Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year's Resolutions That Will Change Your Life.

Are you still making the same old resolutions? A recent survey shows the top three resolutions made each year are to lose weight, clear out clutter and to pay off credit card debt. A close fourth is to learn a foreign language.
Question: Is anybody actually doing any of this?
No? I didn't think so.

Why not? Why is it we so often start out animated and yet so quickly lose focus, become discouraged, bored and give up?
The answer may be in the stars..

Consider, while we think of January 1st as the first day of a new year, this date is not connected with any particular planetary activity or support. In the past, ancient civilizations like Babylon used the spring equinox to celebrate the start of the new cycle. In Egypt, the new year began in mid-July with the rising of the fixed star Sirius. These dates had an astrological justification for planning new beginnings but we go by a calendar instituted by Julius Caesar that's not star based and thus the planetary line up on January 1 may or may not be conducive to keeping resolutions. Sometimes the planets are even arranged in a way that practically guarantees projects started on this day will flop.

So now let's consider what resolutions might have a chance given the placement of the stars this New Year.
First of all, we're having a Super Full Moon on January 1. Everything comes out in the open under a full Moon so this is an ideal time to recognize where we are and what we want our goals to be. Because this Moon is in Cancer, it naturally puts a focus on the issues of security with a particular emphasis on food and family. To come up with a resolution that will really work for you consider first how you can enhance these areas. As Cancer rules eating habits and it is a waning rather than a waxing Moon, this is a year when resolutions to trim down could finally get results. However, rather than resolving to go on some restrictive diet, consider that Cancer is a water sign and vow to DRINK MORE WATER. Particularly distilled water. That's right, the sort of water you usually use to put in your iron to keep it clean. Distilled water will do wonders for keeping your insides clean too. You can google it and read more about the amazing results people have experienced - including weight loss! - from drinking a gallon of distilled water everyday.

Uranus - the god representing your inner rebel - will be turning direct on Tuesday, January 2. Projects that have been stalled come back to life now but with a new twist. If you've had a hard time accepting the fact that our political leaders are not helping us, Uranus turning direct clears your head of  misplace trust and inspires you to BECOME SELF-SUFFICIENT.

Saturday January 6 could be the best day this week for making changes. The fierce god of action, Mars, will be in Scorpio, the sign of total transformation and he will be sextiling - offering his strength - to Jupiter, the god of good fortune. Affirmations and resolutions made on this day should have some staying power and net you beneficial results. Use it to not only pay off debts but to FIND NEW SOURCES OF INCOME. Plus Jupiter rules travel so don't just resolve to learn a foreign language, PLAN TO TAKE A TRIP.

Finally remember the magic of WRITING THING DOWN. Put your resolutions in writing, read them often and recognize when the Universe is aligning with you to male them manifest.

For a more detailed analysis of your potentials this year please give me a call.

Happy New Year!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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