Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy New Era!

Greetings Earthlings!

Will this be the year we finally make contact with beings from outer space? Supposedly they are hovering just outside our solar system waiting for a chance to reveal themselves but holding back for fear of causing a panic. 

Do you buy that? Maybe I just run with a wild crowd, but I don't know anyone who would freak out if an Extraterrestrial landed on their doorstep. In fact, everyone I know says they would be delighted to welcome any off planet visitors who care to beam down. Anyway, I'm putting it in writing here and now: To all UFO's out there reading this - Communicate and I'll post your messages on this blog for all to read!

Meanwhile, at my Psychic's Support Group we've been practicing tuning in on Space Beings and the consensus is that far from being a dangerous threat, these travelers are only here to help. Indeed, they are helping us already. One message frequently channeled: All the scary planet distorying environmental disasters we hear about aren't going to happen - we have bands of angels and fleets of space craft out there looking out for us. 

So when will we all connect with these Far Out Energies, this larger Universe? The answer has to do with releasing our prejudices. For example, like many of us, I was hoping there would be some dramatic Sign on the Winter Soltice. I attended a pleasant gathering on that day, but if I hadn't known to watch for Something Special I wouldn't have identified the events on 12 21, 2012 as particularly consciousness altering. One thing that does stand out in my mind is how there were a large number of people at the party and they seemed to represent a wider than usual spectrum of viewpoints and opinions. One conversation I enjoyed very much included a fellow who took the Bible as literal Truth. Ordinarily I would have gotten into a ferocious debate with him over whether man could have co-existed with the dinosaurs but this time I just really appreciated hearing his ideas. Maybe that's the first step to an expanding consciousness - the releasing of prejudice. Perhaps before we can benefit from Martian Insights we'll first need to practice talking to - listening to - insights from each other!

Thus my New Era's Resolution for 2013 is to release my limiting prejudices - the only thing blocking us from total communication and our always right First Impressions!

To anchor my resolution I will be doing a candle ceremony on New Year's Eve. Candles are a powerful tool for giving more energy to an intention and thus are helpful in creating manifestation. Candles have been a part of magical and religious ceremonies for centuries.

Perhaps some day scientists will give us a mathematical  explanation for why lighting a candle while focusing on an intention can cause the manifestation of one's desire, but until then all I care about is that it works! here's how it's done:
Speak your intention aloud and light your candle. 
Red for love, Green for money, Blue for healing, White for divine Intervention. 
If it's going to do anything for you, you'll see the results asap.

And now,
Have a safe December 31 and a wonderful new year -

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Are You Still Here?

If you are reading this, congratulations! We made it through December 21, 2012!

We had a grand Winter Soltice Celebration Friday here in the woods on the Columbia Gorge in Washington. The God of Abundance (Jupiter) is in Gemini, the sign of neighbors this week so any activity that gets us all together is blessed and protected. My friend Dan builds a huge bonfire on Soltice Night each year and opens his house to the community. This year about forty people braved the snow and arrived with food and drink to share plus clothes and jewelry and other items to give and trade. I love this idea of bringing things to trade to these equinox festivals. Its become a major part of the tradition and people now always make a point of bringing fun things that inspire talk and stories. Oh, and this year a couple of jolly souls came dressed as Mayans!

We all took delight in discussing the predictions of the Mayan calendar and comparing notes. Did anyone experience Enlightenment or a visit to the much rumored 5th Dimension? Nothing too dramatic was reported here but there were some curious co-incidences and syncronicities. Twice in the evening people called just as our host was talking about them and three people arrived wearing the exact same outfit. The general conversation seemed to flow particularly well as if we all might have been one consciousness.

If this date really did mark the beginning of a whole new era, the key changes I noticed came about in the nature of the card readings I was giving.
I have been doing these annual readings for several years now. Always the cards have pointed out important events coming up in the year ahead. This is particularly seen in the card that falls in the "Upcoming Influences" position. The card that lands there provides some important clue or omen for the near future. On this Soltice however, these Future cards were all uncharacteristically vague. The High Priestess and The Hanged Man - cards that encourage patience and waiting - came up again and again until we were all wondering if there really was something to the prediction the world was coming to an end after all. Meanwhile, the cards that described where the person receiving the reading was at that precise moment were all startlingly accurate. For example, The Pregnant Empress card came up for a woman who is expecting her first child and The Chariot reversed came up for a fellow who had walked over because his car battery went dead. This leads me to believe the Mayan message for all of us this year is:

God knows where you are right now but the future is not here yet.  Take 2013 one day at a time!

Significant astrological events to watch for this week:

Monday Dec. 24. CHRISTMAS EVE:
The moon in Taurus will trine lively Mars in Capricorn until far into the evening. Wonderful energy for getting everything done - but good luck getting the kids to bed early!

Tuesday Dec. 25  CHRISTMAS DAY:
The moon in Gemini combines with the blessings of Jupiter. This could be a very pleasant holiday for many people as Gemini rules brothers and sisters. The moon/Jupiter combo here says family gatherings go well - we feel more tolerant, Jupiter gives us space.

Wednesday Dec. 25.
Moon continues in Gemini allowing talk and good cheer to continue throughout the day!

Thursday and Friday Dec. 26 and 27.
The moon squares Uranus all day Thursday while building to a full moon and then opposition to Pluto Friday morning. Impulsive action and power struggles? The results of poor holiday eating choices coming out under the full moon? Fortunately the last aspect the moon makes in Cancer is a trine to Saturn giving good back up support for New Year's Diet Resolutions.

The sun conjuncts Pluto Sunday Dec.30. This aspect signifies Death (Pluto) and Rebirth (The sun). Having this aspect so close to New Year's Day this year adds a helpful nudge to release the past and welcome the new!

Happy Holidays,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter Solstice!

Count Down to Winter Soltice, 12 21, 2012:

The message from the stars this week gives guidance for more deeply synchronizing with the energy shift coming up on Friday December 12, 2012. This day marks the last day of The Mayan Calendar and has the potential for being the first day of a brand new perception of who we are and how we may live our lives more consciously. By being aware that this energy shift is going on and willingly aligning with it we are expecting that we will be able to remain awake and conscious during this momentous transition.

Sunday December 16.:
Venus has entered Sagittarius. 
Love is coming from a distance.
 Remove all road blocks!
(Forgive, forgive, forgive.)

Monday December 17:
Venus moves beyond squaring Saturn
Reawaken feelings - exercise the heart,
Through art
But minimize personal attachment.

Tuesday December 18:
Moon in Pisces.
The Great Releasing Begins.
Let  whatever wants to go, GO!

Wednesday December 19:
Moon squaring the sun at the last degree of Pisces.
Keep the Inner Fire going.
Moon enters Aries
Ask yourself,
Who do you want to be when you wake up?

Thursday December 20.
Moon square Pluto.
 First the Inner Adjustment.

Friday December 21.
Sun enters Capricorn.
Enter The New Reality.

Saturday December 22.
Moon enters Taurus.
See the world around you with
Increased Perception.

Sunday December 23.
Moon opposition Saturn,
Moon trine Pluto.
See the Reality.
Evolve with it.

God bless us all,
See you in the New Dimension!
Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, December 10, 2012

Creating Christmas

Can you believe it's the second week of December already? I think I understand now the Mayan Calendar prediction that Time is speeding up this year. Gad zooks! Sure seems so to me! But in all honesty, I feel this way every year. Maybe because I have the moon squaring Saturn, I just don't feel the holiday spirit until it's nearly Christmas Day - and then I feel panic. So this year I'm using the cards and the stars to get in sync with the season early on:

The Destiny Card for December 25 is the 6 of Hearts. Six is the number of karma, Hearts stand for love, thus we can get in sync with the holiday spirit by giving and receiving love. (It also seems fitting that this is the day Santa comes with gifts that aren't really gifts but karmic payback for The Naughty and The Nice.)

Furthermore, when we consult the stars we see that on Christmas Day the sun will be in Capricorn, the sign ruling Tradition. Having the sun here tells us one of the key elements to a happy Christmas is acknowledging traditions. There's a built in comfort in putting up the same ornaments, singing the same songs, eating the same food and of course sharing the day with old friends. I'm not forgetting that Uranus is in Aries now so you may feel like doing a few things out of the ordinary - or even starting a new tradition - but don't neglect those family rituals - they are the easiest, quickest way to make Christmas feel like Christmas.

The moon will be in Gemini along with jovial Jupiter. Gemini rules brothers and sisters so that's a wonderful pairing for goodwill in the family. Plus because Gemini favors messages, it's a great line up of planets for sending cards to everyone you know. The very act of writing out these positive affirmations will help you hark and hear the harold  angels singing.

