Rather than devote an entire column to one essence, this week I am intending to cover briefly the remaining three flower essences used in the Rescue Remedy compound. I am doing this because I've found that it is not really very helpful to read a lot of words about something without having experienced it personally. We can read volumes but one experience is worth a thousand words. So I'm stepping up the pace here a bit so we can cover the basics and then get on into the actual experiences of what the essences do.
The compound Rescue Remedy is a collection of five essences Bach found the most helpful in emergency situations. It is interesting to consider their benefits as together we get a picture of just what causes an emergency and what is needed to get things back on track.
Star of Bethlehem as we discussed last week is for over-coming the "deer caught in the headlights" reaction brought on by the initial shock. Something unexpected can cause us to freeze up. Just like the biblical star of Bethlehem, this essence gets a person up and looking forward to the future. Incidentally, if ever you are using the essences but feel the healing just hasn't "kicked-in", add a drop of Star of Bethlehem and see things get moving.
Rock Rose for those emergency situations where the vibration of fear is pounding like a bass drum. Rock Rose transforms a reign of terror into a gentle rain of rose petals.
Clematis is the flower essence getting back into the present moment. This essence is also prescribed for gentle day-dreamers who need to focus more on the here and now. In a life threatening emergency situation however, Clematis is a Godsend for bringing the soul back into the body! In a less traumatic scenario Clematis is helpful when you realize you're doing things to avoid life - like sleeping all day.
Cherry Plum deals with one of the scariest of situations - those times when we fear we may completely lose control. I went through a period after my husband died where I didn't dare go out in public because I never knew when some simple comment would set me off and I would burst into tears. Cherry Plum helped me keep a stiff upper lip. Incidentally, along with their ability to balance a negative expression all flower essences have a positive expression to them too. An imbalanced Cherry Plum energy may express as weeping and wailing but a positive Cherry Plum person may develop a beautiful singing voice. So you can take Cherry plum for controling emotional outbursts and also for enhancing singing.
Finally Impatiens is perhaps the most important of the five emergency helpers. Like it's name, this flower helps when we need to be patient just a little bit longer. If your frequent prayer is "Lord give me patience and give it to me NOW!" this is the remedy for you!
These brief descriptions of the flower essences in Rescue Remedy barely introduce them but more words won't add to our understanding at this point. We can't truly know them until we try them, so I hope this week you will get yourself a bottle and see what you experience. While ordinarily one might not take Rescue Remedy unless there were a real crisis, while we are studying and learning about the essences it is appropriate to take them for even mild disturbances. Feeling pressed for time, searching for a lost item, dealing with a slight injury, these are all situations that will respond well to Rescue Remedy and give you a chance to feel for yourself how our inner vibrations resonate and change.
Stay tuned!
-- Rosada, EXT 2340
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