When the Moon is in the seventh house,
And Jupiter aligns with Mars,
Then peace will guide the planets,
And love will steer the stars.
- Aquarius
The Moon is in the 7th house or sign, Libra, this week as Mars and Jupiter join up in Scorpio. Is this the long awaited dawning of the New Age as predicted in the song Aquarius? If so, what do the planets tell us about this next cycle and how can we best harmonize with its powerful flow?
We have a rare Sun-Venus-Pluto conjunction happening in Capricorn this week. This means the planets of Life. Love and the Power to Transform are uniting in the sign of our Collective Reality. It portends many astonishing realizations hitting home. In fact, it just about guarantees that everything we've believed about who we are, our value, our limits and all that other Capricorn stuff is getting a mind blowing update. Those stuck in old rigid thinking may be filled with fear as promises get broken, appointments are missed and everything seems open to interpretation. On the other hand, those who can keep the faith, those who can keep sending out the reassuring love vibes with patience and expectation will experience awesome soul growth as we recognize the upcoming changes are necessary and can all be for the good. A lot of hidden truths will be coming to the surface - like the song says, "no more falsehoods" - and the more we can allow this purification process to clear the old, the more easily the new possibilities will emerge. Vow to be the change you want to see in the world - you'll have proof this is how it works by the end of the month. Maybe by the end of the week when the Moon will be in Sagittarius, the sign of beliefs, trining Uranus bringer of enlightenment.
If there is one piece of advice I would like to give you it's, 'Don't let this week's amazing opportunities pass you by!" Turn off your computer (but not until after you read me, of course), stop obsessing over Trump, and get out there and make your move! The strong emphasis in Capricorn means this is the time when the rubber meets the road. Do something to make your dreams more real. One easy, cheap and powerful gesture is to order new business cards highlighting the person you are becoming. Another powerful symbol is to carry a check in your wallet made out to you and signed, The Universe. Jim Carey made out a check to himself for $10,000,000 and carried it with him for a year. He was broke at the time but before the year was up he had been given a multi-million dollar movie contract.
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