I have a neighbor who was my husband's best friend. Jose was the one driving the car when we met (I was hitch hiking in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco back in the sixties during The Summer of Love). He and my husband Harris were always together so of course I was used to seeing the two of them standing side by side. The other thing you need to know is that in his later years my husband grew a goatee. He was so adorable with his soulful brown eyes and his silver whiskers!
Anyway, about an hour ago Jose stopped by with Jack, an old pal whom I hadn't seen in years, who happens to also have soulful brown eyes and a white goatee. I heard a knock and when I opened the door there was Jose standing side by side with this sort of familiar looking fellow with the big brown eyes and whiskers - My mind jumped out of my body and went in a zillion places all at once! For one split instant I was seeing my husband again! My brain couldn't grasp it. How could this be? Had he only pretended to die but had been living next door all along? Or in another body?! And then the pieces came together, reality set in and I recognized that of course this wasn't my husband, it was Jose with our old friend Jack. But gosh my one prayer had been that I could see Harris just one more time and wow, for a moment - he was here. It makes me wonder if we are indeed all one, or can we channel for each other - can a person let their physical body let another soul come in for a moment? Aw, well, it was a wonderful nano=second.
Last week we reviewed The Cards of Destiny 1 - 4 and introduced 5 - 6. This week I want to once again go over the meanings of the cards we have discussed and then talk about card number 7. I hope you don't this tedious but I know many of us have forgotten last weeks cards and probably wont search the archives for them. Plus 7 is the number of Reviewing the Past so it's appropriate that we do a quick re-run.
1. Initiating.
Hearts: Initiating emotion. Clubs: Initiating mind. Diamonds: Initiating manifestation. Spades: Initiating change, transformation.
2. Responding.
Hearts: Responding to love. Clubs: Responding to ideas, Diamonds: Responding to money. Spades: Strong response, transformative.
3. Creativity.
Hearts: Creating Love, a romance, a child. Clubs: Creative thinking, The Writer's Card. Diamonds: Creative finances, many opportunities to make money - or worry!. Spades: Creating transformation, The Artist's card.
4. Stability.
Hearts: Established home, family. Clubs: Stable thinking, clarity. Diamond's Stable finances, hording. Spades: Stablity to the point of stubbornness.
5. Change.
Hearts: Change of heart. Clubs: Change of mind. Diamonds: Change of values. Spades: Complete change, travel.
6. Balance, harmony, karma.
Hearts: Relationships brought into balance. The Family Card. Clubs: Thinking brought into balance. The Forgiveness Card. Diamonds: Finances brought into balance.
Spades: Everything brought into balance, negotiating, major karmic payback.
This brings us to today's card, the seven, the card that represents the mind and spirituality. When ever a seven appears in a spread it means the issues are more than what they seem - there is a spiritual lesson unfolding and the querent should be particularly careful that the situation is handled according to the highest principals. The angels are watching! The result is seven cards seem to describe people who tend to think things through carefully and who may appear to delay taking action.
7. Spiritual Understanding
Hearts: Unconditional love but there maybe frustrations on the physical side. Clubs: Active mind but not necessarily productive. Playing games. Diamonds: Creating wealth by applying the spiritual law of abundance: thoughts become things. Spades: Spiritual understanding in Spades!
I'll go into more detail next week but perhaps a hint can help you figure out 8's and 9's and 10's on your own:
The spiritual knowledge of 7 now leads to 8. Power.
The power of 8 doesn't weaken or wane till it reaches 9. Completion.
When you've experienced 9 Completion it means you're ready for 10. Mastery.
Okay, I hope now that I've repeated things a few times that you are starting to catch on and can apply some of these ideas to the world around you. For example, notice the numbers on the buildings in your town. Consider homes as Hearts. Buildings that house activities like schools and restaurants are Clubs. Businesses are Diamonds. Government offices and churches are Spades.
Thus a house with the number 168 would be considered to be an Ace, 6 and 8 of Hearts house - a wonderful place for raising a strong family (ace = a young love, a child, 6 = balanced emotions, family, 8 = strong emotions.)
Although this system may seem absurdly simple please give it a chance. We're doing more here than just learning clever fortune telling tricks. Your conscious mind craves amusements and puzzles and gets easily bored and thus may discard this study after a superficial glance, but your unconscious is longing for a way to organize all your life experiences. By learning this easy system for evaluating all experience, you're giving your unconscious, your inner computer, a way to sort out and remember everything that's ever crossed your consciousness. Just learn the cards. In a few weeks you'll be amazed at how much more you're learning from life - and remembering it too!
And of course remembering you read it here first!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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