Mercury and Venus will be in Sagittarius, the sign promoting philosophy, religion and long distance travel. If being home for Christmas involves travel this year you'll probably feel the trip was worth it.. Also because Sagittarius rules sharing knowledge, this is one Christmas you could give everybody on your list a book about something foreign to them but dear to your heart and they might actually read it.

Neptune in Pisces this year promises music will be key to bringing in the holiday spirit and also gifts of music will be particularly appreciated. More importantly, Neptune in Pisces blesses the poor and unfortunate and those who care for them. If you don't really need another tie or coffee cup this would be a great year to start a new tradition by getting your loved ones to donate in your name to your favorite charity. 

Finally Mars will be at the very last degree of Capricorn meaning energy (Mars) will flow smoothly according to our plans (Capricorn) - so be sure to make some! 

All and all this could be a very pleasant Christmas holiday for many people, perhaps with less acting out than usual on the part of family members?

Meanwhile we have the New Moon coming up Thursday December 13 . It will be in the early morning hours so unless you are intending to be awake at 3:42 a.m. est. I suggest you make a point of simply focusing on something positive before you fall asleep the night before. If you do have something important enough to begin, do it at that time.

Best day of the week: Saturday December 15 especially in the morning. The moon will be sextiling Venus making it a lovely time to be with friends, to work on something creative, or to pick out Christmas presents.

Keeping the yuletide bright,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Cards

The Destiny card system assigns a card to each day of the year.  Knowing the card of the day can be helpful in alerting us to activities particularly suited to the energies available. Therefore this week I have decided to write out what the card for each day is along with my usual heads up on the astrological aspects worth watching for. I hope you'll find these "Christmas Cards" fun and useful!

Today Sunday, December 2, is a Three of Diamonds day: which means that everyone on some level is experiencing a push to be more creative (threes rule creativity) about financial matters (Diamonds rule values, money and the things money can buy).  3 days can find us multi-tasking or scattered if we try to fit too many ideas into the time available. Diamond days draw our attention to the physical world. Thus if you've been stressed trying to take care of too many the holiday chores or if you've been feeling a pinch on your pocket book, you may come up with some terrific creative solutions today.

Monday December 3:
Two of Diamonds = companionship and enterprise.
The moon in Leo is heading for a square to Mercury tomorrow.

A terrific day for partnership enterprises. Brain-storming gets results but strong opinions could rouse an argument!

Tuesday December 4:
Ace of Diamonds.
Ace's are intentions, the beginnings of creation. Diamonds = the physical world.

Forget yesterday's frustrations and focus on the future.
Clear intentions quickly manifest today.

Wednesday December 5:
The King of Clubs: Master of communication.
The three quarter moon tonight is in Virgo.
The Sabian Symbol is of a lace handkerchief.

Make up your mind and go for it!
Small items of quality satisfy the soul.
Hmm..this combination feels like some good books would make great gifts.

Thursday December 6:
Queen of Clubs: Intuitive awareness.
Waning moon in Virgo sextiles Mercury.

Your hunches are bound to be right on but with the waning moon it's probably best to use your insights for following up on matters already underway.

Friday December 7.
Jack of Clubs = lots of lively mental energy.
Moon in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries.

Not everyone will share our point of view.
Could be good for Christmas parties if we keep it light.

Saturday December 8
Ten of Clubs, The Teacher's Card.
Moon sextiles the sun in Sagittarius.

A lovely aspect for getting into the Christmas spirit.
Terrific night for reading scripture at church gatherings.

Sunday December 9
Nine of Clubs.
Endings, completions.
Moon in Scorpio heading for a conjunction with Venus.

May be time to let something go but Venus could help make it a "happy ending."
Particularly honor friends you may not see again for some time.

Have a great week and please drop me a line to let me know how these cards and astrological aspects manifested in your life.

The Destiny card system also provides a personal card for each day based on your individual birthday.
Give me a call and I can give you your personal cards and reading.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What Are We Waiting For?

   December 21,2012: Cataclysmic earth movement? Telepathy and time change? Transformation of human consciousness? End of the world?!! These are just some of the possibilities we can expect according to Jose Arguelles from his studies on the Mayan Calendar. Since publishing his original ideas various astronomers and Mayan anthropologists have criticized his calculations – mainly because the earth WILL NOT align with the Galactic Center of the universe that day as he believed - however his sense that something is about to shift for mankind at this time has created a strong resonance with  people all over the world - so much so that even people who had never heard of Winter Solstice celebrations will be gathering together on this day to pray for the Peace and Healing of our planet.

    As an astrologer and psychic I have been particularly motivated to understand what this phenomenon is all about. I have done readings on the date myself - which I'll talk more about in a moment - and studied dozens of articles from other readers to get their perspectives. The conclusion I've come up with is that something's going on, but it is much more subtle than originally predicted - still the result will be that everyone, not just Mayan calendar enthusiasts, will be effected and will come to recognize major changes are happening.

  My own readings from consulting the Chinese oracle, The I Ching, about this event point to the importance of joining together with others for mutual support at this time (hexagram 45: Gathering Together). Now I am planning to be with a group of friends on the actual day to celebrate the occasion, but I also believe the I Ching is advising not just that it is good to Gather Together with others on Dec. 21, 2012, but also that the whole consciousness rising experience we're watching for is going to manifest in our lives in proportion to our willingness to act in partnership with others – that is, the more we acknowledge that we need each other and act as if we are "all one" the more we will recognize the enlightenment coming into our lives.

  I furthermore got a sense from this reading that the shift we are anticipating is not going to be coming like a sudden chiropractic neck crack where our whole life view is suddenly wrenched to a different perspective. Rather, I feel we are going to be having gradual insights, like a foggy picture slowly taking on definition. An example would be meeting someone new and then through gentle conversation getting to know them and slowly discovering mutual interests and finally recognizing we have important work to do together. The point is, it appears the awakenings are going to be coming about in a natural fashion. What's special is that they are going to becoming about in a way that is more obvious and frequent.

  I also consulted The Destiny Card System, which is somewhat similar to Tarot cards but uses a standard playing card deck. This card reading system is becoming more and more popular as people try it out and recognize its effectiveness. Thirty years ago, Jose Arguelles, the man who popularized the Mayan calendar predictions, had originally said he believed the world would be using a whole new system for marking time by this year. That hasn't happened, but as this Destiny Card System, which uses the cards as a calendar and has suddenly become very popular, catches on I believe people are going to be using it to recognize and follow their life paths. Many converts rely on it now more than astrology. Could this be the "new calendar" Jose foresaw? The Destiny Card System assigns a card for each day of the year. The card for December 21 is The Ten of Hearts, the card representing large gatherings of people (literally ten hearts) coming together through a love connection. It emphasizes that love puts itself forward on faith – gives without expectation - but it also promises rewards will manifest. Certainly this fits with what has been predicted will happen on this day of world awakening.

Finally I looked for anything unusual happening astrologically on December 21. Actually surprisingly little out of the ordinary will be lighting up the sky that night. It's not a new moon and there won't be any earthshaking eclipses. However, there are a few minor interesting aspects and perhaps it is fitting that we have only small indicators of change on this exact date – all the easier to survive and grow with them in the months ahead. What I did find significant happening is that just the day before, the moon will be at the last degree of the sign Pisces. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is light going through a prism and becoming a rainbow of color. How appropriate for demonstrating the idea of all coming from one! Then on the actual day itself the Sun is going into Capricorn – thus the start of a new world order – and it will be making a sextile to Neptune – an auspicious omen for releasing old boundaries. Finally – perhaps most telling – the sun will be conjuncting Juno, the asteroid named for the wife of Jupiter, the goddess long associated with relationships – especially ones arousing  jealousy and violence. (Many thanks to Eric Francis for pointing this out.) As Juno will be at the first degree this suggests the New World Order - sun in Capricorn - will start with the relaxing of the harsh boundaries in our relationships - sextiling Neptune - and the transforming of the jealousies and rivalries that have destroyed relationships in the past - enlightening Juno. As our sun beams us with its light of clarity and the old rules and prejudices that separated us will no longer be tolerated! We can see this happening already as more and more laws are passed to acknowledge our rights to have relationships with the partners we choose, that is both gay and straight, and also in our awareness and acceptance of alternative relationships in general – between races, between folks married and unmarried, between countries, between religions and so forth. Can you imagine what the world will be like if this really does catch on? If anger and possessiveness no longer keep people paralyzed in fear? If humanity finally "gets it" and all we need is love? Wow, that would certainly be a world wide game changer!

