Sunday, July 30, 2017

Mercury Turns Retrograde - Don't Just Do Something - Stand There!

Mercury is heading for another retrograde. If you're thinking of starting anything new do it before Thursday August third. After that we'll be living with Mercury slowing down to join Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto already retrograde! Auuugh. This manifests as a strong possibility of misunderstandings and difficult communication. Frankly there will probably be too many hurdles to make much further progress at this time. Your best approach is to stand still and wait for difficulties to resolve at their own pace. Be patient, maintain your confidence, and solutions will come.

Here's how the energies are moving:

Monday, July 31. The Moon is void of course meaning it's not connecting with any of the planets and thus making it very hard for you to make a constructive contribution without compromising your values. Simply put, it's likely what you set out to do today wont result in getting what you were aiming for. However, sometimes a void of course Moon can make unexpected but fortunate connections. Like not being able to find what you went to the store for, but the trip is worthwhile anyway because you find something else you need or something unexpected happens.

Tuesday, August 1. The Moon moves into Sagittarius, the sign of truth and travel, and makes a harsh square to Mercury. Stay away from people who flatter you or tempt you to violate your integrity. Stay far away from arguments and don't bother trying to influence debate.

Wednesday, August 2. Uranus turns retrograde. Again, don't even try to break through stuck situations. Go within and quietly continue doing what you know feels good and right. Tomorrow will be better.

Thursday, August 3. The Moon goes into Capricorn rewarding the efforts of those who refuse to give in to less than honorable temptations. Instead, look for win-win opportunities for everyone, people will rally around you. The Moon trines Uranus - watch for synchronicities and insights on how to proceed.

Friday, August 4. Today the Moon in Capricorn, the sign of wisdom gained through practical experience, makes a very helpful trine to Mercury in Virgo, the sign of caution and detailed planning. You could be in a position to significantly improve your situation. Make a To Do list.

Saturday, August 5. Shift happens. The Moon squares Uranus and the time of standing still and waiting is behind us. You can now change things for the better by being creative and making a strong and conscious effort to move into the future with joy and worthy achievements!

To sum up, the old ways aren't working. Each of us is experiencing where we've been hanging on to an old pattern that is simply nor serving us any longer. It's time for us to recognize something's got to give! The good news is these old patterns that must change are probably old roles that have been outgrown anyway. Perhaps now we can stop hanging on to a relationship or a job that gave us security but no joy or maybe we simply find we finally are able to release the clutter in the closet. With this week's line up of planets if we refuse to get caught up with doomed efforts to maintain the past, we will find the feeling of stagnation gives way to awareness of whole new opportunities coming in the future.

Give me a call and let's see where the new doors are opening for you.
410 - 750 - 0077.

Until then,
Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, July 23, 2017

New Moon in Leo - Time for Some Fun!

We've got a heavy duty eclipse coming up in about a month, the likes of which we haven't seen since 1963, the year Kennedy was shot. It will be making some harsh connections with Donald Trump's birth chart as well as with the birth chart for the United States so it's got a lot of astrologers thinking the current dramas playing out on our national stage will be coming to some sort of major denouncement then. What does it mean? How will it manifest? Revolution? Heart attacks? Well, it wont be long and we'll know. Meanwhile we have some delightful planetary aspects coming up for us this week so let's just not worry about what may lie a head and focus on what the fun loving flamboyant new Moon in Leo has ready for us right now :

The Moon is in Leo today Sunday, July 23 and on through out Monday, July 24 enhancing our desires to do something creative and flamboyant. We'll most likely start the week feeling a bit uncertain what to focus on however, as Venus in Gemini will be obstructed by stick in the mud Saturn. Before proceeding with your plans, be sure your purpose is good and that you have a valid clearly defined goal.

Tuesday, July 25. The Moon will enter Virgo giving us a much better shot at establishing objectives that can be reached step by step. Encourage the people you work with by staying close at hand to answer questions and participate in the projects.

