Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Moon in Scorpio - Marching to The Beat of a Different Drummer

The zodiac is made up of 365 degrees and each degree is described by a different image known a a Sabian Symbol. Being aware of these images can often help one grasp the meaning of a planet at a certain degree more fully than words alone can. This week the New Moon happens on Saturday, November 18 at 27 degrees Scorpio. The key word for this degree is "propaganda" which makes a lot of sense when we consider that Scorpios are famous for being able to influence and manipulate  others on a deep and unconscious level. This word makes even more sense when we pair it with it's Sabian Symbol. The Sabian Symbol for 27 degrees Scorpio is of a military band marching noisily through the city streets. The band draws attention with it's music and the loud banging of its drums. A band rouses us - manipulates us! - and can make us feel good about God and country - even when in calmer quieter moments we may totally disapprove of what God and the government are up to. So the image of a marching band brings the word "propaganda" to life.

Now what does this image mean for each of us personally?
If a person is born on this date the image might suggest the person will literally grow up to play in a band! Or perhaps the influence will be more subtle. The image could be alerting us that the person will demand attention just as a marching band cannot be ignored. Or perhaps they will want to join the army or alternatively they may oppose the military and become peace activists, or maybe it just means they will excel in advertising work.. So you see, the symbols aren't so effective for making specific predictions, but they can be very useful in giving a person a few clues to the larger patterns.

The New Moon falling on the degree of the marching band this week suggests we may see some of the following in our lives in the month ahead:
Noisy bands for sure!
Maybe announcements that make you leap to your feet.
Peace rallies or war marches.

 There is also a caution that comes with each image. The noisy marching band could be warning us that a lot of noise drowns out the real messages. More fake news? Perhaps we are beating our own drum too loudly or perhaps we need to beware of someone else putting on a big ego display. Propaganda and threats to peace often show up when this degree is prominent in event charts.

All in all, the Moon message for this month is "Don't let your own inner voice be deafened by outside sounds."
In the words of Henry Thoreau,
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

The exact time of the New Moon is Saturday morning, November 18 at 6:42 a.m. (est). Set your alarm to go off at that moment and you will be totally in tune with this Crashing Cymbals Symbol!
Rosada, EXT 2340

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