  I've written about this topic today because I have heard rumblings of doubt and discouragement from many folks as they review their current life situations and start to lose hope that anything amazing or uplifting will be coming in on this much awaited special  date. I encourage us all to keep the faith. The shift may not be as startling as originally predicted but who wanted volcanoes and landslides anyway? The point is, we are making progress and we are about to take a great leap forward. I'm keeping my anticipation high and positive.

Key astrological aspect to watch for this week:
Mercury will turn direct on Monday, November 26 but not be moving full speed ahead until next Saturday December 1. New ideas may not be totally ready for their close up yet. Hold off on commitment until you see how they look at the end of the week.

Until then,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, November 19, 2012

Synchronicity Happens!

One of the delightful signs you're in tune with the times is seeing all sorts of synchronistic events manifest: For example, just as you 're thinking of someone, they phone, or you start to say something and someone else  starts talking too - and expresses the exact same thought, or you're needing something and it appears without effort and so forth. These "freak accidents" are supposedly going to be coming more and more common now as we approach Dec. 21, 2012 - the date set for humanities great leap of understanding - of seeing that we are all connected, we are all indeed one. As this date approaches you may enjoy noting the increasing syncronicities in your life.

Meanwhile, "Hunters shooting at wild ducks" was the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon on Tuesday November 13. When I posted this last week I wondered if there would be some sort of terrorist attack on Election Day. Fortunately there was none but I personally had a sort of hunter/wild duck experience I can link to that day. Or actually to the night before, because it happened on the eve of the New Moon but I still count it as a hit because these planetary happenings are allowed a day or two of "orb". Orb means the length time the planets are orbiting close enough to each other to trigger an event. Thus a predicted event may not happen just at the moment an aspect is exact but hours or days ahead or behind the exact moment if the planets are still "in orb" of each other.

In my case, my Hunters Shooting Wild Ducks experience happened about 12 hours before the New Moon when there was a dramatic outburst on our street with a lot of yelling and eventually police/hunters appearing and arresting a flock of party revelers/wild ducks. However, I consider that a bit of a stretch to say this brief outburst was a significant connection to the Sabian Symbol. Perhaps there will be something more about Hunters and Wild Ducks before the month is over - on the full moon, maybe? - but meanwhile some astrologers also find the Sabian Symbol before the exact degree  meaningful and thus after checking out the new moon degree of Scorpio 22, I looked at the previous symbol, the one for Scorpio 21: A Soldier Resigns His Commission As a Beautiful Woman Clings to Him. Wowza! Doesn't that sound like last week's General Petraeus affair? 

Next Sabian symbol to watch for: The first quarter moon will be on Tuesday, November 20 at 29 degrees Aquarius. The Symbol for this degree is " A caterpillar coming out of a chrysalis." What a wonderful image for awakening! For me personally it is significant because I will be coming out of an airplane  just about then as I am going to visit my son's family for Thanksgiving. As this will be our first Thanksgiving together since his father, my husband, died last year it is very strengthening to have this Sabian vision of rebirth and new potential.

Now just to be on the safe side I figure we ought to take a look at the image for 28 Aquarius also. Turns out it's "Logs providing heat for the winter." Well, given that we're already experiencing snow in many parts of the country I suspect this picture will be resonating with quite a few souls.

Other significant aspects to watch for this week:

The moon will be in Pisces most of Thanksgiving Day - great for creative cooking and certainly for being aware of our many blessings.

Mars in Capricorn will be squaring Uranus until early Friday morning - The best laid plans may go awry. Capricorn says Organize and Prepare, but then relax and be open to Uranus' Unexpected Opportunities.

Finally we round out the week with the moon in Taurus opposing Saturn in Scorpio on Sunday, November 25. Could be time for getting even more creative with the Thanksgiving leftovers...

Coming Up Next Month!!!
We're in the final weeks before the much anticipated consciousness shift/uplift happening December 21, 2012!!! Have you been thinking about ways to commemorate the date? As the key idea is that this day marks the completion of a major cycle of time and we are reuniting and remembering our one-ness, any activity that brings people together to form a group experience is appropriate. Activities that honor our diversity yet show our connectedness should be particularly successful. Playing music together is a wonderful way for the many to become one.

OMG, just as I wrote the above line my neighbor came out on his porch and began playing his recorder! Am I synchronized or what?

Maybe you'll feel like listening to some music now too. It's the easiest road to paradise!

Happy days,


Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, November 10, 2012

December 21, 2012: A Man Made Miracle

There have been a lot of whacky Dooms Day predictions over the years. Seems like there's always some group making headlines for selling everything and heading for the hills - certain the last day was yesterday. December 21, 2012 is like one of those predictions but it's unusual because it is not just a small isolated sect that believes this date is going to be significant.  People all over the world now have become aware of the idea: On this day there is to be a major shift in human consciousness. So many of us are tuned into this in fact, that whether or not the ancient Mayans really did believe 12-21-2012 would be the date marking the end of time or if that was just a weird interpretation by one misinformed archaeologist, you can be sure Something will happen on that day because so many of us believe it will! So many individuals have come to embrace the idea that the world will now start operating from a higher state of consciousness that now, whether God or some outside force intended it or not, that's how it's gonna be. Together we are making it happen.

At least that's how I think this 2012 event is going to manifest. We've all heard the expression that we are co-creators with God - I'm not sure I really understand what exactly that is supposed to mean - but now a huge number of us really are intending for something special to happen here. Not the end of the world - I don't know anyone who is still anticipating that the poles are going to shift - but maybe a sense that even though we live in times with tremendous problems, enough people have decided to no longer live in fear, enough people are practicing the ideas of focusing on the positive, and maybe, just maybe we're going to be able to work together to save the planet and ourselves.

Things to watch for as your consciousness shifts from a third-dimentional fear based reality to a four and fifth-dimentional spirit based awareness:

You may find yourself less and less interested in watching violence on television.
You may find you're more interested in other people's opinions and not so insistent that they agree with your own.
Wholesome food and wholesome music appeal to you as never before.
Coincidence and "perfect timings" happen more and more frequently.

Actually this can all happen now - no need to wait until December to vibrate at the higher rate. In fact it's probably good to be extra evolved now while you can still enjoy saying "I told you so" - just in case after the 21st we're so advanced we're no longer interested in gloating.

Speaking of gloating, I have to mention that Obama won and I predicted it based on his Destiny Cards!!!  This system of card reading assigns each of us a card based simply on the day we were born. Romney's card for 2012 was The Ten of Hearts, an omen for love and popularity. Obama's card was the Queen of Spades, the card of self-mastery and achievement. Although Romney's card was considered strong - and he certainly did attract a loyal following  - it was trumped by Obama's Queen and ultimately ne was re-elected. I am really excited about the Destiny Cards. They are clear, specific and easy to understand - unlike astrological charts which can give you so much information you don't know what to embrace and what to ignore. Ask me to give you a Destiny Reading when you call - I think you'll be delighted - empowered! - when you learn what your card is.

The big astrological event this last week was Mercury turning retrograde the day of the election. There was much speculation as to what this planet ruling people's minds and votes going backwards would mean at the polls, particularly because there had been a similar event - Mercury changing direction - back on Election Day 2000 which astrologers consider responsible for the Bush-Gore Florida vote counting fiasco. As of now it appears things went smoothly although it may have been Mercury Retrograde's influence that caused Romney to delay conceding the election until far into the night and many key Republican strategists - Karl Rove particularly - had major mental meltdowns, unable to get their thinking to accept the new reality.

The Astrological event to be aware of this week coming up is the New Moon at 5:05 p.m. est. on Tuesday November 13 at 22 degrees Scorpio. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is A Hunter Shooting Wild Ducks. This symbol was prominent in the the chart of the fellow shooting all those kids in a movie theatre some months back. Hopefully this New Moon will bring out a more positive side to the image. As always, on a New Moon it is advised to be as aware as possible of one's surroundings and mental state at this time. Focus on the positive - because what you put your attention on now is what you are programing your unconscious to manifest more of in the month ahead.

Until next time,
Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Storm Ends and All Nature Rejoices

How'd everybody do with the Venus square Saturn last Saturday, November 3rd? It culminated in the morning - that means it was exact - but aspects can continue to resonate for hours or even days so it wasn't surprising to hear folks were having some difficult real life experiences - Saturn - with their relationships - Venus - until far into the night. The tricky thing when Saturn is involved, is that there often are some legitimate grievances to be aired, but with that harsh Venus aspect people aren't at their diplomatic best. In my world I was witness to a friend suddenly demanding that her room mate kick in her share of the rent right in the middle of a dinner party! It was a legitimate request but it could have been handled better... Venus has moved on now but it is still within "orb" of Saturn. That means it's close enough for the negative effects of this aspect still to be felt.
Note to self:  be consciously on best behavior through rest of week..

