Saturday, April 14, 2012

Turn on! Tune In! Write It Out!

I've recently moved to a small town in northern California. It's a friendly place and I've already connected with several kindred spirits in the neighborhood. it seems we all like to blog and so since we live practically next door to each other we've started calling our street The Writer's Block. We get together for coffee and encouragement, particularly when one of us really has run out of ink or ideas. We've come to the conclusion that writer's block tends to be a symptom of there being things that need to be gotten up and out but somehow we're resisting writing the words. When I first heard this I got a verifying "chill of confirmation" so I realized it's time for me to write out the story of my husband's recent passing:

My husband died of lung cancer in December 2011 but if you go back through the achieves you wont find me making any mention of it while it was happening. Having this space to think and write about other things provided me with a much needed alternative universe to hide in. But now I think I'm ready to tell the tale:

I met my husband in Haight-Asbury in the sixties during The Summer of Love. I had been taking classes at San Francisco State Collage when Timothy Leary of LSD fame came to the campus and gave a rousing speech concluding with his infamous words, "Turn on! Tune in! Drop out!" Despite the fact that I had come to this notorious city, I was a very straight little girl so these unorthodox ideas "blew my mind" as we liked to say in those days, and that night I had a vivid dream. An angel appeared and told me something amazing was going to happen the next day. My first thought upon waking was that nothing amazing could happen at my school so I decided to go ahead and "drop out" at least for a morning. Thus for the first time in my life I cut class and took a bus to Haight-Ashbury...
Although I only lived a few miles from that part of town, I had never been to The Height but I knew several people who lived there and of course I had heard all the stories about the Make Love Not War neighborhood. So I figured if anything unusual was going to happen this would be the place where it would manifest. But when I got off the bus I didn't know where to go! I decided to visit a friend. I walked several blocks to his apartment and knocked on his door but he wasn't home. Now I really was stumped. What to do next? In front of the building there was a stop light. A VW pulled up - a love bug! - with two fellows inside. I decided to try something else I'd heard of but never done before - hitch-hiking!! I stuck out my thumb with the idea that if this one car didn't pick me up I would keep walking. The boy who would be my future husband opened the door and said, "Hello. Want a ride?"

And so the forty-five year adventure began...

 These "hippies" were on their way to a Be-In, what we called gatherings in those days - sort of a mini Woodstock. Naturally they invited me to join them and naturally I said yes! We headed for Golden Gate Park and spent the next several hours "day-tripping." I had recently read a book, The Scientific Laws of Palm Reading, and was eager to try my skills. With the sort of confidence that only comes from being completely inexperienced I began telling fortunes. Soon a line formed and I had a wonderful time learning to trust my instincts and becoming bolder and bolder with my predictions until finally the fellow who had picked me up asked me what I saw in his hand. "You are going to be married very soon," I decreed, a tad disappointed because I was thinking he was kinda cute myself. He shook his head in puzzlement claiming he didn't know anyone. "Well, keep your eyes open," I advised, "Cause any day now you are going to meet her..."

Long story short, we were married six weeks later. Meanwhile I'm getting kinda teary so that's about as far as I can go with my saga for today. I'll take up the story again another time. An interesting sidelight: My roommate at the time also met her future husband that week and she too was married shortly there after. I wish I'd known about feng shui in those days - I would love to know what the energy of that house was, definitely lucky for love!

Well enough about me. Now some astrological data to give us some guidance for our week ahead:
With a new moon in Taurus, and Mercury and Uranus in Aries the emphasis is on new beginnings this week but with a warning to check your facts before making large investments.

Monday, Mercury - the God in charge of communication - will be leaving Pisces, the realm of dreams and intuition to enter Aries, the sign of fast action and initiative. It signals a time when the door is open for new inspiration to come in. A bit of caution - weird fears and paranoia drift about in Pisces Land, so be careful the new ideas you're wanting to promote are based on something real..

The moon will be joining Mercury and also Uranus on Wednesday. This puts the focus on breaking out of bondage (maybe that's why I'm breaking out of writer's block?). Situations that have seemed stuck for months will find ways to move forward.

Finally on Saturday we will have the new moon in Taurus giving us a chance to anchor our inspirations in a whole new reality.  Do put in writing your affirmations for the month on Saturday and particularly be aware of what's going on in your world Saturday night when the new moon will be exact. This Taurus new moon specifically encourages us to eat healthy and be with good people. Please do it! You are setting the tone for your whole month ahead.

Feel free to post your New Moon affirmations here. There's something powerful about putting prayers out on the internet. Like a Tibetan Prayer Wheel, a computer seems to multiply the power of a written affirmation making it manifest so much more quickly.

My affirmation is that we'll talk soon!
Thanks for reading,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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