Sunday, February 11, 2018

Aquarius New Moon Brings The Year of The Dog

Seems like it's all happening at once this week. We've got Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, Ash Wednesday, a Lunar New Year, a partial eclipse, two major sign changes and a couple of very tricky squares coming up. Whew, I think I need a nap.

Here are some tips for how to navigate this maze:

First, send Valentines. A lot of people have stopped sending Christmas cards mainly because they got to be so common, so required, that sending them ceased to be a delight and became more like a chore. Yet getting a card in the mail is still such fun so why not show your Aquarian eccentricity and let a few close buddies feel your love? In fact, go way outside the box and even send flowers to your very best buds!

Next tune into the power of this up coming New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse happening in Aquarius Thursday, February 15.  Aquarius is a sign known for promoting cool detachment so when the Moon is in this sign it encourages friendships based on mutual mental interests rather than romance. It can be a time of delightful gatherings of like minded souls - just don't expect people to get along because they are family or because it's polite of for any other reason than simply because they want to. The eclipse adds even more intensity to this planetary placement so it may be a difficult couple of days for making important decisions - people may vote against their own best interests just to prove they can.

The Lunar New Year starts on Friday, February16. In Chinese astrology this begins The Year of The Earth Dog. Dogs are known for being trustworthy and loyal so the Year of The Dog is supposed to have a much more stable feel to it than what we experienced in 2017. I sure hope so...

Saturday, February 17, we have a puzzling square from Mars to Neptune. Mars rules ambition and goal seeking while Neptune creates confusion and fog. When the two come together it's easy to get lost so double check directions and instructions this week. Probably not a good time to start tackling your taxes.

If that weren't confusing enough, Mercury enters Pisces the same day. Mercury rules information while Pisces is better at dealing with emotions. When Mercury is here it can be good for listening to music and whispering a lot of Sweet Nothings, but again, be careful to get your facts straight.

The week comes to a close with a yearning for peace and harmony.  First Venus and then the Sun will be moving into Pisces and nobody is going to feel particularly ambitious after that. If you must do something productive consider having a garage sale. The Pisces Sun will make you feel like dispersing all your material goods and even if you don't make the Big Bucks, Venus in Pisces will make you feel good for providing for some needy souls.

Have a great week, Dog gone it!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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