Monday, April 2, 2012

Do You Believe in Magic?

Magic: The art of transforming reality by means of supernatural forces.

April must be the most magical month of all! Trees brown and barren all winter suddenly alive and green, birds appearing out of thin air, and it's warm air too - friendly and delicious! How does all this magic happen and can we tap into it for our own lives?

We certainly can and the planets tell us how.

Uranus is the master magician. He rules electricity - the spark of life that can light up the world or frazzle your gizzard. He has the power to create CHANGE and where ever he appears in your chart that's where nothing stays the same. He is in Aries this month, the sign of the individual, meaning each and everyone of us can harness his magnetic energy now simply by agreeing you are willing to accept change (it's inevitable so you might as well) and then affirming the transformations you would like to see. It is important to know what we're aiming for here, otherwise Uranus will just create chaos. So lets begin to ground his power by doing some goal setting with the master planner, Mercury:

Mercury has been retrograde in Pisces, the sign of visions and dreams. He turns direct this week meaning now we can start to bring our visions and dreams in to the real world. So what are those dreams? Curiously, this is often a tough question for many of us to answer. Most of us are pretty vague about what we're looking for. To help you get in touch with your goals start by using Mercury's favorite technique, ask yourself questions:

Take ten minutes and very quickly ask yourself, what are 50 things Id like to see, have or do in the next week, month, year, five years? (50 seems like a lot but that's okay. You gotta get the river flowing.) Ask, "What's something I'd like to do with a friend? What would I like to share with my family? Where would I like to go? What silly adventure would make me laugh?" The point is not to block yourself trying to evaluate if the goal is "worthy" or "sensible" or even "doable". Just start scribbling and don't stop until you reach fifty. 

I think you'll find this is kinda fun. Venus goes into Gemini this week, the sign that rules lists and games and light-hearted promises so the goddess is supporting you as you flirt with all these possibilities. However Venus will be squaring Mars - the planet that rules taking action - so we may have some issues when it comes to actually getting up and doing anything. Here's where knowing how to use magic really can help you.

Think of the word Magic as really meaning Magnetic. You want to think of a goal and make it so clear and so strong that it actually draws you to it like a magnet. To make your goals clear and strong you start by refining your list. Out of the fifty, pick out the top four you want to complete this year and the top four you'd like to complete in five years. Then start finding out everything you can about each one. If your goal is to have a car, decide what make? What color? What price range? Think of giving definition to your vision as doing something that gives it weight.  The more weight to your image the more magnetic its pull. When you truly know what you want you will find you are literally drawn to it!

(Spoiler alert: Venus is squaring Neptune so you particularly need specifics in your wish list this week. Otherwise you may be attracted to things that sort of fit but really don't..)

Mars is retrograde till mid-April so there may be a bit of procrastination. Just do your magic one step at a time. At least start your list! I remember Dorothy Parker who famously explained why once again she hadn't gotten around to writing her column, "Someone else was using the pencil..." So that excuse is taken - find a pencil and write. When Mars finally turns forward you'll be ready to go.

Jupiter is in Taurus. The god of miracles in the sign of manifestation - this means it's gonna be easier than ever now to see the results happening.

Saturn is the most important planet of all here because Saturn rules reality. We aren't looking to wallow in a bunch of wishful thinking. We are intending to make our dreams come true. Saturn is at the very last degree of the sign it's in promising if we do the work we get the reward. If we fulfill Saturn's requirement for DISCIPLINE - that is, make the lists, do the research, keep the dream alive - the final outcome will be the magical manifestation!

Full moon in Libra coming up on the 6th. Could be a good day for finding a trusted friend to share your goals and give you guidance.
I'd love it if you choose me,



Rosada, EXT 2340

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