Mercury is heading for another retrograde. If you're thinking of starting anything new do it before Thursday August third. After that we'll be living with Mercury slowing down to join Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto already retrograde! Auuugh. This manifests as a strong possibility of misunderstandings and difficult communication. Frankly there will probably be too many hurdles to make much further progress at this time. Your best approach is to stand still and wait for difficulties to resolve at their own pace. Be patient, maintain your confidence, and solutions will come.
Here's how the energies are moving:
Wednesday, August 2. Uranus turns retrograde. Again, don't even try to break through stuck situations. Go within and quietly continue doing what you know feels good and right. Tomorrow will be better.
Thursday, August 3. The Moon goes into Capricorn rewarding the efforts of those who refuse to give in to less than honorable temptations. Instead, look for win-win opportunities for everyone, people will rally around you. The Moon trines Uranus - watch for synchronicities and insights on how to proceed.
Friday, August 4. Today the Moon in Capricorn, the sign of wisdom gained through practical experience, makes a very helpful trine to Mercury in Virgo, the sign of caution and detailed planning. You could be in a position to significantly improve your situation. Make a To Do list.
Saturday, August 5. Shift happens. The Moon squares Uranus and the time of standing still and waiting is behind us. You can now change things for the better by being creative and making a strong and conscious effort to move into the future with joy and worthy achievements!
To sum up, the old ways aren't working. Each of us is experiencing where we've been hanging on to an old pattern that is simply nor serving us any longer. It's time for us to recognize something's got to give! The good news is these old patterns that must change are probably old roles that have been outgrown anyway. Perhaps now we can stop hanging on to a relationship or a job that gave us security but no joy or maybe we simply find we finally are able to release the clutter in the closet. With this week's line up of planets if we refuse to get caught up with doomed efforts to maintain the past, we will find the feeling of stagnation gives way to awareness of whole new opportunities coming in the future.
Give me a call and let's see where the new doors are opening for you.
410 - 750 - 0077.
Until then,
Rosada, EXT 2340