Sunday, February 25, 2018

Virgo Full Moon March 1 - Thoughts Become Things

The Sun in Pisces illuminates visions and dreams while the Moon in Virgo spotlights attention to the body and health matters. When they combine with a Full Moon this coming Thursday, March 1, we should see some specific examples of how our thoughts effect our physical body and environment. Make a point of listening to uplifting music and avoid negativity - you will see it does you good like medicine!

On Sunday, March 4, the Sun will conjunct Neptune making it an Anything Can Happen Day. Neptune dissolves boundaries and when the Sun energies this pattern we never know what may float in. You may find yourself feeling lost and without focus but you might also have some unusual and inspirational insights. The key message here is that we are all one, no boundaries to separate us, so do unto others as you would be done by.

On this same day, Mercury, the planet ruling the mind, will be teaming up with Venus, the goddess of love in Pisces which could bring us poetry in motion - but beyond sweet dreams you can't count on this combo to manifest anything too concrete. Make plans but avoid being the victim of a smooth talker and don't pay any money up front!

Saturn, the harsh reality planet, is in it's home sign Capricorn meaning we're involved in an intense Awakening to Reality cycle this year. I can remember as a young teenager thinking "Enlightenment" would be a grand thing even though I had no idea what it might mean. Now the whole world is speeding towards enlightenment and it's not the happy feeling anticipated. Enlightenment means the lights are being turned on and we're seeing how the world really works - how we've trusted those who didn't have our best interests at heart and how thoughts and prayers alone don't change anything. Enlightenment doesn't mean we are instantly wise and all knowing, indeed, I'm beginning to think it means we come to realize just how little we know.

But knowing you don't know is a good place to start. The next step with Saturn is to affirm, "The buck stops here." When we accept responsibility and acknowledge how our own actions have led to our current situations we then can see how we have the power to change them.

You've got the power!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Is Your Dream Big Enough?

When we talk about making dreams come true, we tend to think in terms of specific things - like, "I'm dreaming of owning a sports car" - but things are goals, not dreams. Dreams are not one particular thing, but a whole life style. When we dream at night we don't see just one picture, we see a movie - a movie in which we're both the director and the star. By recognizing that our waking life is also a dream that we are creating, we are empowered to make it more aligned with our true wishes.

To live the life/movie of your dreams there are some very specific things you can do to make this happen. Particularly surround yourself with the appropriate scenery, costumes and props because just as what you surround yourself with during the day is likely to show up in your dreams at night, the things you surround yourself with will also attract more of the same in your waking life. We all know people who collect certain items. They probably didn't start out saying, "Oh I'm going to collect china frogs" but rather they probably happened to have one and a friend saw it and gave them another and then someone else saw them and added a third and before long everyone thinks this person wants  frogs and so, even if they hate them, they keep getting more and more. Like attracts like. So what ever you're wanting your dream/movie to be, start manifesting it by surrounding yourself with images and symbols - physical props - of what you do want more of. If you are wanting to manifest more money, carry a silver dollar.  If you are wanting to go to Hawaii,  wear a paper lei and start living on Island Time. Whatever you have is drawing more of the same to you, so have in your head and in your hand only what you want to attract more of.

  This works because the Universe is all about energy, frequency and vibration. If you want to manifest something, your energy has to be on the same frequency as what you wish to manifest. If you are depressed and want to manifest happiness you will not be drawn to happiness by focusing on negative thoughts. Plus to be drawn to happiness when you are down you need a dream that is bigger than your current circumstances. Your dream has to be bigger, stronger, more compelling, to pull you out of your funk. To make your vision a powerful magnet it must be a really big dream!

 After all, a  teeny tiny magnet doesn't have much pull and likewise a small dream wont keep your focus either. To draw you out of your old ruts and forward, the magnet - the dream - needs to be about 3x bigger than the life - the movie - you are acting in right now. In fact, your dream should be so big that you wont even be able to complete it in this lifetime - it should be so big you probably wont complete it for three lifetimes!

