Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Selection of Readings

This week I thought it might be interesting to share with you a sampling of some of the questions people are asking.

Dear Rosada,

My husband and I are camping out in a friends' living room due to the bank foreclosing on our house. I wont go into detail about that experience but it was devastating and now all our furniture is in storage and my husband and I and our three cats are essentially homeless. My husband is hopeful that an investment he made will be paying off in the very near future giving us enough money to buy a home but it probably wont happen before our friends would like us to leave so I'm am asking your advice. Do you see a financial windfall for us anytime soon or should we be looking for a house to rent? Can you give us and guidance about finding a suitable house? it should be furnished and allow pets.

Thank you,
Wistful Wanderer

Dear Wistful,

My sincere sympathies for the tough times you are going through just now. You are not alone. It used to be that 90% of my calls were asking about relationships. That all changed when Uranus went into Aries last year. With the planet of upset and upheaval in the sign of self-reliance suddenly we're finding the people and institutions we thought we could count on are no longer there for us. We're all of us being forced to come up with new ways to provide for ourselves - solutions we never would have considered in the past. Uranus rules Independence but also Friendship and Support Groups. I think we're going to be finding communes and group living situations back in fashion big time by Dec 21,2012.

I laid out cards for you with the question, "Please comment on WW's hope's for a windfall and on her search for a furnished apartment."

First two cards representing your question:
The 8 of Cups and the Knight of Wands.
The 8C is a man leaving an arrangement of carefully stacked cups as he ventures off into the unknown.
The Knight of Wands is a knight on a journey. He represents emigration, a change of residence.

The first two cards depict your question which seems to be "Where do I go from here?" 

The two cards representing your past are the Page of Cups and the Ten of Swords.
The Page is a young child and the Ten of Swords is a person lying flat on the ground exhausted.
As you do not have children I see the page as representing your pets and the man exhausted as a comment that finding a home that will accept your cats has been a major stumbling block.

The cards that represents your goal and near future are The Hierophant and The Queen of Swords.
The Hierophant is a priest giving a blessing and represents mercy and shelter. The Queen of Swords is a woman who must sever ties to loved ones. 
I suspect we are being cautioned here that you may have to put your pets in a shelter.

The cards for you next best step are The Moon, uncertainty, and The Chariot, moving forward successfully.
This is a very positive indication that while you may not know where you are going now it does appear you will be moving forward successfully in the near future. Because the cards do not seem to be describing your next location I think you are being guided to focus on the cat issue. It may be that as you investigate possibilities for the cats that you make connections that will lead you to a suitable home for you and your husband. Sometimes we are only given answers one step at a time.

I did not see any reference to money in this answer. The cards are more likely to give us the information we need, which may not always answer the question we think we are asking. Thus it seems you are being advised not to wait for a financial windfall to resolve your situation. Focus on your immediate next step which is finding a shelter for the pets.

I hope you'll let me know how things work out.
Best Wishes,

Dear Rosada,

I am having a tough time finding my direction in life since my husband passed. Can you advise me what I should be focusing on and where you see my life opening up in the year ahead?

Thank you,
Suddenly Single

Dear Suddenly Single,

I am very sorry for your loss. I sense you are sorting out your priorities and are feeling overwhelmed. Mars is retrograde now meaning it's a little bit premature to be making major decisions. I suggest you take this period between now and April 17 when retrograde Mars finally starts moving forward to sort through your physical possessions, particularly your purse. Our purse represents what we value so as you clean and organize this small but highly symbolic area of your life you will find your unconscious starts to sort and organize your greater issues. Once you have successfully completed this small task you will find yourself instinctively drawn to your next appropriate goal. The point is to do something small, do it well and once you experience what success feels like you will recognize the success potential in the larger world.

Feng Shui tip: Everyone should get a brand new wallet every year to insure your values are up to date.

Best wishes,

If you would like an answer in this column post your questions in the Comment area.
I'll answer as many as I have space for.

Happy Easter Everyone,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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