Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cards of Destiny

This week I want to continue discussing the reading system that relies on an ordinary playing card deck. This system dates back for centuries but it is popularly known now as The Cards of Destiny. I particularly like it because it's easily understood by the people you are reading for and when everyone in the group understands your method it's amazing how in tune we all become and how clear the readings are.

In the last two postings I covered the cards Ace through four. Today let's look at the fives and sixes.

First to review for a moment about the cards we covered last week:

One is beginnings so of course all Aces refer to an energy that is just starting to manifest. Think of an Ace as representing a desire as in a desire for love (Ace of Hearts), a desire for knowledge (Ace of Clubs), a desire for money (Ace of Diamonds), or a desire for transformation/work (Ace of Spades).

Two means a response to the Ace. If the Ace of Hearts is the desire for love, then the Two of Hearts is a response to that desire and thus the two would represent a loved one, the hearts desire in person. The Two of Clubs is a response to the Ace of Clubs desire for knowledge so you might think of the Ace as being a question and the Two as the answer or at least as an answer, a conversation or maybe even an argument. The Ace of Diamonds desires money, the Two of Diamonds then is trading, bartering, wheeling and dealing. The Ace of Spades is the desire for change and so powerful that it is known as the card of Death. If you have a problem an Ace of Spades person can bust through it. The Two of Spades represents working together with a partner, doing something that creates a result.

Threes means variety, indecision and creativity. Consider a person faced with the two paths of the Ace or the two. Be a leader or a responder?. They may not know what to decide so thus indecision, but they may also come up with a whole different idea, thus creativity. The Three of Hearts then can indicate indecision in love, light hearted relationships with no clear commitment and also self expression. The Three of Clubs is such a creative thinker it must be careful it's good ideas don't grow into worry but usually this card is positive and known as The Writer's Card. The Three of Diamonds is diversity in values, financial creativity or if negative, worry about money. The Three of Spades means Creativity in Spades! This is The Artist's Card.

Fours grant stability. Four of Hearts, stability in love or home. Four of Clubs, an organized mind, a stable mind. Four of Diamonds, financial stability. Four of Spades, solid security.

Now on to the new cards!

Fives represent change. Five of Hearts - a change of heart, change of home. Five of Clubs - changing the mind (restlessness/ travel). Five of Diamonds - change of values, change in finances. Five of Spades - major change, change in lifestyle, travel, change in health.

Six must now find harmony and balance after all this change. The Six of Hearts brings balance and peace to relationships. The Six of Clubs brings balance to the thinking - can indicate strong intuitive abilities! The Six of Diamonds balances the budget, a time of karmic payback. The Six of Spades means settling all affairs and can bring much needed peace into one's life.

Well that's enough for today I think. Don't hesitate to write these meanings on your cards to help you remember.

Tally Ho!
Rosada, EXT 2340

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