Which brings us to the next major astrological happening: Mercury changing direction on November 6, Election Day!

The last time Mercury changed direction on Election Day was in 2000 (Bush vs. Gore), and we all remember that mess. It took 35 days before we knew who the next president was!

Back in 2000 Mercury was changing from retrograde to direct whereas this time Mercury will be going from direct to retrograde. It wont happen until the end of the day. I wonder if it will manifest as people feeling they couldn't get to the polls in time? Perhaps we'll hear talk that due to the recent hurricane Sandy voting should be extended for several days.

Speaking of Sandy, the Sabian Symbol for the three-quarter moon falling on Tuesday is "A Storm Ends and All of Nature Rejoices!" Sounds like a positive omen for recovery not just from the recent weather, but also that everyone will be relieved when this exhausting presidential campaign is finally over. Maybe this Sabian Symbol is promising that even with Mercury changing directions and all the whispering we've heard about possible election irregularities, the final outcome will be clear with an obvious winner. Wouldn't that be loverly? Well, if nothing else astrologers will learn something about the effects of Mercury turning retrograde.

The other major planetary event to be mindful of this week is coming up Saturday, November 10. The moon will square Pluto and then we head for a Solar Eclipse. This means Use Caution! Now is not the time for initiating new projects. Stick to following up on matters begun before October 31.

Well, we've had some difficult aspects this last month but I don't want this blog to turn into a warning of doom and gloom! So how can we protect ourselves when the general vibe tends to be negative? If you've been a regular reader of this column you know I encourage getting rid of negativity by cleaning the house and getting rid of clutter. This helps because we tend to resonate with our surroundings and thus if our surroundings are confused we find our own thinking getting scattered. But is there anything more powerful we can do? Something more immediate? Absolutely! Simply find something positive to resonate with! First turn off the news - it's designed to make you feel anxious and impotent and then turn on the Classical Music station. Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven  etc can lift your vibration so fast you just might win the lottery. Seriously, I have a friend who always plays Mozart on the car radio when on her way to play Bingo and she swears that's why she wins so many jackpots.
Next, see if there is something you can do for someone else - this instantly opens your channel to blessing and abundance. 
And finally, let's just do what the stars are telling us to do this week:



Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Living with Awareness

When I declared my intention in my blog last week to spend this next year following the guidance of the stars in a focused disciplined manner, I imagined that I might be able to foresee potential problems (and opportunities!) and thus adapt accordingly. Perhaps this will eventually become the case but this last week I found that even with all my planetary awareness I was still sucked into drama. For example, I was intending to be traveling last Tuesday, October 23. The sun was squaring Mercury - never good for travel or making connections, and also the sun was trining Neptune that morning, a warning to allow plenty of time for delays. I figured this could mean the desire to sleep late could lead to missed flights (Neptune rules sleep) and also there could be a series of confusions and misunderstandings meaning I might possibly have to do a teensy bit of waiting... So...I intentionally packed a good book and set my alarm clock. I got to the airport and onto the plane without a hitch. We left right on time. "Aha!" I thought, "By being prepared for them, the problems don't even manifest!"  Then... Neptune took charge. We landed in Houston, not my final destination, just a stop over - just the sort of nebulous area Neptune rules. We were told there would be a 15 minute delay while they fixed some fuel gauge... 30 minutes later we were told there would be a 15 wait while they brought in a replacement gauge... An hour later we were told to get off the plane to stretch before take off in 15 minutes... Then a suitcase fell out of an over head bin and hit a stewardess in the head... We were told there would be another wait while they called in a replacement stewardess... By this time the entire flight crew had gone into overtime so now we had to wait as all of them had to be replaced... Ultimately, after this series of very strange and unusual Neptunian incidents, the plane did take off and we finally made it home - 5 hours late!

So what does an astrologer learn from this? If I had started this study earlier I probably would have noted the aspects and chosen not to travel on that day at all. But by the time I decided to check the planets I'd already bought my ticket so off I went. Anyway, I will make a note of this and hopefully remember not to schedule a trip the next time the moon is squaring Mercury and especially not when the sun is trining Neptune - which will be in about 4 months.

 Keeping a journal detailing what you have experienced on the days the planets are making their various aspects is a wonderful way of developing your awareness of what the planets cycles mean for you personally. Even if you are not able to avoid the difficulty, knowing it makes sense astrologically can make you feel a bit better. (Seeing that difficult aspect coming did remind me to take a book along which made the wait so much easier.)

Some of the planetary aspects to watch for this week:

Monday, October 29. Mercury, the ruler of travel, will now square Neptune, the planet of dreams and confusion. Plus it's the day of the Full Moon! Yowza, the line up of planets tonight looks like a repeat/intensification of what we just went through! It's true the moon will be in Taurus which tends to be grounding, but it can't totally undo the effects of the Mercury-Neptune square. Make lists, carry a map and double check your facts. Beware of space aliens and UFO's.

Halloween night Venus in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries. Original costumes and unlikely partnerships win the top prize.

Saturday, November 3. Venus then moves on to square Pluto in Capricorn. Focus on the next week's election could cause tempers to flare. Note to self: Don't try to change anybody's vote.

The harsh heavenly aspects coming up next week do point to some trials here on the earth. With Neptune at the first degree of Pisces and then Saturn at the first degrees of Scorpio I think we're being guided to look within to know what's real and who to trust. Events that don't add up in the physical plane may make sense to us from a spiritual perspective.

With all the confusion going on don't forget to vote!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Year of Living Astrologically

The author A.J. Jacobs recently came out with a book titled "A Year of Living Biblically" in which he recorded his experiences trying to live for one year following every rule in the Bible. Although some of the restrictions seemed absurd and some even impossible to follow, he concluded his adventure feeling it had been worth the effort. Reading his journal inspired me to consider doing something similar:

 As of Monday October 22, I am hereby intending to live this next year following the guidance of the stars. I intend to record in advance what the stars are advising each week AND also to follow up with how I used this advice and whether or not it proved helpful. I hope you all will post comments or call me to report how these predictions worked out for you too. By the end of the year we will finally have the evidence to know if astrology is just for pleasant conversation or can it really make a difference in a life?

I'm starting this project officially on October 22 because this is the day the sun will go into the sign Scorpio which rules research. It will then quickly connect with Neptune in Pisces - symbolizing chaos - and next it will conjunct Saturn, the planet of discipline and long term commitment. I think that rather nicely supports a project dedicated to discovering if astrology can bring order (Saturn) out of confusion (Neptune).

So, let us begin!

As I look at the planets for the first week of our study, this is what I see happening and how we might put the guidance to practical use:

The sun will be leaving Libra and going into Scorpio on October 22: 
Libra was all about partnership, listening to the other person without judgement, and seeing how the other half lives. We had a vivid example of the sun in Libra when the debates gave the whole country  an opportunity to hear both candidates, side by side, present their points of view. In our personal lives this last month we had unusual opportunities to see both the good and the bad more clearly in our own situations. Now the sun will enter Scorpio, the most closed and secretive of the signs and a total opposite of wide open Libra. It will no longer be appropriate to try to balance and harmonize with everything. Sun in Scorpio means it's time to eliminate influences we don't want and to focus on what we do. 

Tuesday October 23: The sun entered Scorpio on Monday and then quickly trines Neptune, the planet of visions, dreams, and confusion.
This sounds like the world may be swirling in chaos Monday so I am intending to give myself lots of extra time to get where I need to be on that day! Furthermore, even if my friends and I are sharing the same dream it's probably not time to negotiate commitments yet. Better to hold off until Thursday when the sun will conjunct realistic Saturn.

Thursday October 25: The sun will meet Saturn early in the morning meaning be sure to eat a  wholesome breakfast to prepare for this day ahead. The afternoon planets are going to be wonderful for artistic projects and with the moon traveling through Pisces, psychic readings will be spot on through noon tomorrow!

Saturday October 27: The moon in Aries starts the day with a square to Pluto and a trine to Mars = lots of ENERGY! 
Capitalize on this aspect by finding where you have Aries in your chart - that's the place you can do the most good.

Sunday October 28: Mercury and Venus will both be changing signs If we used the planets' promise to help us get moving this last week we should see brand new realities opening up for us today.

I can hardly wait!

Until then,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, October 13, 2012

...And They Lived Happily Ever After.

The new moon appears on Monday October 15 at the end of Libra - the sign of partnership. This will be the last aspect it makes before going void of course, meaning that after this conjunction with the sun, the moon won't connect with any other planets before it leaves Libra and thus the partnership agreements we make in this next lunar month are sure to be significant and binding.