Play with the three lifetimes idea a bit and see what happens. Our dreams are so often toned down, squelched, to fit what we think of as being possible and we greatly underestimate what the possibilities are. A senior citizen may say, "Oh I wanted to be a teacher but it's too late for me to get a credential now..." But if this person considers what they might do in three lifetimes, suddenly going back to school now doesn't seem so absurd. This happened with a sixty-three year old friend of mine and no sooner did she sign up for classes than she was offered a teaching job at a private school - no credential required! Another friend was inspired by the Three Lifetime's Rule to take up playing the piano even though she knew her dream of being a concert pianist - which needs about 20,000 hours of practice - wouldn't be realized this time around. Still, imagining that her efforts might lead to being born a musical prodigy in the next lifetime gave her the incentive to begin her studies - which are bringing her great happiness already.

So don't wish for small things. Small doable things make good goals but to create the life of your dreams you need to think way big. So big it will take several lifetimes and many miracles to make your dream come true. But don't worry about the time, because you'll discover you don't mind your current beginner's status when you recognize you are on an adventure to a glorious future - even if it's a few lifetimes away!

Planetary heads up:
The Moon will go into Taurus for a couple of days February 20 -22. This is good for practical matters and creating arrangements that make for a smooth energy flow. You can't please everyone but on these days you may come close.

Venus joins up with Neptune the morning of the 21. This sounds like a warm fuzzy but it could manifest as harsh reality creating confusion. If so, wait a day or two to let things sort themselves out.

Dream on!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Aquarius New Moon Brings The Year of The Dog

Seems like it's all happening at once this week. We've got Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, Ash Wednesday, a Lunar New Year, a partial eclipse, two major sign changes and a couple of very tricky squares coming up. Whew, I think I need a nap.

Here are some tips for how to navigate this maze:

First, send Valentines. A lot of people have stopped sending Christmas cards mainly because they got to be so common, so required, that sending them ceased to be a delight and became more like a chore. Yet getting a card in the mail is still such fun so why not show your Aquarian eccentricity and let a few close buddies feel your love? In fact, go way outside the box and even send flowers to your very best buds!

Next tune into the power of this up coming New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse happening in Aquarius Thursday, February 15.  Aquarius is a sign known for promoting cool detachment so when the Moon is in this sign it encourages friendships based on mutual mental interests rather than romance. It can be a time of delightful gatherings of like minded souls - just don't expect people to get along because they are family or because it's polite of for any other reason than simply because they want to. The eclipse adds even more intensity to this planetary placement so it may be a difficult couple of days for making important decisions - people may vote against their own best interests just to prove they can.

The Lunar New Year starts on Friday, February16. In Chinese astrology this begins The Year of The Earth Dog. Dogs are known for being trustworthy and loyal so the Year of The Dog is supposed to have a much more stable feel to it than what we experienced in 2017. I sure hope so...

Saturday, February 17, we have a puzzling square from Mars to Neptune. Mars rules ambition and goal seeking while Neptune creates confusion and fog. When the two come together it's easy to get lost so double check directions and instructions this week. Probably not a good time to start tackling your taxes.

If that weren't confusing enough, Mercury enters Pisces the same day. Mercury rules information while Pisces is better at dealing with emotions. When Mercury is here it can be good for listening to music and whispering a lot of Sweet Nothings, but again, be careful to get your facts straight.

The week comes to a close with a yearning for peace and harmony.  First Venus and then the Sun will be moving into Pisces and nobody is going to feel particularly ambitious after that. If you must do something productive consider having a garage sale. The Pisces Sun will make you feel like dispersing all your material goods and even if you don't make the Big Bucks, Venus in Pisces will make you feel good for providing for some needy souls.

Have a great week, Dog gone it!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Venus into Pisces: Manifesting The Life of Your Dreams

 I just returned from a workshop on The Art of Manifesting, Along with the usual suggestions about affirmations and vision boards the speaker had some unique ideas I now want to share with you..

