The sun has entered the Cancer, the sign of Babies and Mothers and Home and Family. The attention shifts from Gemini light-hearted flirtations and silly love songs to recognizing that people we have been casually chatting with are becoming part of our daily life, our foundation. It's time to get it together - settle down and start a family.
June 23
Like a chiropractor administering a sharp neck adjustment, Uranus square Pluto triggers a realignment of our outer lives and inner values. Take care you don't bump into stuff and if you get a flash of insight that causes you to want to do things differently, go with it.
(Uranus square Pluto is the "Live Free or Die!" aspect. We're due to experience it several more times over the next couple of years but those who grasp the concept early will have an easier time as the same lesson repeats itself in the months ahead.)
Sun trines Neptune: Goodwill and Faith are better than drugs for taking the edge off the above challenging experiences.
June 25
Saturn turns direct in Libra:
Long delayed decisions are finally clarified. Suddenly awareness of what we are here to do, what we agreed to do, kicks in.
(Political prediction: I think we're going to see Obama make major progress during the next several months to complete campaign promises he has so far not been able to carry off.)
June 27:
Venus turns direct in Gemini:
Following Saturn's lead and clear guidance, The Goddess of Love finally starts making good on her promises.
Begin being kind to people today and get extra points when She gets moving Wednesday.
People born on May 28, aka. 7 degrees Gemini - the degree Venus is at now - may be particularly blessed at this time.
June 28:
Moon squares Mercury - Moon sextiles Mars:
Now through midnight Friday night is a highly productive time. Ideas (Mercury) quickly translate into taking action (Mars)
Anyone getting married this week or going into any kind of personal partnership agreement should put some extra awareness into making sure both parties are clear about their intentions and expectations. The rose-colored glasses won't stay on long but the rewards can be tremendous if each one takes responsibility.
We're learning about diplomacy this summer so it may feel as if everything is having to be negotiated. That's because as a species we've fallen behind in being able to think on our feet and speak up, so a lot of lessons in negotiation are being presented to us all at once it seems. Knowing how to make, keep, and re-negotiate an agreement may be as important as the agreement itself this summer.
Now a few words for our Cards of Destiny study.
The number 9 is about Completion, Graduation.
Hearts represent emotions.
The 9 of Hearts then symbolizes completion of an emotion, the end of an affair. There is the implication of sadness because even though the next card, the 10 of Hearts, promises Universal Love and Understanding, still we all miss our first puppy.
Clubs represent the mind.
9 of Clubs is a completion on the mental level. Graduation! But again a tinge of disappointment as in weren't we all sort of disappointed after we got our diploma that we weren't the all-knowing sages we thought we'd be by this time? Ah matter how much we know there is always more to learn. The 9 of Clubs is The Teacher's Card. Makes sense when you consider the completing step to learning a subject is to teach it.
Diamonds represent our values, money and ways of earning it.
The 9 of Diamonds means the end of some monetary system. Some way of making money is no longer productive. Could signal the loss of a job or losing actual money. It's time to let go, move on.
Spades intensify the meaning of the number.
The 9 of Spades combines the number of Completion with the suit of intensity. Thus the 9 of Spades indicates a completion of such intensity it could mean a death or a total change of lifestyle.
Until next time,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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