How interesting that in this country we have our elections during the month of Libra symbolizing that our government is a partnership and not a dictatorship. This election's the line up of planets is particularly intriguing:

 The new moon will be at 22 - 23 degrees Libra. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is Chanticleer, the rooster who thought his crowing made the sun rise. It's a joyous and colorful image encouraging everyone to speak their truth. Doesn't that sound like our two presidential candidates? I'm looking forward to a boisterous debate this week. Everyone is sure to be at their best!

On Sunday October 21 the moon will square the sun at 29/30 degrees Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol here is amazingly appropriate: "Powerful men holding discussions about world affairs!" Another omen for a must-see debate. This aspect will also be the last one the moon makes before going void of course so again a sense of finality and ultimatums, particularly because the moon will be in Capricorn the sign of authority. No one will be able to get around the rules. I think this could mean the candidates should be particularly careful to stick to the facts. Whatever they say can and will be held against them! 

The full moon on October 29 will be in Taurus the sign ruling physical manifestations. Everything comes out in the open under a full moon anyway, so in Taurus the truth should be particularly self evident. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is the image of Jesus meeting the woman at the well where he told her everything she'd ever done. What a powerful combination of omens for this being an election where everything we need to know will be out there for us to see if we take the time to look.

Finally, the three quarter moon - the moon that tells us how the energies of the new moon ultimately play out - will appear exactly on election day. Although there are some disturbing aspects on this day - i.e. Mercury turns retrograde - which many astrologers see as a warning of potential voter fraud - at 15/16 degrees Leo the Sabian Symbol is truly inspiring: "A storm ends and all of nature rejoices!" 

Wouldn't that be loverly? Well, certainly the stars tell us the potential is here for meaningful debates and the right man getting elected. Meanwhile, make your own partnership vows Monday October 15, then proceed slowly and cautiously being alert for unexpected revelations on the full moon. By the three quarter moon we should feel the truth has set us free.

Love will find a way,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

  I intentionally didn't write about the position of the stars last week. Uranus was making an exact square to Pluto symbolizing accidents and - not wanting to focus on the negative but not being able to think of anything positive to say either - I opted to ignore the aspect completely. Alas, that was not one of my better ideas. I shoulda paid attention...

  Heartless Pluto was right on the cusp of my third house ruling short trips which woulda alerted me to the danger of going for a stroll if I'd looked at my chart, but it was a sunny day and besides, who checks their horoscope to see if it's safe to go walking? I coulda but instead I sauntered out thinking of nothing other than how quickly the skies had cleared from an earlier morning rain. I did notice the sidewalks were still kinda slick...

 Kaboom. I slipped, fell, and landed face down. At first I thought I had shattered my cellphone. Nope, the cellphone was in tact. Turns out the crunch I had heard was the sound of one arm snapping... 

Sigh, so now now I'm typing single handedly with a whole new respect for doctors, drugs and the power of Pluto.
But moving right along...

A few columns ago I wrote that Obama was in a strong position for the upcoming election because his Destiny Card for this year is the Queen of Spades. This Queen represents Self-Mastery and promises you can manifest anything you want in the outer world if you first accept it within. Thus Obama can be said to be in a prime position to achieve anything he wants - if he wants it. His poor performance at the first debate has left me wondering, does he even want his job? Given the spiritual sensitivity of his birth card -The 9 of Diamonds - I'm thinking the weight of being the Commander-in-Chief and the ultimate responsibility for all the killing going on in Afghanistan could be too burdensome for this empathetic soul. Was he just tired the night of the show or is he perhaps tired of the whole political scene altogether? Does he still want to be president? 

The major phenomenon in the sky this week is Saturn's exit from Libra and entrance into Scorpio. For the past 2 1/2 years Saturn, the planet of responsibility and limitation has been in the sign Libra, the sign of partnership. During this time there was an emphasis on the importance of mutual commitment and when progress stalled it was often because the parties involved refused to come to an agreement. (Look at what was going on in Congress!) As Saturn reached the end of Libra this month we saw people coming to the end of their patience - there was a sense that whatever we had accomplished together so far was as good as it was going to ever get and now, if there was no sign of further improvement, it was time walk away from the partnership all together. For example, the day before the debate Romney's approval ratings had fallen so low that if he didn't prove his worth  that night his party was ready to walk away from their commitment to his campaign. Likewise, in our personal lives everyone I've talked to seems to have been dealing with some sort of now-or-never situation at home.

Now Saturn has moved into Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth.
The storm has passed. We access the damages. We begin to rebuild. Saturn at the first degrees means that we should pause and be particularly aware at this beginning of what we are agreeing to be responsible for. The important thing is to take it slow, to not promise more than we can deliver, to keep life under our own control. Obama will need to revive the spirit he showed the world in 2008. The rest of us will most likely be facing tests of our own accountability. Saturn doesn't ask for miracles. He just wants us to play it straight.

We will, We can, We shall.



Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Show Me The Money!

J.P. Morgan once famously said, "Millionaires don't use astrology, but billionaires do." He relied on the advice of astrologer Evangeline Adams and became one of the richest financiers in history. What can we learn from his example? Can astrology really time the market or help us place the winning bet? usual, the answer is yes and no.

No, if you're not destined to make money as a gambler.
 Even if astrology accurately predicted the right outcome, if winning wasn't in your chart that day, somehow you wouldn't be able to take advantage of it. Something would happen and you'd be unable to place the bet or you'd lose the ticket before you could cash it in. You must have a chart that favors gambling or you just won't be able to make any money that way. Oh, you might be able to pick a $2 lottery number now and then but to attract real money on a steady reliable basis you need to know where money comes to you in your chart and more importantly where you should spend it. That's being with the flow and an astrological chart shows you how to do it.

So, yes, astrology can make you rich if you look to where the money planets are in your birth horoscope and align with them.

First, where does money come to you? Jupiter is the planet of Blessings and where Jupiter falls in your astrological chart is where you will receive abundance:

Jupiter in the 1st house of The Self says you have an innately generous nature. Jupiter rules philosophy and having this planet here means you are blessed with a knowingness that we live in an abundant universe with more than enough for everyone. Honor your impulse to live large!

Jupiter in the 2nd, the house ruling Possessions, can attract an abundance of clutter if you're not careful. However - because Jupiter also rules travel - if you release the excess baggage, opportunities for travel will magically appear.

Jupiter rules publishing and in the 3rd house of Communication ideas easily come to you. Write them down and become a published author! However, the third house also rules the neighborhood so - if you don't use your gifts  - Jupiter in the third could mean the buck stops at the neighbor's house instead!

Jupiter in the 4th house of The Home Base gives you a large loving home and family. (Warning: Don't let Jupiter's expansive optimism give you a mortgage you can't afford.)

Jupiter in the 5th house of Fun and Creativity actually can give you luck in gambling - especially if you maintain a lighthearted attitude.

In the 6th Jupiter can give an abundance of Work - be careful not to take on too much.

Jupiter in the 7th house of Partnership can mean a wealthy partner - or multiple marriages, an abundance of partners!

Jupiter in the 8th house of Endings can mean you benefit from a death - money from an inheritance.

 Jupiter in the 9th  house of Far Away Neighborhoods blesses/protects you while traveling.

Jupiter in the 10th house of fame and reputation will attract attention - great for a career in the public eye but don't try anything sneaky.

Jupiter in the 11th, the house of Friends and Groups, means good fortune comes to you through a generous friend or in group situations - Amway anyone?

 I have Jupiter in my 12th house, the house of Hidden Matters in Sagittarius, the sign of travel. Maybe  this is an indication my money is hidden in a galaxy far, far away. However, Sagittarius also rules wisdom and so having Jupiter here hints I could access wealth through learning "hidden wisdom" - like astrology. Well, I'm trying...

 Even if you don't know where the abundance planet is in your chart you can always attune to Jupiter just by being conscious of the blessings in your life. 

Venus is the second money indicator in the horoscope. Where we find the Goddess of Love and Beauty will clarify for you what you value most and WHAT YOU SHOULD SPEND YOUR MONEY ON! We are bombarded everyday with ads telling us what we're supposed to want but how many of us really give a rat's ear about all this things? Look at where Venus is in your chart to find out what your heart is craving. Then put your money where your heart is. Money will come to you easily when you are directing it this way.

Venus in the 1st, the house of Self, says money flows to you to spend on yourself! Hey, it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it..

Venus in the 2nd says your money is meant to beautify the world around you.

Venus in the 3rd tells us a beautiful mind is your prize possession. Join the book of the month club. And while you're at it - since the 3rd house rules the hands - you might also treat yourself to a manicure and ... a diamond ring..