Wednesday, July 26 could bring some disorder and confusion as the Sun joins with Mars making everyone feel like a king and no one wanting to play peasant. Maintain control by assigning acceptable roles and responsibilities to each person on your team. Vow to be patient and accommodating.

Thursday, July 27. The Moon goes into Libra, another sign good for causing us to feel creative and charming. However, unlike Leo, Libra works more effectively as a partner rather than as a leader and while there are some strong encouraging aspects to the Sun and Mars today, this is not the time to push yourself beyond your limits. Remember to stop, relax and recharge your batteries as needed. Seek support from friends or professional helpers.

Friday, July 28. The Moon will square Death/Rebirth Pluto this evening. It's time for decisive action in an intentional and carefully planned manner. Use your wisdom and years of experience to lead the way to transforming your situation.

Saturday, July 29. Hurray for the weekend! The morning starts out with a happy Moon trine Venus and the good times keep rolling as the Moon moves on to oppose Uranus in the afternoon. Now ordinarily an opposition to Uranus brings upset and upheaval but this week the meet up portends celebration and a sharing of rewards. Create something that will have an unexpected positive impact on the folks around you.

All in all it's a terrific line up of planets this week for trying new approaches and teaming up with like-minded friends.
For a closer look at your personal chart, give me a call.

Let the good times roll!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Healing Past Life Trauma

Tired of being the Nice Guy? Mars is too. Now at the last degrees of the home sign Cancer, the planet that rules energy but also anger is fed up with playing happy family. You may find that this is the week you decide to speak up or move on cause you've had it with biting your tongue to keep the peace. Particularly avoid difficult relatives on Monday when Mars squares Uranus. Give yourself plenty of time to keep appointments on this day too, as it's an aspect also known for causing accidents and upset. If you can keep your cool till Thursday you may be able to come up with some workable solutions when Mars enters Leo, the sign of love and creativity.

On Tuesday, July 18 Venus squares Neptune which has been making us feel vulnerable and mental Mercury moves to connect with Saturn, the planet ruling karma. It becomes obvious to all of us how our past actions have led to our current situations. Healing wont happen overnight but today would be a great day to initiate positive change. The Neptune aspect allows us to dissolve harsh ultimatums and the Saturn aspect encourages seeing things realistically. Further, there is also a strong Jupiter presence  encouraging a feeling of safety and abundance. You may not be ready to try the new approach until Mars enters Leo on Thursday but these aspects make this day a great time for at least considering alternative possibilities.

Wednesday, July 19 has the Moon entering Gemini and while it first squares deceptive Neptune it will then trine loving Venus and end with a surprisingly positive sextile to Uranus. It's an encouragement to "fake it till you make it." The power of the past is waning and the possibilities of a better future are coming into view!

Thursday July 20 begins with an expansive Moon trine Jupiter and a delightful Moon conjunct Venus. Accentuate the positive and see the new you emerge. One note of caution: The Sun will square Uranus today so while this brings a fantastic opportunity to break out of old ruts, it also warns  changes could be too much for some folks to handle. Do what you gotta do but no need to cause a scene.

Friday July 21 brings the joyful Sun into contact with healing Chiron. If you've been paying attention to the shifts happening, you may be feeling really good about yourself and your future right about now.

The week ends with a confrontational opposition between the Moon and Pluto on Saturday, July 22 followed by a harsh square to Uranus. Probably best to get your fast action by chilling at home watching a film tonight - Wonder Woman, perhaps? 
No need to experience the crazy first hand!

Over all we're going to be having opportunities this week to see what's wrong and maybe even what's been holding us back for some time - but if we can handle the truth without adding to the crisis we will emerge feeling freed up and invigorated!

Vow to be part of the solution!
Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sun Opposition Pluto - Challenges into Opportunities

We start the week with a Sun opposition Pluto, the planet of change and transformation. This puts our focus on turning challenges into opportunities for the next seven days at which time, Sunday, July 16, the Moon will meet up with Uranus, the planet responsible for helping us break free from old ruts. Basically this means the week a head is full of surprises so keep an open mind - it could lead to open doors.