According to Elizabeth Mac Nair, the author of The Little Old Lady's Bank Account - a Guide to Living Well at Any Age, there are six key things to know to make your dreams come true.

!. The first thing is to make sure your ultimate goal is happiness.
 We usually aim to manifest very specific things like a car but Elizabeth pointed out that we only want these specific things because of what we hope they will lead to - such as wanting to manifest a car because it would give us mobility - but we then must consider what getting our wish might then lead to after that. Why do we want mobility - perhaps to travel cross country? - and then why we'd want to travel cross country and what we hope that might lead to and so on until ultimately we realize that what we are truly wanting is not necessarily any specific thing but something that we think will bring us to our greatest goal, happiness. It's very important that one be clear the ultimate goal is happiness. Otherwise we could manifest a car that causes nothing but trouble. So the first Law of Manifestation is..
Choose happiness first.

2. The second most important rule can be summed up in the wise old saying,
 "Be careful what you wish for because you are liable to get it."
Along with this idea she mentioned the doctor's oath, "First do no harm." The point is that we need to carefully consider the ramifications of what we are aiming for and to beware the law of unintended consequences. This goes along with the initial counsel that we make happiness our focus and so when defining a wish always maintain the understanding that you are intending to manifest your vision "OR SOMETHING BETTER."

3. What we wish for ourselves we must first give to others.
This is  like "Do unto others what you would have others do unto you." It's also where the conversation started to get a bit hard to follow but she made important points. For us to believe it is even possible for good people to help us, we have to prove to ourselves that such people even exist - and we do this by being the good helper ourselves. Thus, if you are wishing for the ideal job, become the ideal employer. You don't have to start a Fortune 500 company to do this. Simply giving a hard working waitress a generous tip makes you a generous employer - and cues your unconscious to seek out similar souls who will likewise be good to you.

4. Have all your wishes in alignment.
This is really important. We did an exercise where we were to write down in one column all the reasons we wanted the thing we hoped to manifest. In another column we wrote all the reasons why it might serve us NOT to have it manifest. After we did this she read aloud some of examples.. One woman in the group wanted to finally write her novel. For why she might not want this to happen she noted it would take time and she was very busy. Well! Not hard to see how that concern would block her every time she got a hankering to pick up a pen! Another person said she wished her boyfriend would get serious and propose. Then she noted that he was allergic to dogs and she had a poodle! Of course the relationship stayed stuck - if he proposed she'd have to make a decision about her dog which she definitely didn't want to do! And so it went and we saw how every unfulfilled wish had some significant reason for it to be blocked. In fact, Elizabeth explained that to manifest the item in the first column, there really shouldn't be anything - no resistance! -  in the second column. What was amazing to me was how often the person expressing the wish did not grasp how their block was what prevented it. What seemed like an obvious block to the rest of the class didn't seem to be a block to the person who wrote it. Guess that's why we need friends to point these things out to us.

5. Create a deadline.
All our dreams will manifest "someday" but unless we give ourselves a deadline that someday may not even be in this lifetime! Tell yourself you wish to manifest something in 48 hours and then you'll see some action.

6. Acknowledge success.
Getting a "Thank you" seems to be really important to The Universe. Say your prayers and specifically mention all the miracles you witnessed through out the day, whether they had to do with your particular wish or not. You'll see more miracles tomorrow...

Wishing you many manifestations of happiness!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, January 29, 2018

Ursula Le Guin and The Wizard of Earthsea

Ursula Le Guin has passed away at 88. The award winning author of the classic, The Wizard of Earthsea, was the aunt of one of my dearest friends. Her gentile genius broke new ground in science fiction writing and she will be sorely missed by all who knew her through her words and in person. God speed to you Ursula.