Venus in the 4th gives you a knack for creating beauty in your home, put your money there.

Venus in the 5th says the goddess gives you money to spend on children.

I have Venus in my 6th house of work. No wonder I love my job! If you have Venus in your 6th house invest in your work and you'll always have a job you enjoy.

Venus in the 7th house of partnership says go ahead and lavish money on your partner.

The 8th house rules sex. Does Venus in the 8th house give permission to splurge at Victoria's Secret?

Venus in the 9th house of travel and higher education promises your money will never be wasted if you spend in those areas.

Venus rules art and if she's in your 10th of Fame and Recognition don't be afraid to invest in your talent because you could make it as an artist.

Venus in the 11th attracts money when you use it to support your friends.

Venus in the 12th house of Hidden Things may tempt you to stash your wealth under a mattress but Venus in the 12th house also rules The Less Fortunate - those hidden from the world - and so when Venus enters this house every penny we share with those less fortunate will come back to us ten fold.

If you don't know where your Venus is, just remember that Venus is the planet of Love. When ever you are spending money - whether it's buying a gift or paying a bill - do it with a sense of giving Love and Love is what will come back to you.

To know where your planets of getting and giving are in your chart, give me a call and..
Let's get with the flow!
Rosada, EXT 2340

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is Obama Destined to Win?

The Destiny Card Reading System defines the cycles in our lives by assigning a different playing card to each day of the year. Supposedly each card has unique characteristics that describe the nature of the person born on the day the card rules. Thus a person born on a Queen of Hearts day is predicted to have insight into love and marriage, while a person who's card is an Ace of Spades will be drawn to opportunities for launching new projects. This week I thought it would be interesting to look at the presidential candidate's Destiny Cards to see if the cards gave us any clues as to the men's prospects in the upcoming election.

President Barack Obama was born August 4, 1961, a 9 of Diamonds day. Diamonds have to do with money and 9's represent universal values and global perspective. 9's take everyone possible into consideration when they are creating, planning, or making decisions. No wonder Obama refused to ramrod directives through when he had a majority in the Senate. His message was/is all about getting people to work together. Furthermore, 9's represent death and rebirth, re-creation and reinvention. How appropriate that Obama became president at a time when the country was in a financial and emotional death grip. He envisioned a rebirth and voters joyously embraced his affirmation that we all could work together to turn things around, "Yes We Can!" Now however four years have passed and the country is still having economic difficulties. The electorate must decide, is Obama's vision of America working together realistic or is it time to change leadership? The Republicans have nominated Governor Romney - March 12, 1947 who happens to be a Jack of Diamonds. All Jacks represent clever people who can cut corners and come up with schemes to get what they want. The Jack of Diamonds particularly describes a businessman who knows how to play the money game. Romney is known for being a self-made millionaire and his key campaign promise has been that with his financial expertise he is the candidate better suited to rebuild our economy. So who's vibration resonates more with the electorate this year? Do the majority of voters still believe in Obama's idealistic message of brotherhood? Or are voters feeling it's time to get real and follow a leader with a specific knack for managing finances?

Perhaps we can get greater insight by also looking at the candidates cards for the year ahead. Along with a Birth Card, The Destiny Card System assigns each person a specific card for every year of life. Romney's card for this year is the Ten of Hearts, a particularly positive omen for being loved by large groups. But wait a minute, Obama's annual card is the Queen of Spades, an equally powerful symbol for success. No wonder the polls have them running neck and neck! So who's holding the best hand over all?

To get the defining answer I called my friend Bruce The Bookie. Now after talking to Bruce, even though the polls show the two candidates in a dead heat, my money is on Obama. Bruce is involved in the gambling industry in Las Vegas and he tells me that while the pollsters say the candidates are nearly even, the people who bet on these things, the people whose instincts are right enough often enough that they are willing to put money on their hunches, these folks have run up the odds in favor of Obama. Bruce trusts the gamblers. He says he's seen time and again how The Collective Unconscious knows in advance what the final outcomes are going to be. When a large group of people individually one by one feels to place their money on a candidate, a horse or a raindrop, that pick almost invariably turns out to be the winner. So if you're tired of listening to all the campaign rhetoric and want to skip the debates and the polls and the news analysts and just cut to the finish:
My friend Bruce The Bookie says Obama is Destiny's Child by 2 to 1.

Meanwhile I'm voting for you!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mary and Her Little Lamb

We will be experiencing the new moon at 23.37 degrees Virgo on Saturday 10:11 p.m. eastern time. The Sabian symbol for this degree is of Mary and her white lamb, a symbol of friendship, purity and simplicity. It seems somewhat disingenuous to focus on such a pleasant image at this time after the horrific events in the middle east this last week, but perhaps this symbol of innocence is giving us an opportunity to test our ability to change situations by guiding our attention to what's positive and to direct energy to what we want to manifest more of. Certainly the world could use more simple, honest friendship. In fact, now that I write this I wonder if that is to be our challenge in the month ahead? What if each of us befriended one or two new people, or strengthened one or two ties and then asked those people to likewise make new friends and like a chain letter would this energy of love then circle the world and reach every soul by the end of the month? It's mathematically possible, let's give it a shot! After all, as Albert Schweitzer once said, "Civilization is such a good idea that somebody ought to start it."

Other than the new moon, the planets aren't giving us a whole lot of support in the building friendships department just now. The on going square/conflict between Uranus in Aries ( free individuals) and Pluto in Capricorn (powerful governments) which has been the cause of all the civil unrest and uprisings this last year will be exact Wednesday. It's not unlikely that there will be more demonstrations and drama before the week is over. Anything each of us can do in our personal lives to sooth hurt feelings and diffuse potential disruptions will be doing a great service for humanity as a whole. Sun in Virgo means energy flows to those who are attending to the small stuff. What we do now for the least will be a service for the most.

Mercury goes into Libra Sunday. Mercury rules communication and Libra is the sign of partnership but also of war. When Mercury is in Libra we either find areas where we can agree with the other person and become partners or we get polarized into totally opposite points of view - and become enemies. So If you are dealing with someone who's opinion you just can't agree with but you don't want to get locked into a battle with them either, what can you do? One useful trick (Mercury rules tricks!) is to listen to the person without comment until they are totally finished. Then ask them to repeat themselves as in, "I don't think I quite understood that. Could you explain it to me again?" This is an especially useful technique if they are angry or irrational. Asking the person to repeat what they said, not only means they will pause and think for a moment - and thus be speaking from their calmer self - but they may then see the flaw in their reasoning without you having to point it out to them. And of course it may be that when you hear their argument for a second time you may discover you hadn't understood and that now you can find areas for agreement. Or you may find that it's better to postpone any conversation entirely - at least until after Thursday September 20 after Mercury moves past squaring both Uranus and Pluto.

We've had a rough week and the planets for the coming one look equally volatile. Keep the image of Mary and her lamb in mind and stay on the path.

The best way to make a friend is to be one,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Poll Dancing

Do you follow these political polls that supposedly tell us who's ahead and who's falling behind as the November election draws near? 
It's so absurd. I mean, first of all, what's this about "Undecided"? Who's undecided? I don't know anyone who hasn't always known exactly which side they were going to vote for. Indeed, it would be fabulous if there really were a huge percentage of Undecided Voters. Ideally 99.9 percent of the country should be Undecided right up until the debates! Then everyone would listen with an open mind and only then choose which candidate to vote for. Unfortunately that's not the way it is. We've become so closed minded we can't even bare to hear what the other side has to say. I was talking to a friend the other day who is a brilliant astrologer and who teaches yoga at the local college. A real "spiritual type", right? I mentioned what a kick I had gotten out of Clint Eastwood's appearance at the Republican Convention. As I knew she hadn't seen it I urged her to look it up on Youtube. Her response was so depressing - she wasn't interested, didn't want to see it, she just knew she would find it "negative" and on and on. I usually vote to the left myself but this refusal to even listen to what the other person has to say is bigotry no matter which side you're on.

I really do feel the big challenge/opportunity upon us in this fall is going to be all about developing the ability to listen to differing opinions without getting angry and without dropping out. Jupiter is in Gemini now giving us a gazillion sound bites competing for our attention, Mars will be moving into Sagittarius in the weeks running up to the election and thus opposing Jupiter suggesting that every idea will trigger an opposite opinion - and probably an angry one! If that isn't stressful enough, Venus will be going into Virgo in October squaring both these planets resulting in a tendency to nit pick and criticize. How should we deal with it? Hopefully not by refusing to participate at all. Mercury will be turning retrograde on Nov. 6, Election Day - that could discourage people from thinking their vote even counts. So whatever you do, don't let all the political chatter keep you away from the polls!