Saturn will be prominent too and as Saturn rules guides it shouldn't be hard to find wise old souls willing to help you when you face these situations where you feel you lack experience. This can manifest as something as simple as clear instructions on a soup can or as sophisticated as a doctor finally giving you an accurate diagnosis. The point is don't be afraid to seek help and ask questions this week.

A Day-by-Day guide for how the energies are flowing:

Monday, July 10. The Moon trines Venus but opposes Mercury. Strive for creative responses to negative events in your life. You probably wont do everything right but you'll know better next time.

Tuesday, July 11. The Moon sextiles Uranus in Aries while making an inconjunct aspect to Mars. Planets in Aries mean young people and inconjuncts show where adjustments must be made. Be patient, gracious and kind to someone who has made a mistake or is just learning - it could be you! Show some compassion and remain outwardly calm.

Wednesday, July12. Moon enters Pisces. Be aware of who or what you give your attention to and don't become discouraged or made jealous by those who seem to have their act together better than you. We're all learning from our own paths.

Thursday, July 13. The Moon and Mercury are both being influenced by Neptune. Confusion reigns and you may feel there are obstacles blocking you. Accept reality, it is what it is. Don't be embarrassed to reach out and listen to others. Keep a positive attitude.

Friday, July 14. The Moon trines action oriented Mars and Mercury sextiles the planet of wisdom, Jupiter. Boldly ask for much needed advice or assistance. You may find yourself leaping over tall buildings with a single bound!

Saturday, July 15. The Moon trines Mercury and then makes a very useful trine to Saturn before meeting Uranus for that brake out move to freedom I mentioned earlier. It's a very useful line up for reviewing the past week, making a few necessary adjustments and then out the door to something totally new!

Thanks for reading and remember you can always get a more personal detailed reading by calling me at 410-750-0077.

Lemons into lemonade,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Free Speech Under Fire with Mercury Squaring Uranus

Mercury, the planet ruling ideas and communication, has been having temper tantrums in emotional Cancer these last two weeks as evidenced by the non-stop turmoil created by President Trump and his early morning tweets. On Tuesday July 4, Mercury's final aspect before leaving the sign will be a harsh square to Uranus, the planet known for causing upset  - so we haven't heard the last of these tirades yet. In fact, this line-up may portend such an outlandish storm of words that we'll all be crying, "Enough!" Fortunately things may calm down quite a bit after this as there are some positive signs in the sky coming up too...

Monday, July 3. The Moon will be in Scorpio making a trine to the Sun and to Neptune. Simplicity and caution in your behavior win the day.

Tuesday. July 4. Here we have the explosive Mercury square Pluto but also a loving Venus will be entering Gemini which could bring some words of comfort. Vow to calmly continue on your course so as to avoid entanglements.

Wednesday, July 5. We may be feeling the aftermath of yesterdays difficult aspects. Plus there is a boastful square from the Sun to Jupiter. Remember that being too sure of yourself and moving ahead without caring about consequences exposes your shortcomings and invites problems. (President Trump, do you read me?)

Thursday, July 6. The Moon in Sagittarius now joins Saturn the Disciplinarian. Use your common sense to consciously plan ahead. Gather what information you need and then move forward in a gentle way using extreme caution.

Friday July 7. The Moon trines Uranus. What you purpose to do today may be risky. Consider if you need a new strategy. Keep your eyes open for potential danger, continue slowly and you will succeed.

Saturday, July 8 Full Moon in Capricorn tonight. You should be feeling close to your goals. An excellent time to review what went well and what did not. Learn from your experiences and continue to be cautious as you move ahead.

The over all message from the stars this week is that to deal with your current difficult problems, you must stay calm and avoid confrontation by finding win-win solutions. Patiently look for ways to create common meaning and to share benefits. Accept what is happening as a chance to learn and not as a serious problem. Put in perspective, most problems are not so bad, and, like dark clouds, they eventually dissolve or move on.

It's all good,


Rosada, EXT 2340