Sunday, October 29, 2017

Jupiter in Scorpio - The Midas Touch

Jupiter has just gone into Scorpio which means wealth and abundance for those who know how to tap into this vibration:

1. Attitude of Gratitude.
Like old King Cole, Jupiter is a merry old soul and to align with his happy spirit cultivate your own good nature. Count your blessings and when you must pay a bill, don't begrudge it, think of yourself as being a patron who is honored to be called upon to support a worthy cause.

2. Candles and rituals.
Jupiter loves religions rituals and ceremonies. Light a candle and ask that the flame activate and manifest your heart's desire. White is fine but green is specifically for money. If this is going to do anything for you, you should see results within a week. I recently burned a green candle because I was wanting to purchase a new couch. I then headed out the door but I didn't even have to get to the store. Two blocks away a neighbor was in the middle of loading a moving van. As I walked by she half jokingly asked if I would like their nearly new couch as she didn't have space for it in the truck! The couch was the exact color I had in mind and it is now sitting happily in my sun room!

3. Giving to Get.
Jupiter is nothing if not generous. If you're looking to align with him, give generously yourself. Tithing - that is, giving away one tenth of your income - is a practice many of the super-rich credit with having helped create their success. Besides, giving is fun! I've tried to practice tithing for several years now and I feel The Universe has sent me money many times because Jupiter knew I'd direct it to those in need. Indeed, this week I've been invited to a fund raiser luncheon for lost dogs who've become homeless since the fires we've had out here in California. I accepted the invitation but was feeling uneasy as to what I could afford to give. That afternoon the mailman brought me a letter with a check from a woman who'd owed it to me for over a year. I had been pretty annoyed that she'd never gotten around to paying but I immediately recognized the divine timing of the money coming when it did.  I'm delighted to be able to contribute it to the animals - with enough left over to pay for my lunch!

4. Say "Thank you!"
This is kinda the same as having an attitude of gratitude, but it's taking things a step further. When we say thank you we're not just being polite - we're actually alerting our unconscious to find something for us to be thankful for. Do you know studies have shown that people who pay a higher price for a service often feel they got more value for their money than the ones who paid less and got a "bargain"? So always say "thank you" every chance you get - Jupiter will bless you for it!

Useful date coming up this week:
Venus will be opposing Uranus on Saturday November 4th, the day of the Full Moon. This could bring some shake up to relationships. Eat healthy and allow yourself plenty of time and wiggle room.

Thank you for reading - Really! Thank you!!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mercury - Neptune Trine: Time for Love, I Swear It's Not Too Late.

To everything there is a season and as we approach the holidays it's time to live by our highest truth: We are all one.

Mercury trines Neptune on Tuesday October 24 giving us an opportunity to feel the connection instinctively but as we know, faith without works is dead. Open your channel wider by acting on your loving impulses now. Don't wait till Christmas to give. Unification with others is of paramount importance this week. We've got to align our attitudes with this ideal. There is no room for anything divisive.

Mercury - Neptune trines are also great days for taking short trips (Mercury) with no planned destination - just follow your intuition (Neptune)!

The Sun will have it's annual meet up with Jupiter Thursday morning October 25. Jupiter rules understanding and forgiveness so here we have another opportunity to create peace in our personal lives and in the world in general.

The Sun - Jupiter conjunction means awareness (Sun) puts a refreshingly sane light upon all (Jupiter) our predicaments. Seek and ye shall find solutions!

The possible glitches around all these good vibrations are described by the Moon in Capricorn making harsh squares on Wednesday and Thursday to Venus and Uranus. Selfish attitudes or people just wanting to be oppositional could delay good fortune - which is why I make such a strong pitch for people to act on their altruistic feelings. Don't wait for the other guy to make the first gesture!

Venus will square Pluto Friday night October 27. This could be a real heart breaker aspect. Venus rules love but in combination with Pluto we could get her dark side - mindless passion and the desire to have intense experiences.  Fortunately mindful Mercury is there too making a positive connect to Pluto so perhaps more reasonable heads will prevail. Even so, postpone stressful meetings for a few days and if you're planning on going out be sure to have a designated driver. No tattoos!

Saturday Night October 28 has a winning combination for a Halloween celebration. The Moon will be in Aquarius sextiling both Saturn and Uranus making it the perfect time (Saturn) to dress up and bring out the strange (Uranus)!