Meanwhile a few comments on how to take advantage of the opportunities coming up this week:
It's a waning moon, traditionally a time for completions rather than beginnings. With the sun in Virgo to help bring your work to perfection you may be delighted at how many chores can get checked off your Mop Bucket List by the New Moon Saturday September 15. The Sabian Symbol for this moon will be Mary and Her White Lamb, a delightful image of innocence and purity and a wonderful omen for friendship, kindness and the bonds between pets and their owners. Hmm..perhaps also a warning that if we're gonna be sheep, at least let's find someone worth following.

Laugh and Play!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Friday, August 31, 2012

Time Travel.

We're experiencing the full moon today, Friday, August 31 at 8.34 degrees Pisces. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is the image of a galloping horse and a jockey spurring him on on to even greater speed. It's a feeling of exhilaration and a desire to achieve. I'm sure you've heard the idea that in 2012 "time is speeding up"? This full moon proves it! We're no longer in the endless days of summer. The mood has shifted and the rush to the holidays is upon us. It all seems to be coming about so fast! The race is on!

Now that we've rounded the corner on 2012 and are coming along the home stretch, I thought this would be a good time to review some of the "Spiritual Principles" supposedly being downloaded into our psyches as we align with The One Consciousness we're promised we'll all be in tune with by December 21,2012:

1. We create our reality by the focus of our attention. Where attention goes, energy flows. 

2. Thoughts become things. choose the good ones.

3, There are no "Spiritual Lessons".
 How long have we heard earth is a classroom and we are here to learn? Well, pitch that idea. There are no "lessons" because we are already perfect just the way we are. I haven't gotten my mind fully around that idea yet but it sounds worth considering. Certainly it's nice to stop beating ourselves up thinking we're here because we flunked out of Heaven.

4. God is our co-creation.
"When two or three gather in my name, there am I." Matthew 18:20.
 When we pray to "God" we are joining a group consciousness, a consciousness so vast as to include all beings, past, present and future who also believe in the God concept - which means by turning a problem over to God, we're connecting with a giant energy pattern where every impulse synchronizes to create a universe of win-win solutions. Hmm..the name G.O.D. could stand for Group Of Disciples and Good Opportunities Delivered! Anyway, I like that image of God as a group working together for the good of all much better than the thought of God being one single moody Santa Claus who may or may not grant my wish. 

Helpful aspects coming up this week that can support our efforts include:

Mars sextiling Pluto Monday morning. Tap into this gift of pure easy flowing energy to lift and leap and use it to do some real labor this Labor Day.

The moon squares Venus, the planet ruling money as she leaves the sign of the home, Cancer, Tuesday morning. There may need to be some sad farewells but we can recover quickly if we pay all our bills before going out the door.

Mercury trines Pluto Tuesday. If you need to make changes in plans or just get out of town fast, Pluto trine Mercury is better than greased lightning.

The moon will be in Taurus Wednesday making September 5 - 6 excellent for practical matters.

Finally the 3/4 moon appears at 16.17 degrees Gemini on Saturday September 8. The Sabian Symbol for this degree: A head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker. Wow, sounds like we're on the fast track this week heading for some wonderful  insights and transformations!

Quick - give me a call and let's get G.O.D. consciousness working for you!



Rosada, EXT 2340

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sometimes It's Just Time

My husband Harris died last December but we delayed having a memorial until this weekend. Now all the family and friends are going to gather at the beach where we lived and celebrate the life of my dear sweet soul mate. I'm probably going to be expected to say something so I thought I'd practice by sharing my thoughts here.

First of all, he had a beautiful passing. In fact the last four months of his life were miraculous - I should have suspected something was up, things were going too well. In September we decided to drive across the country to take my daughter to her new home in Toronto and on the way we stopped at all the places where Harris had lived growing up, mainly Nebraska and Colorado. We saw the hotel where he was the bellboy when James Cagney came to town to film a western. He told us the story of how he earned big tips that summer by being sure to carry a hip flask of gin in his back pocket which he would offer to the Hollywood crowd every time he brought them their bags. Although he was only 16 he had been able to get some bottles from the local pool hall (10 cents a game) run by his best friend's mother and by the end of the movie shoot he was able to afford a used white convertible - which he and his pals drove endlessly up and down the city boulevard, all eight blocks! He told us this story and then just for fun looked up the name of one of the old friends in the local phone book - the fellow still lived in town and happened to be home that morning! They immediately met up and I got to hear stories my husband had never told in all our 45 years of marriage. Like the one about time he visited a friend when the parents weren't home and they found a shot gun in the attic - and a wasps' nest in the tree just outside the window. You can guess what happened next. All I'm going to say is the neighborhood was then tormented by angry wasps for a week... And they talked about being Privates in the Air force and their buddy who insisted on being called The Colonel who regularly snuck them into the officers club. Oh, maybe these aren't such amazing stories but the fact that he was able to connect with the friend to tell them - plus the fact my daughter had just got a video camera for the trip and was able to film them - well, now that he's gone I think of this as proof the angels do watch over us.

 Many more stories and many more adventures and coincidences and synchronicities later we returned home and made an appointment for Harris to see a doctor. He had developed a cough which he thought was an allergy from driving through every wheat field between California and Canada. The nurse took a blood draw and peered at it through a microscope. "Would you like to know now or wait to speak to a doctor?" she asked. Suddenly I felt like I was in a very bad stupid movie. I knew what all the lines were going to be and I knew how it was going to end, and I knew that my role was to play innocent and naive. So trying to sound as if I didn't already know. I said brightly, "Oh tell us now." Her one word reply, "Cancer." 

We had three months. I guess even that should be counted as a miracle. Indeed, the doctor told us the radiation treatment had been a huge success. At first I was thrilled. Then he brought us back down to earth. It seems the doctors didn't think he'd make it  another week until Thanksgiving, now there was reason to hope he would live until Christmas! Wowee! I wanted to punch them. But in all fairness, what can doctors say? If they're upbeat you know they're lying, if they're negative they take away your will to live. Thankfully we knew my husband had dedicated people looking out for him. We had a few friends who prattled on about the AMA just trying to take our money and how we should hop a plane to Thailand where there were shamen on every corner who could shrink tumors overnight, but I know he got the best care - it was just his time. In fact, when my husband was first diagnosed I asked the I Ching if chemotherapy could make a difference. I received hexagram 42. Increase, line 6, "He brings increase to no one. Indeed someone even strikes him." I knew then chemotherapy wouldn't help and as it turned out the doctors said in his case chemo would make his condition worse.

But I promised you this story had a happy ending, and it did, sort of. The morning Harris passed away all his family was gathered around his bed. We had been in denial, hoping for a miracle up until the day before when we got a message from a Catholic orphanage. My husband had been adopted and had never been allowed to know anything about his birth parents. A psychic we once talked to told us his parents had been in love but forbidden to marry because the mother was under-age. He then told us that after being forced to give Harris up for adoption they later did marry but by then the courts had awarded him to the parents who raised him. This sounded like a complete fabrication to me (we psychics can be very skeptical) but we visited the orphanage on our trip east and, another miracle, a very caring woman took our information and since the laws now permitted more open discloser, she promised to look into our case and tell us anything she could find out. Well, the day before he died we got a letter from this woman telling us everything the psychic had told us was true, his father and mother had been engaged but the families kept them apart until they had been old enough to marry on their own. Now they were both deceased and the orphanage was at last able to send us their names. It meant so much to us. Somehow we could now let Harris go knowing there would be someone there to catch him on the other side.

And so knowing it was time for him to go but also that it would be all right, we stood around his bed. My son-in-law who was raised Catholic had the presence of mind to invite a priest to come and give him the last rights - another miracle as this was something I wouldn't have thought of but I know meant a great deal to my husband. Then Harris, no longer able to speak but fully awake, looked at each one of us very intently, there was a gurgling sound in his throat - the death rattle - then his face glowed, a halo of light surrounded his head. "Dad, you look beautiful!" my daughter gasped. And then he was gone.

Later that day I opened a Buddhist prayer book to the words, "When suffering ceases, all that is left is beauty." 

Well, that's the story I'm going to tell at the gathering this weekend. Thank you for letting me tell it here first.


Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, August 18, 2012

What's The Good Word?

The sun is in it's happy place this month - Leo, the sign of creativity, confidence and courage - ready to support anyone who cares to join him. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Make up your mind to join the party, take chances and go for the gusto!