The big event this week is a very rare Aquarius Full Moon on Wednesday, January 31. Usually the Full Moon marks a time of bringing things to a natural sense of completion, but this week that may be darn near impossible because our emotional reactions could blow everything out of proportion. Indeed, this Moon in Leo opposing the Sun in Aquarius signals a time for taking a much needed break from work. You're not going to feel like following anyone else's orders so give the job routine a rest. Aquarius rules friends and peers so take some time to relax with your pals and be yourself. Live in the moment and enjoy this time out. When the Sun is in Aquarius it's important to focus on your social life as it can refresh you and lead to new contacts. Too much emphasis on work and ambition leads to competition and that not only makes relaxation impossible it also alienates everyone. Of course, Aquarians don't easily fit in with groups anyway, so if you find yourself feeling the sense of being an outsider who doesn't belong - which is so much a part of the Aquarian experience - remain composed and wait it out. You may have to put on a happy face and go along to get along but this wont last long. Meanwhile, get a drink and a bite to eat and enjoy your friends. 

If your birthday happens to fall on or near January 31 or August 3, this eclipse will fall on the same degree as your natal Sun and could be an indication that 2018 will be a turning point in your life (give me a call for more details).

Later on January 31, Mercury - the planet of communication - ventures into Aquarius for the next three weeks. News travels fast when Mercury is in this sign and you may find yourself coming up with lots of unusual ideas and insights. Keep a pencil handy cause the thoughts can go as fast as they come.

By Friday, February 2, the Moon will have slipped into hard working Virgo and will be making a very productive trine to generous Jupiter. Any pressing tasks that were ignored earlier in the week should be easily completed now.

Aquarian thought for the day:
Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself!
 - William Faulkner

Love to all,
Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Mercury + Pluto = The Nuclear Option?

The Sun is in Aquarius now, so the focus is on groups more than individuals for the next three weeks. Thus Congress is more in the spotlight than usual and the president and individual elected officials are only important in relation to how they can effect Congress' final decisions. As I write this the two parties can't agree on a budget to keep the government going so Congress has shut it down. This makes sense when we consider where the planets are now.

The big aspect to watch this week is Mercury joining Pluto in Capricorn on Wednesday January 24. This is an incredibly powerful aspect as Mercury, is the ruler of the mind and word, the vibration that links intention (Sun) with manifestation (Earth). Mercury takes an idea, puts it into words and spreads it like seeds till something catches hold and grows. When Mercury is In harsh, realistic Capricorn, only the words that are clear and to the point will propagate. If there are lies or exaggerations they will be quickly spotted because Mercury in Capricorn is only interested in the facts. This focus creates a magnetic force that draws to it what ever it is seeking. Ordinarily this Mercury in Capricorn event might indicate people becoming interested in gathering ordinary facts - like wanting to get their taxes straight or wanting to do something to simplify bookkeeping, and so this aspect could manifest in looking for and finding people who can help us in simple factual tasks - but this week when Mercury cycles through hard core reality Capricorn, it will be further challenged to get to the bottom of things because it will be aligning with Pluto, the planet ruling deep research into Life and Death and Transformation.

We see this pattern starting to manifest in the current government shutdown happening on Capital Hill. Unable to get our representatives to simply look at the reality of our country's situation and come up with a balanced budget, our congress men have instead indulged in lies and misrepresentations and now Pluto says," the buck stops here." I assume that once we get past this exact aspect on Wednesday there will be some sort of rebirth of a budget but I also expect that it will be quite different - transformed - from the ideas guiding the first one.

The Moon will enter Gemini Friday afternoon and after a fierce philosophical battle with Mars in Sagittarius we can look for some sort of successful coming to terms when it trines the Aquarian Sun Friday evening. Will the government be back and up and running by then? I hope so. Certainly the opportunity is there if that's what people want. However, if the officials who are voting for laws that are out of step with the majority consciousness, refuse to reconsider their positions, these planetary line-ups could indicate people losing faith in the government entirely to the point where the shutdown is allowed to continue and - uh-oh - people just may discover they don't need a government at all!

What if they gave a war and nobody funded it?

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, January 14, 2018

New Moon in Capricorn - We Shall Overcome.

