Taking a break from the flower essences today to write about the significant planetary line up heading our way this week:
Rosada, EXT 2340
We've got a New Moon opportunity happening Monday August 25 at 10 a.m. eastern time. It's in Virgo at 2 degrees meaning anyone born within two or three days of this date or who's rising sign is in the early degrees of Virgo is going to be particularly affected in the month ahead by the energy this line up generates. While usually we think of Virgo as having a fairly benign vibration - it's the sign ruling decency and the desire to have things in good order - this New Moon comes with a warning label because the aspects following it - which tell us what energies this Moon will be promoting - are all very tricky and intense:
First just after the Sun/Moon meet up on Monday we'll have a Mars/Saturn conjunction. This puts the spotlight on Rules and Commitments. If the people represented by the Virgo Sun have been ignoring their duties, drawing a paycheck without doing their work, this is the time when Saturn, the boss, is going to call for an accounting.
On a personal level, I see the Saturn/Mars crackdown happening here locally with a neighbor's gardener discovered putting out a salt lick to attract deer for hunting purposes while the neighbor is out of town. This is not only illegal but immoral. The fish and game people are coming out to inspect the property tomorrow - thus Authority/Saturn squelching Hunting/Mars.
On a personal level, I see the Saturn/Mars crackdown happening here locally with a neighbor's gardener discovered putting out a salt lick to attract deer for hunting purposes while the neighbor is out of town. This is not only illegal but immoral. The fish and game people are coming out to inspect the property tomorrow - thus Authority/Saturn squelching Hunting/Mars.
In the drama surrounding Ferguson, Missouri, the facts of that case will no doubt be coming out in more detail - Sun and Moon in facts oriented Virgo - with a subsequent demand for Authority/Saturn to take Action/Mars.
A few hours later the Moon will oppose confusing Neptune so we maybe hard pressed to get straight answers.
In my examples the game warden probably won't be able to do anything as they won't catch the gardener in the act. Neptune will help him disappear.
In Ferguson "the facts" will probably give more confusion than clarity.
In my examples the game warden probably won't be able to do anything as they won't catch the gardener in the act. Neptune will help him disappear.
In Ferguson "the facts" will probably give more confusion than clarity.
However more truth should come out when the Moon trines Pluto early Tuesday morning.
I say "should" because while ordinarily a trine to Pluto can bring renewed enthusiasm this may not be such a good thing Tuesday. Venus - the Goddess of Love and Fair Play - is in dramatic Leo and moving towards a harsh square to inflammable Mars. Rather than diffusing anger this combination could intensify the potential for violence.
The gardener accused of setting out deer traps and the police and protesters in Ferguson may just all become more angry and defensive.
The gardener accused of setting out deer traps and the police and protesters in Ferguson may just all become more angry and defensive.
The Moon conjuncts Mercury Tuesday night which might help bring out important information - or it could just mean lots more talk but no resolution.
Wednesday and Thursday's patterns don't offer much relief. We're have the Moon entering Libra which could help but only if people are willing to play fair and acknowledge truth. This seems unlikely to happen as the Moon then goes on to square Pluto and oppose Uranus on Thursday meaning both sides of any question will be screaming, "Be reasonable - see things my way."
The final planetary aspect we look at as we evaluate the week ahead is the Sun opposition Neptune happening Thursday making a clear honest presentation of the truth highly unlikely. Knowing who to trust will be very difficult around this time.
The gardener will probably claim he didn't know about the hunters, the witnesses in Ferguson will have totally conflicting stories.
With the strong Neptune potential for misunderstandings, the best advice as an astrologer that I can offer for this week is to suggest we all try to stay clear and informed and to speak the truth ourselves as nearly as we can. The New Moon in Virgo promises playing it straight generates the vibration that will see us through the coming storm.
The gardener will probably claim he didn't know about the hunters, the witnesses in Ferguson will have totally conflicting stories.
With the strong Neptune potential for misunderstandings, the best advice as an astrologer that I can offer for this week is to suggest we all try to stay clear and informed and to speak the truth ourselves as nearly as we can. The New Moon in Virgo promises playing it straight generates the vibration that will see us through the coming storm.
Meanwhile, let's continue to learn about the Bachflower essences. This may be the week when the whole world could use some Rescue Remedy.
Let's give Peace a chance!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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