I just returned from a workshop on The Art of Manifesting, Along with the usual suggestions about affirmations and vision boards the speaker had some unique ideas I now want to share with you..
According to Elizabeth Mac Nair, the author of The Little Old Lady's Bank Account - a Guide to Living Well at Any Age, there are six key things to know to make your dreams come true.We usually aim to manifest very specific things like a car but Elizabeth pointed out that we only want these specific things because of what we hope they will lead to - such as wanting to manifest a car because it would give us mobility - but we then must consider what getting our wish might then lead to after that. Why do we want mobility - perhaps to travel cross country? - and then why we'd want to travel cross country and what we hope that might lead to and so on until ultimately we realize that what we are truly wanting is not necessarily any specific thing but something that we think will bring us to our greatest goal, happiness. It's very important that one be clear the ultimate goal is happiness. Otherwise we could manifest a car that causes nothing but trouble. So the first Law of Manifestation is..
Choose happiness first.
"Be careful what you wish for because you are liable to get it."
Along with this idea she mentioned the doctor's oath, "First do no harm." The point is that we need to carefully consider the ramifications of what we are aiming for and to beware the law of unintended consequences. This goes along with the initial counsel that we make happiness our focus and so when defining a wish always maintain the understanding that you are intending to manifest your vision "OR SOMETHING BETTER."
3. What we wish for ourselves we must first give to others.
This is like "Do unto others what you would have others do unto you." It's also where the conversation started to get a bit hard to follow but she made important points. For us to believe it is even possible for good people to help us, we have to prove to ourselves that such people even exist - and we do this by being the good helper ourselves. Thus, if you are wishing for the ideal job, become the ideal employer. You don't have to start a Fortune 500 company to do this. Simply giving a hard working waitress a generous tip makes you a generous employer - and cues your unconscious to seek out similar souls who will likewise be good to you.
4. Have all your wishes in alignment.
This is really important. We did an exercise where we were to write down in one column all the reasons we wanted the thing we hoped to manifest. In another column we wrote all the reasons why it might serve us NOT to have it manifest. After we did this she read aloud some of examples.. One woman in the group wanted to finally write her novel. For why she might not want this to happen she noted it would take time and she was very busy. Well! Not hard to see how that concern would block her every time she got a hankering to pick up a pen! Another person said she wished her boyfriend would get serious and propose. Then she noted that he was allergic to dogs and she had a poodle! Of course the relationship stayed stuck - if he proposed she'd have to make a decision about her dog which she definitely didn't want to do! And so it went and we saw how every unfulfilled wish had some significant reason for it to be blocked. In fact, Elizabeth explained that to manifest the item in the first column, there really shouldn't be anything - no resistance! - in the second column. What was amazing to me was how often the person expressing the wish did not grasp how their block was what prevented it. What seemed like an obvious block to the rest of the class didn't seem to be a block to the person who wrote it. Guess that's why we need friends to point these things out to us.
5. Create a deadline.
All our dreams will manifest "someday" but unless we give ourselves a deadline that someday may not even be in this lifetime! Tell yourself you wish to manifest something in 48 hours and then you'll see some action.
6. Acknowledge success.
Getting a "Thank you" seems to be really important to The Universe. Say your prayers and specifically mention all the miracles you witnessed through out the day, whether they had to do with your particular wish or not. You'll see more miracles tomorrow...
Wishing you many manifestations of happiness!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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