I've had many conversations over the years debating the meaning of Fate versus Free Will. I've come to the conclusion that free will is like a muscle. We have to exercise it or it becomes weak and just melts away. The way we strengthen our free will is by knowing what our choices are in any given situation and consciously choosing how we react. Fate may dictate our circumstances, our race, our sex, our place and time of birth, but by choosing how we respond to these givens we develop our spirituality, our ability to ultimately decide our own fate.
We have a lot of interesting aspects coming up this week and the more we understand the choices these planetary placements are giving us the better we will be at exercising our Free Will.
Early Monday April 15 Venus will enter it's home sign Taurus. When a planet is in it's "home sign" it's more beneficial characteristics shine. In Aries last month Venus was responsible for encouraging people to get out of their winter hibernation and get active but it isn't until Venus enters Taurus that we see if any of the new starts are going to stabilize into reliable routines. Warning: Fate says without Aries, enthusiasm wanes, but Free Will says we can use Taurus to shore up our desire to stick with a program even after the newness fades.
We're all Fated to have to deal with taxes on Monday. Use your Free Will and minimize the chances of creating any unwanted replies from the IRS by not sending off your return until the Moon in Cancer goes void of course at 3:41.
The Sun in Aries will conjunct high energy Mars in Aries on Wednesday evening, April 17. There's no stopping the action when these two get together but you can put it to good use by intentionally seeking out activities that require energy and movement.
Venus sextiles Neptune in his home sign Pisces Thursday night. A lovely aspect for art and music. Good things are fated to happen - choose to enjoy them!
Mercury will be in Aries connecting with Saturn on Friday. Now here's an outstanding opportunity to put the planets to work for you. Fate would say Friday will be filled with tedious chores but if you take charge you have an excellent day to accomplish your goals. If you do, Mercury then conjuncts Uranus Friday night and you could have a wonderful well deserved exciting night on the town. If you've neglected to take care of business however, Uranus conjunct Mercury can manifest as an accident that's been waiting to happen.
Another opportunity for spiritual growth is coming up Sunday morning when Mercury squares Pluto. The planet of communication squaring off with the planet of power struggles? Choose to avoid the drama by remembering Silence is Golden.
And of course thanks for choosing to read my blog,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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