Monday, May 28, 2012

That Magic Moment

"Is there ever a time that's right?!" My caller sounded frustrated and angry. I had been rattling on about how Uranus' entry into Aries had been encouraging love at first sight but didn't promise any follow through, plus I told her Venus and Saturn were retrograde till June warning against any and all attempts at long term commitment. "Somethings always retrograde, somethings always in opposition," she wailed, "When is there ever a good time?!" 

I must admit I was at a loss for an encouraging word. I started stammering. All I could think of was the old chestnut, "The stars impel but they do not compel." Not surprisingly that didn't seem to reassure her!  So what should we do when the planets say all you can do is just sit and spin? Should we even try to find a job when Mars is retrograde? What about love? If Venus is squaring Saturn aren't you better off remaining single? And shouldn't stores just close their doors when the moon is void of course? Astrology warns customers won't be pleased with their purchases then... Indeed the more I tried to think of something uplifting to say the more I found myself agreeing there are days when it's better to just call a time out.

So this week I'm going to list the times when it's more to your advantage to let go and let God...

Wednesday May 30 the moon is in Libra making a harsh square to Pluto in Capricorn all day. No more Mister Nice Guy, everything is a game of one-upmanship. Demand respect.

Thursday May 31 won't be much better. The moon's last aspect is a conjunction to Saturn. Nothing will be given for free. 

Oops, suddenly some good news here: Friday June 1 - Sat 2 the planets actually are quite positive. The moon is in Scorpio and the last aspect is an opposition to Jupiter. Let optimism reign!

Sunday and Monday morning are all about the lunar eclipse. A lot of secrets will be coming out in the open. Could be hard for some but those of us who aren't afraid to know the truth can use this knowledge to our advantage.

Okay so this week coming up has some potholes but Friday looks really good so don't go into hibernation just yet. Besides, I have a foolproof method for dealing with days when the stars aren't in my favor: I close the astrology books and turn to a different system for guidance entirely! Lately I've been studying The Cards of Destiny, a system of prognostication using a standard playing card deck. Last week I gave the meanings of the suits and and the numbers and specifically the aces and the twos. You can find that posting in the archives. Now I will continue with the meanings of the threes and fours:

The three cards are all about creativity - finding a way to harmonize the conflicting energies of one and it's opposite, two.

The Three of Hearts:
Creatively expressing our feelings. Light-hearted love.

The Three of Clubs:
Mental creativity. The "Writer's Card".

The Three of Diamonds:
Creativity with money. Need to be doing something and may be very busy with more than one job or project going. Could indicate worry about money the person is not using their energies productively.

The Three of Spades:
Creativity in Spades! The "Artist's Card."

The fours signal a time of routine and stability.

The Four of Hearts:
 A strong foundation for love. A home. A family.

The Four of Clubs:
Mental stability. Peace of mind. Clear thinking, solid foundation of knowledge. However beware of stubbornness or closed thinking.

The Four of Diamonds:
Solid values. Security. When this card shows up it means we know what we want and how to get it.

The Four of Spades:
The strongest card for security and stability. Health and work are running well when the four of spades appears.

Incidentally, unlike tarot cards where so much of the meaning depends on our subjective interpretation of the pictures, reading with a regular deck of cards depends mainly on simply how well we can remember these basic meanings. I have no qualms about writing the meanings directly on the cards. This will help you quickly memorize the key ideas and you'll find yourself becoming a fluent reader in no time. In fact, with the full moon eclipse this weekend people are going to be eager to reveal their deepest hidden secrets to you!

In joy,

Rosada, EXT 2340


  1. Nice start guys...I went through the website and I found that you made decent point here. Keep up the topic that everyone can choose one of the best. Thanks.

    Online Psychic

  2. Hi Rosada,

    Um, I sent in a comment a few months ago where you mentioned the no shopping moon void of course thing and i had bought some clothes and shoes, all 60% and I love them all and wear the jacket almost everyday, so from experience I cant say MVC indicates bad purchases.

    Oh well cant wait for those secrets to be divulged to me! happy full moon :)

    ps. the first comment above this is spam

  3. Good point Muman! When the moon is void of course the idea is that any intention we have made during that time will not connect, will not manifest. So if you were to apply for a job or go shopping for a specific item the moon void of course warns your search comes to naught. However it can be a very positive line up of planets for unexpected treasures coming in! Going shopping when the moon is void of course is great for finding things you didn't even know you were looking for!
    Thanks for writing,
