A New Moon in Aries this week and the next season of Mad Men starts tonight! Hip hip hooray! The creators of the program picked a fitting line up of planets to launch their next chapter. Their lead character, Don Drapper is the personification of an Aries self-made man (he literally created his identity by switching dog tags with a dying soldier), I wonder if the show's writers think of Don as an Aries? Anyway, this Aries New Moon Wednesday is the signal for all of us to start living our dream. What were you creating in your mind last month in Pisces fantasyland? The Aries New Moon signals ready or not those visions are starting to take form...
Rosada, EXT 2340
Here's the landscape we'll be entering:
The timing is perfect. Mother Earth is eager for her children to get out and start something. Plant a seed, schedule an opening, whatever you want to do. Anything you've been considering giving a try will have a special band of angels encouraging your adventure this week. Don't worry about having all your plans in place either. Just get out there and join the race. If it's new and different for you, you're doing the right thing.
After telling you to let the spirit take you, I must now caution, "Don't let it take you too far." Along with the Moon, the Sun, Mars, Venus and Uranus are all in Aries this week. Aggressive traits are coming to the surface every where we look. The sweetest of your friends may now come across as stubborn or pushy. Don't you unnecessarily ruffle feathers by insisting things be done your way or coming across as bossy either. On the other hand, you gotta be yourself. Hug'em if they can't take a joke!
Perhaps we can learn how to handle our power struggles by watching that master power broker Pluto. This week on Friday April 12 Pluto will be turning retrograde. Suddenly the Aries push to get out in the world takes a U-turn and attention turns inward. I think it's signaling that early in the week with the New Moon we will have a burst of energy and enthusiasm, a sort of "I'm not going to let anybody tell ME what to do" kind of bravado and then..oops..it becomes obvious that we need to pause and rethink our strategy. I wonder if this line up of planets will coincide with a shift in the political scene in North Korea? Perhaps with Pluto turning retrograde the threats of force coming from over there will de-escalate. We can align with Pluto and support the process of peaceful transformation by following his example: Pluto will be turned inward for the next 5 months meaning we can tap into our own unlimited power by likewise turning inwards. If you see something you don't like in the outside world, now's the time we really should get results by working on ourselves.
When planets talk, I think retrograde Pluto's favorite expression is, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
One last planetary aspect to consider: Mercury is changing signs on Saturday April 13. He's been floating along in pleasant Pisces for the last two months sharing poems and fairytales and a lot of misinformation (Mercury's instinct for seeking out the facts is decidedly compromised in Pisces). Now he's catapulting into Aries where there's the strong probability a lot of these confused ideas will be blasting across the airwaves. Don't get caught up in any shouting matches.
In sum, this week's energy line up favors getting out and trying something new (New Moon in Aries), then pausing and deeply considering the implications of the new insights gained (Pluto retrograde), and then finally, being cautious about claiming your truth is The One Truth (Mercury in Aries).
I also recommend watching to see what Mad Men have to say. :-)
You're tops in my ratings!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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