For the next few weeks is going to be focusing on the flower essences discovered by Dr. Edward Bach. I hope you'll follow along and participate in our study by trying the essences yourself and reporting your experiences here in the comments section.
Flower essences are potions created by letting flowers soak in water under prescribed conditions that are believed to allow the water to become infused with the energy or essence of the flowers and which when then taken internally are said to have a healing effect.
Rosada, EXT 2340
Dr. Bach believed that illness and unfortunate conditions in life were primarily caused by some imbalance in the flow of the body's life force. He never intended his remedies to be therapeutic in the sense of primarily curing physical disease, but rather as an aid for overcoming the mental attitudes that then manifest the symptoms of the disease. He believed that by strengthening the mind and emotions, the physical symptoms would adjust by themselves. Thus his approach was not to focus on a disease, but on the character of the patient. For example, a high strung nervous type suffering from a cold would be prescribed a remedy for balancing an anxious nature where as a slow-moving sluggish sort suffering from the same cold would be given a different remedy entirely.
Dr. Bach found that he only needed 38 different flowers to address and balance - heal - every emotional and mental condition. The trick is to be able to recognize which emotion a person is experiencing and thus which remedy is called for. In this study course we are going to be discussing each of the essences and I am hoping in this way we will all gain more confidence in our abilities to self-diagnose and then to take advantage of these miraculous healers.
The good news is there is nothing chemical in the essences so irregardless of which one you try you won't cause any harm.
The first step to success with Bach Flowers is to become aware of all 38 essences. We're going to start by discussing Star of Bethlehem which is one of the key essences in Rescue Remedy, a "family" of five flower essences that all work together to sooth emergency situations. Rescue Remedy is the most commonly known of the Bach Flower remedies and the one many of us carry in our purses to have handy in case there is some disruptive event where we need to change the channel quick!
Star of Bethlehem, for neutralizing shock:
Shock causes the life force energy flow to stop and freeze up. If you've ever caught an animal by surprise you know how they will immediately become still - and then run like the dickens! Likewise, when we are surprised our bodies at some level tend to instinctively freeze - but we don't always remember to start up again. This is why whenever a condition is not responding to the remedy prescribed it is well to take Star of Bethlehem, it might be just the thing to kick start the energy flow once more.
Star of Bethlehem is always appropriate when there has been an accident. If the shock is neutralized, bodily recuperation is accelerated to a great degree.
A mental shock can also create disruption in the flow. However, sometimes the effects of a mental shock don't manifest for sometime as in the case of the woman who received a harsh criticism in an email. She was upset of course, but she told herself she was over reacting. So rather than making phone calls or doing anything to deal with or dissolve the situation, she instead decided to ignored the incident and went about her day. An hour later she had a bad fall! She told me she felt the fall had literally been "an after shock."
Sometimes the effects of a shock don't manifest for even longer periods, We could go along for months or even years and then have a nervous breakdown or a skin disruption or any one of a number of physical or mental ailments all relating back to some long forgotten jolt to our system we may not even have recognized when it first happened. Consider the common cold. If you ever find yourself with a sniffle, consider what happened about two days before. Most likely there was some incident, perhaps someone said or did something that left you feeling diminished, and now it's manifesting in illness. Take Star of Bethlehem right when it happens and the cold bugs will never get in.
I hope you'll call and let me know your own experiences with Rescue Remedy and particularly with Star of Bethlehem. Better yet, post them here so we can all learn together.
Next week,
Rock Rose,
From Rosie.
p.s. You can find Bach Flower Essences at your local health food store or online.
Rosada, EXT 2340
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