Planets in Capricorn don't start things at the bottom, they start them in the basement. This week we have FIVE of the ten planets we look at all lined up in this sign of harsh reality. It signifies a time when we don't seem to have a whole lot of options and indeed many of you have been calling me asking "When will I catch a break?" The good news is we're all in this stuck-hole together so we might as well just lay back and enjoy the ride.

If you're finding yourself surrounded by obstacles that you cannot overcome, the first thing you must do is steady yourself before taking action. The Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto are all in Capricorn meaning now is the time to stabilize and allow for a new perspective to come into focus. Particularly remember Capricorn is the opposite sign from moody Cancer so you're more powerful when you stay rational this week and don't let emotions take over. Much of the turmoil in the news these days has been caused by reporters "catastrophising" every story. "If it bleeds it leads" is the bottom line it seems, and I for one am done with having my feelings manipulated. Mercury in Capricorn helps you be rational, so instead of reacting with disgust or outrage the next time you read Trump's latest tweet or even when you are considering difficulties in your own life, take a step back and consider your alternatives. I just saw an article about how our bodies are wired to reward us with a zap of dopamine - the chemical that makes us feel good - every time we do certain things. We get huge jolts of it from clicking away on our computers - and even more when we shop online. So the big corporations know that if they can just keep feeding us these hair raising stories while also promising solutions if we'll only purchase the right pills or donate to the right politician, we'll keep coming back and something! It's the old "create a need and fill it" scam. But now the game has gone on for so long and obviously the horror stories are never going to stop, that we're reaching a point of being totally burned out and feeling it's all hopeless. Fortunately a long with showing us how bad it's gotten, these planets in Capricorn are also showing us the way out.

Capricorn is the sign of responsibility as in "the ability to respond." As we recognize that our power comes from our ability to choose what we respond to and how, we are able to regain control of our lives. (Interesting that Capricorn rules the knees and people who do not control their responses are said to have "knee-jerk" reactions.) Enlist sensible Mercury to describe your circumstances in the most straight forward and honest terms. Avoid the temptation to use words that create worry and fear, instead keep a positive outlook by frequently telling yourself "I can do this!" Venus in Capricorn rewards us when we set realistic (a favorite Capricorn word) short term goals for ourselves.

The New Moon falls on Tuesday January 16. Make this the month you will be the one who decides how to shape your life. We can either retreat into denial and boredom, or courageously go forward. The second half of this week looks like we'll have some opportunities for breakthroughs when the Sun will go into Aquarius on Friday, January 19, so...

Let the Sun shine in!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Jupiter Aligns with Mars - Dawning of the Aquarian Age?

When the Moon is in the seventh house,
And Jupiter aligns with Mars,
Then peace will guide the planets,
And love will steer the stars.
- Aquarius

The Moon is in the 7th house or sign, Libra, this week as Mars and Jupiter join up in Scorpio. Is this the long awaited dawning of the New Age as predicted in the song  Aquarius? If so, what do the planets tell us about this next cycle and how can we best harmonize with its powerful flow?

We have a rare Sun-Venus-Pluto conjunction happening in Capricorn this week. This means the planets of Life. Love and the Power to Transform are uniting in the sign of our Collective Reality. It portends many astonishing realizations hitting home. In fact, it just about guarantees that everything we've believed about who we are, our value, our limits and all that other Capricorn stuff is getting a mind blowing update. Those stuck in old rigid thinking may be filled with fear as promises get broken, appointments are missed and everything seems open to interpretation. On the other hand, those who can keep the faith, those who can keep sending out the reassuring love vibes with patience and expectation will experience awesome soul growth as we recognize the upcoming changes are necessary and can all be for the good.  A lot of hidden truths will be coming to the surface - like the song says, "no more falsehoods" - and the more we can allow this purification process to clear the old, the more easily the new possibilities will emerge. Vow to be the change you want to see in the world - you'll have proof this is how it works by the end of the month. Maybe by the end of the week when the Moon will be in Sagittarius, the sign of beliefs, trining Uranus bringer of enlightenment.

