Sunday, February 25, 2018

Virgo Full Moon March 1 - Thoughts Become Things

The Sun in Pisces illuminates visions and dreams while the Moon in Virgo spotlights attention to the body and health matters. When they combine with a Full Moon this coming Thursday, March 1, we should see some specific examples of how our thoughts effect our physical body and environment. Make a point of listening to uplifting music and avoid negativity - you will see it does you good like medicine!

On Sunday, March 4, the Sun will conjunct Neptune making it an Anything Can Happen Day. Neptune dissolves boundaries and when the Sun energies this pattern we never know what may float in. You may find yourself feeling lost and without focus but you might also have some unusual and inspirational insights. The key message here is that we are all one, no boundaries to separate us, so do unto others as you would be done by.

On this same day, Mercury, the planet ruling the mind, will be teaming up with Venus, the goddess of love in Pisces which could bring us poetry in motion - but beyond sweet dreams you can't count on this combo to manifest anything too concrete. Make plans but avoid being the victim of a smooth talker and don't pay any money up front!

Saturn, the harsh reality planet, is in it's home sign Capricorn meaning we're involved in an intense Awakening to Reality cycle this year. I can remember as a young teenager thinking "Enlightenment" would be a grand thing even though I had no idea what it might mean. Now the whole world is speeding towards enlightenment and it's not the happy feeling anticipated. Enlightenment means the lights are being turned on and we're seeing how the world really works - how we've trusted those who didn't have our best interests at heart and how thoughts and prayers alone don't change anything. Enlightenment doesn't mean we are instantly wise and all knowing, indeed, I'm beginning to think it means we come to realize just how little we know.

But knowing you don't know is a good place to start. The next step with Saturn is to affirm, "The buck stops here." When we accept responsibility and acknowledge how our own actions have led to our current situations we then can see how we have the power to change them.

You've got the power!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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