Sunday, April 28, 2013

Thoughts Become Things

The Moon is in Sagittarius - the sign of religion and philosophy - and moving to a trine with Mercury, the planet ruling words, today. I find myself thinking about the power of affirmations. Do affirmations work? That is, can we create something simply by declaring it to exist? The Bible says that's exactly how creation works, in fact, it begins with this stunning example:
 "And God said, "Let there be light,' and there was light."

If it's true man is made in the image of God, shouldn't we be able to replicate this ability to affirm and manifest in our own lives? This week I want to try an experiment of writing out some clearly intended affirmations here in this column and next week I will report back on my results. If you would care to join me in this experiment please write out some affirmations of your own and even post them on this site if you feel to. (I have found that posting affirmations on the internet seems to give them even more energy to manifest.)

I'm particularly enthusiastic about trying this now because this spring Uranus, the planet ruling the mind and intuition is making an exact connection with Pluto, the planet ruling power and transformation. It's an ideal line up for giving whatever we focus our minds on an extra kazillion kilowatts of power to help it manifest. It's also a warning that we MUST become aware of our thoughts because - good or bad (Uranus and Pluto don't judge!) - that's what we're creating in our reality. WHATEVER we are giving our attention to this spring will automatically receive an unprecedented amount of energy, thus causing it to manifest faster than our second thoughts can retract it.

So, what to affirm? John Lennon said it best,

"Let it be."

Isn't that a wonderful thought? Just letting that prayer hold our attention for a moment brings a soothing calm. We need to begin with calm in our affirmation work because like the doctor's oath, "First do no harm,"  - before we start asking for change it's important to know what's right with things as they are. So we begin an affirmation with a deep cleansing breath and an acknowledgement that all is good. Then we compose a statement affirming the change we wish to see. For me personally my affirmation for this week is,

"I have a California Driver's Learner's Permit."

I haven't had a driver's license in over ten years and I'm wanting to get back in the game. So I affirm that I have one. Hmmm... it occurs to me that I most likely will get one eventually, probably in the next couple of months anyway, but I want it sooner. I want it NOW. So I revise my affirmation:

"I have a California Driver's Learner's Permit by the end of this coming week!!!"

Okay, that's pretty darn specific. 
You'll notice i didn't throw in any disclaimers in my affirmation. I didn't say anything like, "Only if it's God's will," or "Only if it's safe." I'm going for the full on test here. We'll see how it works out.

Meanwhile a few thoughts on the stars for the week ahead:

The Sun is opposing Saturn this weekend and Mars will be opposing it Tuesday night. Guess I'll wait until Wednesday to take the Learner's Permit test.

The Sun trines Pluto Wednesday around noon while the Moon heads for a trine to Jupiter on Thursday. Either one of those days sound like the energy's there for positive change!

Mercury will sextile Neptune Friday night and then the Moon will sextile Venus on Sunday PLUS Mars will trine Pluto Sunday afternoon! After a bit of a slow start to the week with Saturn - who only holds people back until they're ready to move forward - it looks like a lot of dreams will be coming true.
 Okay everybody, dream BIG and...

Wish me luck!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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