If there is one piece of advice I would like to give you it's, 'Don't let this week's amazing opportunities pass you by!" Turn off your computer (but not until after you read me, of course), stop obsessing over Trump, and get out there and make your move! The strong emphasis in Capricorn means this is the time when the rubber meets the road. Do something to make your dreams more real. One easy, cheap and powerful gesture is to order new business cards highlighting the person you are becoming. Another powerful symbol is to carry a check in your wallet made out to you and signed, The Universe. Jim Carey made out a check to himself for $10,000,000 and carried it with him for a year. He was broke at the time but before the year was up he had been given a multi-million dollar movie contract.

The Age of Aquarius is a time for new rules and independent thinking. Those who are not strong enough to accept responsibility for the lives their thinking has created, who continue to blame others or the government rather than looking within, will become powerless victims for the power now will be with those who recognize AND USE the laws of karma and The Law of Attraction and become the intentional co-creators with God we were created to be.

It starts now.

Rosada, EXT 2340

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year's Resolutions That Will Change Your Life.

Are you still making the same old resolutions? A recent survey shows the top three resolutions made each year are to lose weight, clear out clutter and to pay off credit card debt. A close fourth is to learn a foreign language.
Question: Is anybody actually doing any of this?
No? I didn't think so.

Why not? Why is it we so often start out animated and yet so quickly lose focus, become discouraged, bored and give up?
The answer may be in the stars..

Consider, while we think of January 1st as the first day of a new year, this date is not connected with any particular planetary activity or support. In the past, ancient civilizations like Babylon used the spring equinox to celebrate the start of the new cycle. In Egypt, the new year began in mid-July with the rising of the fixed star Sirius. These dates had an astrological justification for planning new beginnings but we go by a calendar instituted by Julius Caesar that's not star based and thus the planetary line up on January 1 may or may not be conducive to keeping resolutions. Sometimes the planets are even arranged in a way that practically guarantees projects started on this day will flop.

So now let's consider what resolutions might have a chance given the placement of the stars this New Year.
First of all, we're having a Super Full Moon on January 1. Everything comes out in the open under a full Moon so this is an ideal time to recognize where we are and what we want our goals to be. Because this Moon is in Cancer, it naturally puts a focus on the issues of security with a particular emphasis on food and family. To come up with a resolution that will really work for you consider first how you can enhance these areas. As Cancer rules eating habits and it is a waning rather than a waxing Moon, this is a year when resolutions to trim down could finally get results. However, rather than resolving to go on some restrictive diet, consider that Cancer is a water sign and vow to DRINK MORE WATER. Particularly distilled water. That's right, the sort of water you usually use to put in your iron to keep it clean. Distilled water will do wonders for keeping your insides clean too. You can google it and read more about the amazing results people have experienced - including weight loss! - from drinking a gallon of distilled water everyday.

Uranus - the god representing your inner rebel - will be turning direct on Tuesday, January 2. Projects that have been stalled come back to life now but with a new twist. If you've had a hard time accepting the fact that our political leaders are not helping us, Uranus turning direct clears your head of  misplace trust and inspires you to BECOME SELF-SUFFICIENT.

Saturday January 6 could be the best day this week for making changes. The fierce god of action, Mars, will be in Scorpio, the sign of total transformation and he will be sextiling - offering his strength - to Jupiter, the god of good fortune. Affirmations and resolutions made on this day should have some staying power and net you beneficial results. Use it to not only pay off debts but to FIND NEW SOURCES OF INCOME. Plus Jupiter rules travel so don't just resolve to learn a foreign language, PLAN TO TAKE A TRIP.

Finally remember the magic of WRITING THING DOWN. Put your resolutions in writing, read them often and recognize when the Universe is aligning with you to male them manifest.

For a more detailed analysis of your potentials this year please give me a call.

Happy New Year!

Rosada, EXT 2340