to give.
Rather than trying to restore old routines look to create new ones.

Tuesday November 21 Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn - an encouraging omen for transformation, particularly for issues involving death, taxes or sexuality. The recent flood of accusations by women claiming to have been sexually harassed may be leading to positive changes.

Wednesday Neptune turns direct. Neptune rules intuition, music and those things that cannot be seen but only sensed. When retrograde, Neptune pulls back from sharing his insights. Now that he is moving forward perhaps we will find it easier to grasp what our unconscious is trying to tell us - a great time for setting up a Sri Yantra!

Thanksgiving Day starts out with a disruptive Moon square Uranus. It may be impossible to stick with our preconceived plans so have an attitude of flexibility. The Moon will go into Aquarius later in the day which welcomes "outsiders" so take advantage of any opportunity to include someone unrelated to the family. Rather than shooting for a "traditional" celebration, this could be the year you excel doing something totally spontaneous.

Terrific line up of planets for finding unexpected bargains on Friday and Saturday with Mercury trining Uranus. Hit the Black Friday sales with gusto!

Happy Thanksgiving,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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