Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Talking to Diana

Last week we discussed the idea of understanding the influence of the planets by seeing them as representing living entities just as the ancient Greeks and Romans did. With this thought in mind - that we can relate to the planets like we do people - let's see what our cast of characters is up to this week:
Consider the Moon Goddess, also known as Diana, the huntress, the virgin goddess and the protector of woman and children. Perhaps we can best identify with this archetype by remembering Princess Diana, born in the month of the moon's sign, Cancer, who is remembered for her refusal to play the submissive wife, for her love of children, and who ultimately died when her car crashed as she was being hunted by photographers. Princess Diana refused to keep the abusive conditions of her marriage secret and likewise where ever the moon travels, the secrets of that sign are brought out in the open.
Today Diana, the moon, is traveling through Aries resonating with all that is in us that desires to be bold, assertive and competitive. Diana has also been speaking to the God of Freedom and Independence, Uranus this week, who is also in Aries just now. Iif you have been eavesdropping you may feel you too can jump over tall buildings with a single bound so please be careful if you're considering going off on a journey without a map or taking foolish chances.
Friday, July 22, the moon will be entering Taurus. One of the ways to learn the meaning of the signs is to recognize that each sign is in some way the opposite of the previous sign. Aries loves to initiate. Taurus is the opposite. It is a fixed sign and has a terrible time getting new things started but once the project is launched Taurus people will stick with it. Aries is a traveler who carries only the clothes on his back. Taurus puts down roots and has a hard time parting even with out worn clothes. When Diana visits Taurus she'll be calling on us to slow down, get comfortable and will show us where we can find the most nutritious food and drink, especially this weekend when she'll be connecting with Jupiter, the God of Abundance. Even the most simple foods can be come a party when those two get together!
Monday, July 25, Diana moves on again, this time into Gemini, She'll be activating the restless side of our natures and those who are sensitive to her will no longer be content to just sit and relax. I expect we'll find ourselves eager to get back to work and as Gemini rules communication eager to talk.
I shall be eager to listen!
Have a great week,
 EXT 2340

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