We've got some real hope for seeing improvement this week. The important thing to remember is to trust change is possible and act accordingly. When you hear something hopeful, don't be cynical! Believe!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, October 15, 2017

New Moon at 26/27 Degrees Libra - Transcending Conflict

I always look forward to the New Moon. It's a chance to focus on what I am hoping to manifest in the month ahead and by being clear at the exact time this aspect is forming the path then becomes clear. This week we'll be having a New Moon on Thursday, October 19 at 3:12 p.m. eastern time. Make a point of being in a good space on this day and see how easily the Universe aligns to manifest your strongest intentions.

Because the Moon will be in Libra the emphasis is on partnerships and creating fairness and balance in all our relationships in the month ahead. What is right about our connections will be strengthened but also what is wrong will become unavoidably obvious.

The planet Uranus, the ruler of freedom, is opposing both the Moon and the Sun on this New Moon day so there is liable to be more energy focused on getting out of agreements this month than negotiating for staying in. Politically we see Trump wanting to dissolve many of the programs put in place during the Obama administration. In our personal lives there will probably be a lot of folks wanting to make changes too. Partnerships that aren't working will be abandoned. Even friendships that are solid will be finding adjustments need to be made. If you are in a relationship right now that is not too well defined, this is NOT the month to ask, "Honey where are we going with all of this?" because the emphasis is on independence rather than commitment.

When trying to decipher the potential of a New Moon it is helpful to consider its exact degree. This New Moon will be happening at 26 - 27 degrees Libra. Each degree has an image known as a Sabian Symbol which often turns out to have uncanny significance. The Sabian Symbol for this month's New Moon is "An airplane flying high through clear blue skies." It signifies consciousness able to transcend the conflicts of personal life in order to gain a new perspective and new solutions. This image combined with the disruptive Sun-Moon opposition to Uranus suggests the way we can avoid this potential for upheaval is by intentionally looking for a "higher" way of interpreting our life situations. Often times when we are immersed in crisis we only see the loss, but if we consciously ask ourselves, "How is this serving me?" a whole different way of responding to events becomes possible.

A few other things happening in the skies this week that it's helpful to be aware of:
Mercury is leaving diplomatic Libra on Tuesday, October 17 and showing up in tell-it-like-it-is Scorpio. This shift means our mental attitude becomes more intense as we search for hidden meanings.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion will be merging with Mercury on Wednesday October 18. Hopefully Jupiter will bring optimism to Mental Mercury's take on life, but it could also signal more secrets revealed, more scandals and more drama.
Furthermore, Mars enters Libra on Sunday, October 22. Mars, the planet that demands to be first, is not in a position of strength in Libra, the sign that insists on equality and fair play. The combination is more likely to create stalemates rather than agreements.

All together the stars point to the importance of being flexible for the next seven days.

Good news: There's a terrific line up of planets happening weekend after this! Saturday night October 28 looks perfect for a Halloween celebration. Put your sites on that and avoid arguments and upheavals now.

Best wishes,

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Time for a Change

Four difficult aspects and two planets changing signs coming up this week. Get in sync with the flow by being ready to make changes yourself. The Bach flower essence Walnut is for helping us adjust more easily. You can get it at major health food stores or order it on line.

The challenges begin Monday October 9 when both Mercury and the Sun in Libra move to make a harsh square to Pluto. Now Libra is the sign of peaceful negotiation but that confrontation to all or nothing Pluto could manifest in some dramatic power struggles. Keep clear about what's really important to you or something trivial - hamburgers or pizza for lunch? - could turn into something big and ruin a friendship.

The next day, Tuesday, October 10, Jupiter makes it's annual sign change and leaves Libra to enter Scorpio. This is a biggie. In Libra Jupiter was all about enhancing fairness and equal partnership but issues left unresolved now must next be tackled underground as Jupiter - the planet ruling justice - slips into secretive Scorpio.
Scorpio is the sign ruling death, taxes and sex so we'll no doubt be having more heated debate about our countries tax codes and of course the transgender issues aren't about to go away. Unfortunately Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in the death sign Scorpio could also put more mass shootings in the headlines unless Jupiter here means we finally have some justice about gun control.

If you are a Scorpio or have the Moon or Ascendant in this sign Jupiter here could bring you some good fortune. As Jupiter rules Scorpio's money house, Scorpios are encouraged to spend money on themselves this year!