Now having said that I recognize that many times when we say, "Okay, today I'm going to joyful, cheerful and appreciative all day long," the very next thing that occurs to us is all the reasons why we should be miserable. It's sort of a yin-yang thing. Say something good and to balance the scales you think of something bad. You say you are going to think thin and the next thought is all about fat flab. So the trick is you don't try to talk yourself into being happy, you don't deny the love handles and the too tight jeans. Instead you just let them be and focus on what you do have to be happy about. When ever my girlfriend and I catch ourselves playing a game of Ain't It Awful? - you know, where you're blathering on about politics or the ecology or other things we feel so powerless to change - one of us will shout, "Yes but we still have our good looks!" That always gets us giggling and back to center.

To help with getting our Positive Potential up and active I thought I'd just go through the alphabet today and give us a Good Word for every letter. Read this list out loud - or come up with your own - and watch how good things start happening as your unconscious starts reorganizing your life around these ideas...

A - Abundance
B - Beauty
C - Comfort
D - Delight
E - Easy
F - Fun!
G - Gorgeous
H - Healthy
I - Intelligent
J - Joyful
K - Kind
L - Luscious
M - Moist
N - Nifty
O - Opulent
P - Powerful
Q - Queenly
R - Relaxed
S - Suplime
T - Thankful
U - Ultimate
V - Victory
W - Wisdom
X - Xtrodinary
Y- Yes!
Z - Zippidy Do Dah!

Ah, I feel better already!

The planetary line up to be aware of this week is Mars leaving his conjunction to Saturn in Libra and moving on into Scorpio on Thursday the 23rd. Long standing commitments will be completed as best as can be and then we'll be eliminating distractions to concentrate on getting on with our real life's purpose. With the moon conjuncting Mars on the 22nd and then moving on to trine Neptune and finally Venus on the 23rd there's real potential to put dreams into action. 

Start doin' the happy dance!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dealing With An Afflicted Venus or When Momma Ain't Happy...

Venus, the Goddess of Love, just entered Cancer this last week, the sign of home and family. She's only visiting for a short stay so take advantage of her good vibrations to heal family matters and love your in-laws. That may be easier said than done however because Venus is coming up against some heavy opposition just now. Pluto, the God of Life and Death and Transformation, is in Capricorn literally opposing Venus on Tuesday night. This God of Ultimate Power is not at all amused by the idea of Love conquering all and furthermore Mars, the God of Energy, is buddy-buddy right now with Saturn, the ruler of all rules.Thus you may experience that no matter how hard you are trying to do the kind thing, the loving thing, this week some petty tyrant, some nit-picking pencil pusher will be trying to thwart your good intentions. Don't let it get to you. Just hold off asking for any favors or even looking for any approval till Wednesday or better yet wait until after the new moon on Friday. Meanwhile if you believe that our thoughts and intentions can have an effect on the weather send up a prayer for our dear Mother Earth this week cause with this planetary line-up we could be in for some extreme weather conditions - when momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

So Venus is afflicted for the first couple of days this week but then things should start to mellow out. But what about people who are born with an afflicted Venus? What if Pluto was opposing your Venus the day you were born - are you doomed to tragic love affairs or worse, none at all? And since Venus rules both love and money, if Saturn was making a difficult transit on your birthday does that mean you'll never have any dough? Not necessarily but it's true, most likely you will have issues...

The solution to an afflicted Venus is to know what you are dealing with. Knowing what sign you have your Venus in will tell you where you will find love (in Gemini it could be the boy next door, in Sagittarius you may have to travel to a distant neighborhood), knowing what planets are aspecting your Venus will tell you how to make it grow. An opposition to Pluto could attract dangerous low-lifes if you aren't paying attention or it could alert you to your own ability to transform into a raging sex goddess if you are. Helen Gurley-Brown had such an afflicted Venus and not only did she not let it stop her, she intentionally set out to turn herself into a sex-symbol eventually becoming a best selling author (Sex and the Single Girl) and the editor of Cosmopolitan magazine. Likewise a square to Saturn doesn't necessarily mean you will attract only grumpy-grandpas, but it does alert you that true love may only come to you when you are older yourself or at least not until after you feel you have done something, accomplished something on your own. However, since this difficult aspect is in your chart, it is describing who you are and thus a Saturn square to Venus says you will actually be happier being independent and self-sufficient and thus will attract all the love you desire. The point is, that no matter how "difficult" a planet may be in your chart, once you align with it, accept it, work with it, you will find you get what you really wanted - it may not be what the storybooks tell us we are supposed to want but it will definitely work for you.

If you could use a little help or insight into how to make Venus your friend, give me a call. Venus in Cancer wants all the family to be happy!

New Moon coming up at 26 Leo Friday August 17 at 11;54 a.m. eastern time. 
The Sabian Symbol is of a beautiful rainbow appearing after a heavy storm. A wonderful promise of relief and sunshine after a difficult passage.

Look for the rainbow,
Rosada, EXT 2340

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What Does The Year 2012 Hold for The Evolution in Consciousness for The Human Race?

Years ago I wrote a friend a letter using the I Ching oracle to answer his question concerning 2012. My friend showed me the letter again today and I thought it might be of interest here. This is advice from the I Ching about 2012 which I originally received in 2010. At the time it seemed to me the tone was a bit too dramatic and I couldn't believe things were going to be as dire as the I Ching warned. However as I re-read this prediction today it doesn't seem extreme to me at all:
This is what I wrote my friend
Welcome to the world of I Ching (Pronounced it eee-ching)!
This ancient Chinese oracle has been used to communicate with Higher Consciousness for thousands of years.  To consult the I Ching, also known as The Book of Changes, a seeker asks a question and tosses coins six times.  The pattern created by the heads and tails of the coin toss creates two hexagrams, the first describes the situation as it is, the second shat it is evolving into. There are 64 possible hexagrams.
Today we are consulting the I Ching in regards to predictions of major changes coming up in 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar.  We asked, "What does the year 2012 hold for the evolution in consciousness for the collective human race?"
We received hexagram 36, Darkening of the Light, changing to hexagram 13, Fellowship with Men.
"Darkening of the light. In adversity it furthers one to be persevering. In a time of darkness it is essential to be cautious and reserved. Thus does the superior man live with the great mass: He veils his light, yet still it shines."
Goodness, that 's pretty heavy duty. The I Ching is telling us we are in a time of darkness requiring extreme caution and reserve!
Next we consider the "Change Lines." The Change Lines are lines in the hexagram that indicate how the situation is going to develop and change.
"He penetrates the left side of the belly. One gets at the very heart of the darkening light, and leaves gate and courtyard."
This line tells us that we will be gaining insight into the power of any malevolent forces which surround us. We may realize there is nothing we can do to stop them.  It may be that all we can do is to leave - escape! - before society breaks down. {I'm thinking about the monetary crisis we hear is brewing}
"Darkening of the light as with Prince Chi. Perseverance furthers."
Prince Chi was a man who was a member of the royal court at a time when the government was very corrupt.He could not safely expose the wrong doing, but he did not want to go along with it either. He faked insanity and thus survived. The I Ching is advising us that while we may not be able to overthrow wrong-doers, we do not have to support them.
"Not light but darkness. First he climbed up to heaven, then he plunged into the depths of the earth."
The darkness has reached it's maximum intensity. Things have gotten as bad as they are going to get, and now they can only improve. When forces have no further good elements to prey upon, they destroy themselves. When evil has nothing more to fight, it fights and destroys itself. Evil does not know the meaning of self-rstraint, and this is its downfall.
Hmmm.. Well it sounds like things are going to be getting a whole lot worse before they get better, but THEY WILL GET BETTER as the next hexagram, Fellowship with Men, indicates. Fellowship with Men's symbol is Heaven above and Fire below. It is the image of the night sky when all the stars come out to shine. No Darkening of the Light here, folks! The I Ching says of this symbol:
Fellowship with men in the open. Success. It furthers one to cross the great water. The perseverance of the superior man furthers.
Every hexagram often implies complex assumptions but here the assumption is very simple: The unification with others is of paramount importance if we are to get through these "End Times". We must align our attitudes according to this idea. There is no room for anything divisive. Indeed, the I Ching goes on to state,"If you create division in the world, then you create divisions within yourself."
I believe the I Ching is advising us that Networking is the key to humanity's evolution and survival in the weeks and months ahead.
Well, that was a pretty intense reading. I am usually not a doom and gloom reader and I will usually try to soften more extreme predictions. However, if there is validity to this oracle I think it is important to tell it straight and thus I am posting this reading as is.
If the reading is correct we will know soon enough and if it's not then we can say we learned something about the limits of oracles for predicting the future. Meanwhile the message I am going to take from all this is that these hard times are real, but that we should not focus on them. Turn our light instead to Fellowship with Men. Find like minded individuals to share with. Thus we shall not only survive but by making connections and networking, we will prosper.
All together now,

Rosada, EXT 2340