Saturday, April 28, 2012

Payback's a Blessing.

Dear Readers,

From our phone conversations I know that many of you feel you've truly done all you can, have reached the end of your rope, and that if things don't start getting better soon you really don't know how you'll be able to survive. 

Please, keep the faith just a little bit longer.

There are several significant planetary cycles coming together this year promising better times ahead. It's just that we're still in the Out With The Old phase and not yet into the In With The New. I promise you, I give you my word (and in a minute I'll talk about how powerful that can be), we are indeed going to have the consciousness transformation we've all been anticipating since the Mayan Calendar predictions for December 2012 started circulating a dozen years ago. We're not there yet but if you know what to watch for you'll be able to enjoy the trip almost as much as the arrival.

The planetary cycle I want to talk about today is the one most responsible for frustrating us all lately: Saturn retrograde in the sign Libra until June 25.
Saturn is the planet of maturity, responsibility and karma. Saturn is the last planet visible to the naked eye and signifies the limits of how far we can go as individual egos. (The planets beyond Saturn have to do with group consciousness and dissolving into The One Consciousness.) Libra is the planet of partnership commitments. Thus Saturn retrograde in Libra signifies we cannot move forward until we back up and fulfill our outstanding commitments. Between now and the end of June we are all being confronted with what we have left undone, what needs to be brought to completion. It could be agreements we've made with others but it may be promises we've made to ourselves. The key point here is that we all have areas in our lives where we have not acted like the mature responsible Saturn adults we were supposed to be by now and until we demonstrate that we have mastered these required lessons, life doesn't progress. 

Often though we feel we don't even know what the lesson is we're supposed to learn. "Love thy neighbor " and maybe "Forgive as ye would be forgiven" and "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you,"  of course, but those are all kinda Venus/Neptune lessons. The key lesson with Saturn is Keep Thy Word. Whether it's promising to pay a bill or just promising to be somewhere at a certain time, we can't ascend to the next dimension until we master keeping our word in this one because it is the strength of our word to create the future that allows us to move beyond our present reality. 

As we awaken we more clearly see how our words are creating our future. Saying "I'll see you tomorrow" actually sets up the potential for meeting again. We may say it casually but the Universe takes us seriously. After making such a promise we notice that the next day things tend to line up so we do indeed have an opportunity to meet again. However, if we then do not follow through and complete the agreement our word becomes weak and then the next promise we make is even less likely to be fulfilled until finally nothing happens the way we intended it to.

 When Saturn retrograde is giving us a time to rebuild the strength of our word. Indeed, everything else seems to be blocked until we go back and complete those old promises.. If you have been feeling blocked or feeling that your reasonable expectations are not being met, ask yourself,"Where have I given my word but not followed through? What have I promised to do that I haven't done yet?" Even if it's something minor - trivial in fact, like taking out the trash - go back and complete the task. If it's major, something that can't be completed immediately like paying off a debt, at least make a start. Clear a space. Then notice how the Universe rewards you. Pay off ten dollars on that loan and the Universe will send you twenty. Preachers say our lives are only given to us as a loan. Just as with a bank, as we pay off that loan by doing what we promised to do in our lives then we are extended a greater loan, a greater life.

As I re-read this I realize I'm making dealing with Saturn sound like hard labor. It needn't be! One of the very pleasant opportunities Saturn retrograde offers is the chance to repay social debts. Owe someone a dinner invitation? Give 'em a call! Or maybe we just owe ourselves a day off - hey, it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it. ;-)

Now post a comment or give me a call - we owe it to ourselves!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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