Allow plenty of time for delays on Wednesday October 11. Mars will square Saturn so energy is going to bump up against obstacles. Slow but sure wins the race.

Something nice possible Thursday night, October 12. Mercury sextiles Saturn and the Moon sextiles Venus. Issues you wisely avoided earlier in the week can be tackled now with success.

Friday and Saturday October 13 and 14 will be feeling the effects of Venus leaving Virgo and popping up in Libra. Try to get details handled while Virgo is still in the work and service sign because once she enters Libra all we'll wanna do is have some fun.

Sunday October 15 could be stressful when Mercury opposes Uranus. Those who insist their way is the only way will find plenty to disagree with, but those who are open to new ideas should get some useful insights.

All in all it appears there will be plenty of political drama to suck us in if we choose to spend our time that way, but those who decide to turn off the news and focus on their own world will find the change is liberating.

Set yourself free!

Rosada, EXT 2340

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Jupiter Leaving Libra - Next Stop Scorpio!

Jupiter is the planet ruling travel, expansion and abundance. This makes sense when we consider it follows Mars, the energy planet that leaves home and takes off to explore new horizons. Once out the door it's not long before Mars consciousness becomes Jupiter consciousness, that is, we realize that it's a much bigger world out there than we'd ever imagined. Mars consciousness thinks in terms of competition and ways for being top dog. Jupiter consciousness is a champion who has won so many times he becomes a role model for the whole league. Jupiter consciousness recognizes there is abundance for all and has great compassion for the under dog.

 Jupiter takes approximately twelve years to circle the entire zodiac and stays about one year in each sign. This month Jupiter winds up his trip through Libra and enters the next sign Scorpio. The meaning of a planet in any sign often becomes more obvious at these crucial change moments. Thus, we all have the opportunity to recognize and experience the full impact of Jupiter in Libra for the next ten days as Jupiter leaves this sign of balance and fair play, and if we pay attention we should then be getting some clear insights into the meaning of Jupiter in Scorpio, which Jupiter enters in the middle of the month.

Jupiter in your sun sign is considered a great blessing mainly because it gives a person "more." This may mean good fortune in general or literally more of some specific thing like money. But sometimes too much of a good thing is not so good. This is why Jupiter figures in situations that are not always positive. Jupiter in your Sun sign may expand ones feelings of good will but Jupiter here can also indicate that you will gain weight, that is, you will expand physically. Thus while Jupiter was in Libra this last year those who have the Sun in Libra should have experienced some unusual good fortune but they may have also have promised too much, or expected too much or just gained weight. Now with Jupiter entering Scorpio, the sign of endings and transformations, it may be possible to shed the extra pounds but there is a need to also be careful that you don't shed the money too.

However I'm getting ahead of myself. I want to talk about what Jupiter leaving Libra this month means for all of us so you can take advantage of this not-so-common opportunity. Libra is the sign ruling relationships, particularly one-on-one partnerships. People with planets in Libra should have had an easier time negotiating their relationships this year. Even if there were break-ups Jupiter would have made sure things ended with a sense of fairness. I think it's interesting that Trump tried but failed to push through many measures that the public recognized were not just.

In these last days of Jupiter being in this sign of fair play many will find it much easier to renegotiate agreements, reactivate friendships and in general get things on a more balanced footing. It is important that we do this now because Jupiter in Libra gives the ability to make ourselves quite charming. When he moves into Scorpio this wont necessarily be the case.

In Scorpio, Jupiter's quest for finding the larger meaning in life's dramas goes underground. We'll find ourselves wanting to take a look at life's deeper mysteries like sex and death and what's really going on backstage at The White House. Scorpio rules taxes so Jupiter here could refer to the talk of changes in the tax code. Supposedly the suggested changes are meant to help the average citizen - the under dog - but anytime there are planets in Scorpio we need to be skeptical and look for the hidden agenda.

Those with Scorpio strong in their horoscopes will be especially lucky in the coming year. Be particularly aware of to count your blessings on the actual day of the sign change - October 10 - when it will be easier to sense the shift. If new enthusiasms seem a bit slow to get off the ground have patience. Mars will be squaring Saturn on October 11 which almost always means delays.

I am looking for volunteers to allow me to look at your birth charts and post what I see here on this blog. If you would like to have a reading of your astrological chart, post the day, time and place of your birth in the comments section below.

Let's do this!

Rosada, EXT 2340