What a great year we have ahead! The tides are turning and the world is awakening!
2015 is a power number meaning the digits add up to 8, the number indicating grand achievement. Where will it manifest in your life? The planetary transits tell where to look:
The Sun's position shows where we shine. This week the Sun is in Capricorn, the sign of official duties so those following proper protocol will get special recognition . This means don't delay in sending out your ThankYou notes for gifts received over the holidays. Performing this ritual now while the Sun is in Capricorn will make an especially strong positive impression.
The Moon's position touches off emotional reactions. This week the Moon starts out in Aries so we may be particularly bold and energetic but also feisty and competitive Sunday and Monday. Tuesday things calm down a bit when the Moon enters Taurus and makes a lovely trine to the Sun. You could have the house back in shape and be enjoying a blissfully peaceful evening by Tuesday night if you care to catch this wave.
Mercury creates activity in whatever area of life it's visiting. In Capricorn Mercury is telling us how we can be more organized and efficient. Your ideas this week may be all about how you can simplify your routine and streamline responsibilities.
Venus is The Law of Attraction personified. The house and sign she is visiting tell us what we can most easily manifest at this time. Venus is in Capricorn until mid January meaning she's happy to give us practical gifts and may not supply us with money if we're intending to blow it on frivolities. Long term investments are what's favored.
Mars indicates where the high energy is buzzing. This week Mars is in Aquarius, the sign of freedom and independence. We'll feel he's support if we decided to make changes, move the furniture around and get out of old ruts.
Jupiter encourages travel, enlarging the boundaries. In Leo this week he's encouraging us to be more outgoing - to let our inner child stand up and cheer.
When we consider these five planets a definite pattern emerges that effects all of us no matter what our individual birth charts signify. To recap - we have the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Capricorn putting a special emphasis on organization and tradition, while Mars is in Aquarius opposing Jupiter in Leo suggesting a bit of a tug of war between the inner urge to be creative and outgoing, and the outer world looking to reward the more stable and predictable among us. You can harmonize these seemingly conflicting energies by surrounding yourself with the most supportive encouraging people you know. Then let your creative light shine. The people who matter will love you for it.
New Year's Day comes Thursday January 1st. There's a strong possibility of over doing it on New Year's Eve when the Moon in pleasure seeking Taurus is squaring no-limits Jupiter along with reckless Mars. If you intend to drink this would be the time to have a designated driver.
Saturn is at the first degrees of Sagittarius - a terrific influence for composing some New Year's Resolutions we'll actually stick with.
Happy New Year,
Rosada, EXT 2340